Category Archives: Bed Bugs Ontario

  Ontario, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 3rd of October 2024 23:05 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

We cannot vouch for the truthfulness of any report on this site. If you feel a location has been reported in error, or want to dispute a report, please contact us.

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Bed Bugs | City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Bed bugs are small oval shaped insects. They do not fly; they crawl and attach themselves to surfaces such as clothing, furniture and luggage. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide that we exhale and can affect anyone at any time.

Bed bugs are most active at night and are usually found where people sleep. They can also be found in any public space, such as businesses, offices and areas where people gather.

Bed bugs arenotknown to transmit infectious disease to humans. If bitten, some people may have an allergic reaction that presents as itchy welts. The mental health impacts to people living with bed bugs can include anxiety and insomnia.

These bite marks appear within minutes or days and are usually on the face, neck, upper torso, arms and hands. Not everyone reacts to a bed bug bite.

The following signs can indicate a bed bug bite:

Most bed bug bites go away on their own and do not need treatment.

Bed bugs are most active at night and are usually found where people sleep. They can alsobe found in any public space, such as businesses, offices and areas where people gather.

Bed bug activity can be identified by the following:

Places to look for bed bugs include:

Tip:Place glue boards, double sided tape or bed bug interceptors under your bed legs to monitor and catch the bed bugs.

It is important to take immediate action if you suspect that you have bed bugs. Bed bugs can spread rapidly so it is important to report these pests as soon as you suspect that they are in your home.

When you have reported bed bugs to your landlord or hired a licensed pest control company, follow their instructions on how to prepare your home for treatment. In addition, you can begin taking the actions recommended below for bed bug removal.

Removing bed bugs from your home takes time, patience and careful cooperation of the resident, a licensed pest control company. If you live in rental housing, the landlord will also need to be involved.

Do not try to treat your home with pesticides yourself. Pesticides available in retail stores are of little effect against bed bugs and will not kill bed bug eggs. Using these products will cause bed bugs to scatter and spread to other rooms, making it harder to get rid of all the bed bugs. Pesticides can also be harmful to people and to pets.

Only a licensed pest control professional should handle chemical pesticides. If you live in rental housing, the landlord is responsible for providing pest control services and you are responsible for helping to prepare your home for treatment.

The pest control company should inspect your home, describe the treatment and tell you how to prepare your home for treatment. Treatment should be done at least two times, 10 to 14 days apart, in order to effectively remove bed bugs and eggs that can survive after the first treatment. Often, more than two treatments are needed.

Review the 3 steps below to help prepare for treatment.

Dispose of unneeded items by placing them into plastic bags, seal tightly, and dispose of the bag in an outdoor garbage container. Clutter acts as ideal hiding spots for bed bugs and other pests.

Careful vacuuming is an important step to getting rid of bed bugs and preparing for a pest control treatment.

There are some things you can do to prevent bringing bed bugs into your home.

Learn how to check for bed bugs while travelling.

If your work requires that you visit homes that may have bed bugs, take simple precautions to avoid bringing them home. Learn more about what precautions you can take.

Make checking for bed bugs part of your cleaning routine and check regularly. The earlier you find them, the easier it is to get rid of them.

Public Health ServicesCall 905-546-2489 to report bed bug or other pest infestations.

Landlord and tenant boardThe landlord and tenant board helps with disputes between landlords and tenants about bed

Hamilton Housing Help CentreIf you are low-income and unable to prepare your home for bed bug treatment due to a disability, you may qualify for help. You should speak with the Hamilton Wentworth Housing Help Centre to find out if you qualify.Phone:

More information on professional pest control companies in your area can be found at:Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario1-800-

Public Health ServicesPhone: 905-546-2489Email:

The rest is here:
Bed Bugs | City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Bed Bug Strategy – CityHousing Hamilton


August 12, 2014

Dear Tenant,

As ofFebruary 1st, if you have bed bugs please call CityHousing Hamilton at 905-546-2121. Please note that this is a new phone number.

The CityHousing Hamilton staff willdispatch a contractor who will treat your unit for bed bugs.

Please post this on your refrigerator for future reference.

To report BED BUGS call 905-546-2121

Office Hours are: Monday to Friday

8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.


24 hours notice is needed to reschedule appointments

If you are not available at the scheduled time to let the Contractor into your home, Please call the Contractor or CityHousing Hamilton to reschedule the appointment.

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Bed Bug Strategy - CityHousing Hamilton

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Bed bugs in Hamilton, Ontario: lessons for landlords and …

The Hamilton Spectator reports on the spread of bed bugs in that Ontario city.

The story focuses on Lisa Courtneys bed bug battle:

Courtney tossed out her bed, mattress and linens. CityHousing, Hamiltons social housing agency, had her Cumberland Avenue apartment treated and life returned to normal.

But now, the bedbugs are back. Courtneys anxiety has shot up with reports of three neighbours with the same problem.

Im psychotic now, because people down the hall have them, too, she said.

Landlords need to learn that you cant simply treat the unit of the person who complains about bed bug bites. You have to have all adjacent units (above, below, and on all sides) carefully inspected and treated if necessary.

