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For some clients the advanced preparation needed for bed bug extermination is overwhelming. For others their time is their most precious commodity and they simply do not have time to clean, launder, and organize their living space and personal possessions before a bed bug extermination treatment. Enter in the Bed Bug Concierge, a new service that makes getting rid of bed bugs in your home or apartment easy.

The Bed Bug Concierge will provide bed bug extermination preparation and off-site fumigation.A specially trained preparation crew will care for all your belongings as if they were our own. The services are discreet, all vehicles are unobtrusively marked, and the equipment is carried in to your home or building concealed plastic bags. Preparation will consist of a inside preparation, off-site treatment, temporary storage of your belongings until a sure "kill" of bed bugs is ascertained, and then the return of your belongings.

Here are just a few of the things that the Bed Bug Concierge can do for you:

Bed Bug Concierge service personnel are trustworthy, competent, and efficient. All personnel undergo a background check before employment. We understand that preparing your home or apartment for a bed bug extermination treatment requires intrusion into your personal space and the team tries to be respectful of that and use quality trustworthy personnel to handle your possessions.


Once you have selected the items that the Bed Bug Concierge team is to prepare, they visually inspects each item for bed bugs. each item is wiped with Isopropyl alcohol and encapsulated utilizing heavy duty clear plastic. Whenever possible the team will remove the air in the plastic package utilizing a Hepa vacuum. These prepared plastic bags will remain on your property sealed until after the second application of bed bug insecticides.If we feel that there is not enough room for the Stern Environmental bed bug extermination team to operate in, additional items will be removed to the team's temporary storage facility for you.

All clothing,linens, and soft goods such as draperies will be sent to be fumigated at an off-site secure location.Fumigation for bed bugs is done with Sulfuryl Fluoride (Vikane). Vikane is a gas that leaves no residue or film.It is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

Furniture items can even be removed for fumigation as needed. Once the fumigation is complete (typically in 16 to 21 hours), your items are moved into a climate controlled secure storage facility and are temporarily stored for you for up to 14 days.

Once the Stern Environmental Group bed bug exterminators have completed a final application to kill your bed bugs, the Bed Bug Concierge team will make an appointment with you or your building to ensure the use of the freight elevator to expedite the return of your belongings.

The Bed Bug Concierge can even offer unpacking services to help you get your personal effects back in drawers and in your closet right away.

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bed bug prep services | bed bug concierge | bed bug clean up ...

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