Bed bug Control & Treatments in Atlanta GA | Repellent Sprays

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Bed bugs are very much visible to the eye. They are large enough to see without any magnification; they can grow up to 1/4 inch long. Young hatch looking much like adults just much smaller. Most species will appear to be a transparent tan or beige color but will quickly turn dark brown, almost black, once they have fed. Bed bugs have almost a round body though it appears to be more oval upon closer observation. Bed bugs have six legs and are very good walkers.

It is important to understand that bed bugs are very much visible to the ey. The author has dealt with many people who believe they have an active infestation of bed bugs when no trace of anything can be found. Their infestation is the conclusion based on all the wrong premises; only when specimens which have been properly identified can one be sure bed bugs are the active insect.


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Here are some of the more misleading situations which cause people to erroneously conclude they have bed bugs.

These misperceptions along with some others which have been handed down over time has caused the bed bug to be the likely culprit when in fact the real problem is some other insect or not an insect at all. Lets review some of the bed bugs basic biology so a better understanding of how it develops, where it comes from and how to control local infestations can be achieved.

Bed bugs are in the family of cimicidae which are insects that have short forewings, oval to round body shapes and a flat profile. They are parasites of mammals and birds and though generally animal specific, bed bugs will feed on any animal that can provide a blood meal when faced with limited selections. There are over 100 species around the world with over 15 existing in the continent of North America. It is easy to identify a bed bug but very hard to determine just which species it may be.

Of all the pests mankind has had to endure over time, bed bugs might very well be the most hated and disgusting. Unlike the flea or mosquito which feed for a very short amount of time, the bed bug tends to suck blood for 3-5 minutes and in some cases over 15 minutes during its meals. This in of itself makes people queasy when thinking about bed bugs possibly feeding on them but when combined with the fact that bed bugs are nocturnal and only take advantage of us when we are most vulnerable asleep bed bugs evoke a feeling of gross hatred.

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Bed bug Control & Treatments in Atlanta GA | Repellent Sprays

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