Apartment managers would be advised to read this article from about dealing with bed bugs in the properties under their care.

Since bed bugs can be hard to detect, especially in the early stages of infestation, landlords may also consider that treating all adjacent units where bed bugs have not been found may be a good idea. The City of Bostons Housing Division actually requires this when the Inspectional Services Department finds bed bugs in an apartment:

Our Standard bed bug notice of violation also requires that owners inspect all units in the dwelling, and they must treat all horizontally and vertically adjacent units to the infested unit(s).

Boston landlords treat adjacent units even if they turn up no visible signs of bed bugs.You dont know how often Bedbuggers tell us (often in the forums) both of the following: (a) I have had 4+ bed bug treatments and the problem persists, and (b) none of my neighbors have bed bugs. When pressed, people invariably say neighbors were asked. Since as many as 50% of people dont react to bites, asking doesnt do much. Many times, inspection also turns up nothing. And then a few months later, lo and behold, bed bugs are back.

You also dont know how often I hear (often in discreet emails) about professionals eventually discovering the badly-infested unit, with so many bed bugs theyre falling from the walls in broad daylight invariably a bed bug infestation later discovered in a building where some other poor soul thought they were the only ones infested. Sometimes neighbors dont know they have bed bugs because they cant see them.

Other times bed bugs are clearly visible, but residents dont know what they are, or fear repercussions for bringing the problem to light, or are impaired in some way such that they cannot recognize the problem or act on it, or (in rare cases) they know and just dont care (shudder).

The good news is Hamilton is taking bed bugs seriously:

Stan Yung, a Hamilton public health manager, says the city is already intervening. It has been tracking cases since 2005 and now has a new public education campaign.

(I look forward to hearing how they are tracking infestations.)

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Bed bugs in Hamilton, Ontario: lessons for landlords and ...

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Sudbury lands 8th on list of bed bug-ridden cities –

Sudbury, you've made it to the top of another list.

The city has been ranked the eighth most bed bug-ridden city in Canada behind Halifax and just ahead of Scarborough, according to Orkin Canada.

The pest control company ranked 25 cities that deal with the critters.

Toronto capped the list, while another northern city, Sault Ste. Marie, came in at 23rd.

Orkin released its list of the 25 most bed bug-ridden cities in Canada. (Orkin Canada)

According Orkin, bed bugs are "efficient hitch hikers" and may be found in any cool, dark place.

Specifically, large apartment buildings and hotels are hotspots for the pests, according to Orkin Sudbury branch manager Andre Briere.

Orkin is not the only company noticing a high volume of bed bed complaints coming from Sudbury.

Bed bug treatments have increased by15 per cent over the past year in the city, according to Bill Dowd, the vice president of Truly Nolen Pest Control.

"Bed bugs don't discriminate. They'll go everywhere and anywhere," Dowd said.

"They crawl underneath cracks and crevices, and get in wall cavities or hide in areas, which are very hard to treat."

The Greater Sudbury Housing Corporation is also seeing a yearly rise in bed bug concerns.

It is trying to combat the stigma associated with infestations by holding information sessions.

"We know that bed bugs can't jump or fly," said Dan Saumer, manager of maintenance services.

"They're just slow crawlers, and we have videos that we show our residents. It really does take away the fear."

Orkin also offers some suggestions to make sure you're not picking up any travellers on summer vacation.

On their website, Orkin says Sudbury homeowners should also be aware of ants and mice trying to move inside to store winter goods, and also nuisance animals like squirrels and chipmunks, who become more noticeable in the summer.

Meanwhile, the Sudbury and District Health Unit is seeing a decrease in the number of confirmed bed bug complaints.

Infestation cases have dropped by 21 incidents over the past four years, according to environmental health manager Burgess Hawkins, who notes most cases come from rental accomodations.

In 2012, he said the health unit received 45 complaints. In 2016, there were 24.

"I believe that landlords and that are following up far more quickly to complaints we receive from tenants," Hawkins said.

"We're not getting the calls."

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Sudbury lands 8th on list of bed bug-ridden cities -

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Toronto ranked number 1 city in Canada for bed bugs – CityNews

Toronto often finds itself perched at the top of various best-of lists. In recent years The Big Smoke has been voted one of the top cities to live and work in the world, with the some of the best restaurants in the country.

But theres little to brag about when it comes to the latest list weve topped. According to pest control provider, Orkin Canada, were number one when it comes to bed bugs.

Toronto topped all Canadian cities when it came to the number of commercial and residential bed bug treatments carried out by Orkin.

Heres the top 10:

The dubious honour may not come as a surprise to some. Bed bugs have been spotted in Toronto Public Library books, on the TTC, and in numerous rental and vacation properties. According to the bed bug registry, there are currently 2270 reports for the critters across the city.

Heres some helpful tips for homeowners and vacationers trying to stay bed-bug free: (Source: Orkin Canada)

Read more from the original source:
Toronto ranked number 1 city in Canada for bed bugs - CityNews

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