Category Archives: Bed Bugs Maryland

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9 Symptoms and Signs of Bed Bugs | Terminix

Bed bugs are a nasty and uncomfortable problem. Signs and symptoms of bed bugs can be hard to detect at first, and even trickier to treat. To the untrained eye, bed bug bites can be confused with those of other biting insects.

Here are nine easy signs help you know if you have a bed bug problem.

People don't often consider bed bugs until they've left their mark. The appearance of flat, red welts in zigzag lines or small clusters is a key sign of bed bugs on humans. Bed bugs can also leave their bites in straight rows and, while they don't spread diseases to humans, their bites are quite irritating and scratching them can lead to bleeding and infection.

Bed bugs are most often found in the bed, where humans spend most of their nights. It makes logical sense for bed bugs to be most active at night while humans are in bed with them. Should you find yourself developing those itchy welts while laying in bed sleeping (or trying to sleep), it's likely bed bugs are the problem.

Bed bugs tend to feed on exposed skin such as that on your arms and shoulders, which you may tend to leave uncovered while sleeping. This is different from, say, fleas and chiggers, which tend to bite around the ankles.

The first sign of a bed bug problem is obvious: the bed. After bed bugs feed on humans, they'll leave behind blood stains resembling small rust spots. These will usually be found near the corners and edges of the bed. Bed bugs also shed their skin, or molt, several times as they mature, so you may find their oval brown exoskeletons during your search.

A strong, unpleasant, musty odor like that of a wet towel is another common bed bug symptom. Bed bugs release pheromones, and when in large numbers, the smell can be quite strong. Should you find your bedroom smelling like a dirty locker room, you may want to perform an inspection.

Remember, bed bugs aren't confined to your home. They can be found wherever you sleep, including hotel rooms.

Here are some quick inspection tips to help you avoid a serious problem, whether on the road or at home:

Strip the mattress and box spring and thoroughly inspect the corners and seams. Use a magnifying glass and a flashlight. You're looking for rust-colored, reddish-brown blood stains and/or small brown ovals (molted bed bug skin).

After searching the bed, it's time to move to the rest of the room. Check anything upholstered, including chairs, couches, curtains and the edges of the carpet. Look in and behind dressers, underneath the bed and if possible, behind the headboard. Always be on the lookout for the signature reddish-brown spots.

Bed bugs can also cling to clothing, which is how they can travel and spread so adeptly. Be sure to look in your closets and check your clothing thoroughly. Bed bugs on clothes means bed bugs on humans.

As stated above, one way detect bed bugs is their smell. The scent of their pheromones can be quite strong. It's often described as a musty odor.

Since it's possible for people to go for long periods without being aware they have a bed bug infestation, knowing the key bed bug symptoms and how to find these pests will go a long way in combating them.

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9 Symptoms and Signs of Bed Bugs | Terminix

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Bed Bugs: Facts, Information and Pictures | Terminix

Bed bugs get their name from their favorite feeding ground: You, in your own bed. These blood-suckers live in or near beds or other textiles, crawling up to bite you as you sleep, sometimes leaving you with itchy red marks or welts. Under optimal conditions, bed bugs can double their population every 16 days. But what exactly are bed bugs? How do you identify them, where do they live, and what should you do if you suspect your home might be infested? Read on to learn more.

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on human blood, usually at night. They can be found in nearly every corner of the world. The common bed bug is the most widespread species, though there are a few other species that can be found in certain parts of the world. The common bed bug is the one you would most likely find in your home if you live in the United States.

Reports of these pests have been on the rise in recent decades. Bed bugs also tend to spread quickly from place to place, which makes them bad news for just about everybody. Schools, hotels, movie theaters and other structures have been shut down because of bed bug infestations.

If you think you may have bed bugs in your home, it's important to be able to identify them. Bed bugs look different at different stages of their life cycle, but they tend to be from one to three millimeters long. Adult bed bugs are oval shaped and brown or reddish brown in color. They are also very thin and flat, which makes it easy for them to squeeze in tight places. After feeding, however, their bodies get longer and more red in color.

In their nymph stage, bed bugs may be tan, white, yellowish or nearly transparent, and will be much smaller than adults. Bed bugs feed on blood at all stages of their life.

If you wake up in the morning with itchy, red bites on your body, this may be one of the signs that you've been bitten by bed bugs. It's important to note, though, that not all people react to bed bug bites, so you may have bed bugs even if you don't notice you've been bitten. However, there are some telltale signs of bed bug bites that may tip you off to having been bitten.

For many people, though, bed bug bites look like small, raised, red welts, and they often appear in lines or clusters. They are much smaller than mosquito bites, but are often quite itchy.

Are bed bugs dangerous? Bed bug bites are annoying, but luckily, these pests aren't known to carry disease like mosquitoes and other parasites do. However, some people may have severe allergic reactions to bites, or scratching bed bug bites may lead to skin infections, according to the CDC.

Knowing more about bed bug behavior and these creatures' habits can help you learn more about how to prevent them and protect yourself from an infestation. In this section, we'll look at how and when they feed, and their life cycle.

Bed bugs will feed on any warm-blooded mammal. It's easier for them to bite humans, though, as we are not covered in thick fur like pets. Bed bugs tend to feed while we are asleep and are attracted to bodily warmth and the carbon dioxide humans exhale. This attracts them to a reliable source of blood so they can feed.

Bed bugs can feed as often as once a day and need to feed before molting. It only takes them a few minutes to feed before they go back into hiding for the rest of the night.

