Bed Bug Cases Downtown LA Law Group

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Bed Bug Statistics Bed bugs have become more and more present as the population has increased and travel has become more commonplace. Now, bed bugs are able to commute from place to place by latching onto luggage, clothing, merchandise, and more. Before, bed bugs were usually able to move in the rare times that candidates traveled. As such, there are more reports of the creatures and the infestations affecting numerous establishments, from homes and apartment complexes to hotels and nursing facilities. In the last year alone, 97% of polled pest control professionals have reported attending to bed bug infestations. These individuals are usually called in to deal with another issue. The callers, in 84% of cases, mistake the bed bugs for fleas. Less commonly, they believe them to be roaches. Mixing up fleas and bed bugs is actually quite common. Pest control professionals have to use a lot of resources and methods to eradicate the bugs, and 68% of exterminators state that bed bugs are the most difficult pests to get rid of. Reports have shown that the locations with high population density and poverty lines have increased occurrences of bed bugs. For example, Baltimore, MD, is the city with the most active bed bug pest control services. Los Angeles ranks 4th on the same list; on average, there are about 55 bed bug reports per month in the county of Los Angeles. However, this number can be deceiving; many victims of bed bugs do not make reports or let anyone know that they are suffering from such an infestation. If they do, they may be met with shame, face guilt, or feel embarrassment. Some landlords may also deny liability and not take the report seriously. Victims of bed bug infestations take legal action from time to time. Not every case is settled or goes to trial, but those that do wind up with the victims leaving with somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 for their damages. Larger settlements and verdicts are more common in cases of extreme negligence or when numerous individuals are affected.

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Learn more about your legal options: call (888) 649-7166 and speak with a representative now.

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Bed Bug Cases Downtown LA Law Group

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