How to Eliminate Bed Bugs – PF Harris

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Most insecticides used for bed bug control are primarily of the pyrethroid class of pesticides, like Harris Bed Bug Killer. Elimination of bed bugs in a home involves use of effective insecticides applied to all points where bed bugs are present. Our water-based, odorless treatments must directly contact the bed bugs during application. Repeated insecticide applications within 4 weeks may be required to kill bed bugs that later hatch from eggs, along with those that may have been missed during earlier treatment.

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Aerosol foggers of non-persisting insecticides are less effective for bed bug control. At most, these kill a few of the insects that are directly contacted with sufficient quantity of the insecticide. However, they dont adequately penetrate hiding sites of some bed bugs, resulting in failure of eradication.

Thoroughly vacuum all 6 sides of box springs and mattresses. Vacuum all cracks and crevices within the furniture of the bed and nearby electrical outlets, baseboards and floors prior to treatment. Empty the vacuum contents into a plastic bag and discard in trash.

Sheets and other bedding can be easily disinfected by laundering that involves a dryer cycle. The high temperatures involved in drying are critical to successfully kill bed bugs, with exposure to temperatures exceeding 120 F for 20 minutes usually sufficient to kill all life stages.

When stripping beds during a bed bug treatment, pull the sheets carefully so as not to dislodge eggs or drop bed bugs onto the floor where they may be missed by other treatments. Accidental spread of bed bugs can also be prevented by bagging the bedding as it is moved to the laundry.

Mattress encasements enclose your mattress and box spring and are an integral step in the treatment process for two reasons: 1. They protect your investment in bedding 2. They reduce the areas where bed bugs can hide nearest to you. The water-resistant, tight-weave fabric prevents the entry of even the smallest bed bug.

Harris Mattress & Box Spring Protective Encasement Covers

Disposal may be considered for mattresses, box springs, couches or other furniture that is heavily infested with bed bugs. If this is done, proper disposal should be ensured. Leaving such items on the street for disposal may cause them to be scavenged, which will spread infestations to new dwellings. Be careful when removing the items from the structure so that bed bugs will not become dislodged and infest other areas inside.

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How to Eliminate Bed Bugs - PF Harris

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