Nymph and adult bed bugs derive their food source from the blood of animals, including humans. A bed bug's life begins with a five-stage growth cycle to adulthood over about 37 days.

As adults, they can live for about a year, depending on their access to food and the ambient temperature. An adult female bed bug can lay roughly 113 eggs in her lifetime. At this rate, bed bug populations can double every 16 days. With thousands of bed bugs in one location, infestations take hold quickly.

Here's a little more about the life cycle of a bed bug:

Bed bug nymphs are tiny -- only around a millimeter long. They are usually whitish in color, but are ready to feed as soon as they hatch.

In this stage, the bug grows a little and starts to darken in color. While they're still tiny, they are about to shed their skin and grow again.

In this stage, just as in previous stages, the bug has grown a little more, reaching about three millimeters in length.

The bug continues to grow, feed and shed its skin. It has nearly reached maturity.

In this stage, the bug is nearly full grown and must feed and shed its skin once more before adulthood.

In just over a month, the bug has gone from an egg to an adult. It is now ready to mate and create potentially hundreds more bugs in your home.

After the male and female bed bugs mate, the female requires a blood meal to produce eggs. The female bed bug typically produces between 5 and 20 eggs per blood meal. Most of the eggs hatch and mature in 37 days. Because they can store fertilized eggs for some time, female bed bugs can reproduce even when apart from males.

Because they reproduce so quickly, bed bug infestations can spread rapidly, especially in homes with shared walls like apartments or townhomes. They can climb through tiny cracks and will stay hidden until they're ready to feed.

Bed bugs are also notorious hitchhikers. They will cling onto your clothes, shoes or luggage when you travel, and will set up a nest wherever they happen to land. This is why they can be such a problem in hotels, office buildings, schools and other public places.

Bed bugs are attracted to humans due to the carbon dioxide they exhale, along with other chemical cues released while we are sleeping. These pests have one mission - to feed on your blood. Bed bugs do not prefer dirty homes over clean homes. They don't care about where they nest, as long as they have access to a regular supply of blood.

If you live in an apartment or in a housing unit that shares walls with another unit, you may be more at risk for bed bugs. Because bed bugs will crawl to find more human hosts when their nest grows, high density residences and frequently traveled places like hotels and taxis become bed bug transportation stations. Buying used furniture is another way to acquire bed bugs at home.

The best way to reduce your bed bug risk is to carefully check for them when you are changing your bed, returning home with luggage and buying used items. Examine these items outside before bringing them into your home.

Bed bugs like to cluster together near their human host's bed, so they don't have to travel far to their next feeding. It can get crowded quickly there, so bed bugs may hide in extremely tight places nearby, which makes them difficult to get rid of.

If you miss the bugs hiding in nearby furnishings, carpet edges, or even wallpaper, these outliers can reestablish their home in your bed in a matter of weeks. Bed bugs can be a nightmare to treat, especially if you try to do it yourself.

Common places bed bugs hide include electrical sockets, bed frames, mattresses, between couch cushions, in the zippers of pillows and anywhere they aren't often disturbed. They quickly scurry out of that hiding place once every few days to feed, and then they hide away until they're hungry again.

There are a few common signs that you may have bed bugs in your home. Of course, as mentioned above, bites are a big warning that you may be housing an infestation.

You can also look for dark stains on your bedsheets, which may be bed bug feces. You can also be on the lookout for bloodstains on your sheets or clothing. Bed bug eggs, shells, and live bed bugs are less commonly seen, but can also be sure signs that you have a problem.

Because they are so small and difficult to spot, bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of. If you think you have bed bugs in your home, it's important to call a bed bug control professional. When you call Terminix for a free inspection, a pro will first confirm whether you have bed bugs by identifying a sample. Then they'll be able to discover the extent of the infestation, and provide you with customized treatment options to help take care of your bed bug problem. Call Terminix today for a free inspection.

Probably not, but these facts about bed bugs will dispel common myths and might actually give you some comfort while you sleep tonight. At the very least, youll learn that there wont be any bed bugs flying over your pillow. Unfortunately, that doesnt mean they cant crawl.

If youve ever thought you might be able to starve bed bugs to death by not sleeping in an infested room for a while, you are out of luck. In some cases, bed bugs have been known to survive more than a year without a blood meal.

Bed bugs might be just as lazy as their name suggests. While they dont limit themselves to hiding in beds, they do limit the amount of exercise they are willing to commit to for the sake of a meal. Some bed bugs will travel up to 100 feet in search of a host, but on average, most bed bugs wont travel more than 30 feet.

Perhaps part of the reason that bed bugs prefer not to travel has to do with their speed. Bed bugs can only move about 3 to 4 feet per minute. On a flat surface without any obstacles in the way, it would take a bed bug almost an entire day to move just 1 mile.

Among all of these other facts about bed bugs, this one might be especially comforting. Bed bugs dont have any hind wings and their front wings are no more than wing-like pads. As such, they are unable to fly. They also dont jump.

If you are suspicious about a small piece of furniture in your home containing bed bugs, place it in the bathtub until you have a chance to inspect and clean it. Just make sure the bathtub is clean. While bed bugs are hopeless against a perfectly smooth surface, they can sometimes use the dirt on an otherwise slippery side, in order to escape.

The idea of basking in the hot sand all day would not be particularly attractive to a bed bug. In fact, in temperatures over 110 degrees Fahrenheit, bed bugs cant live for more than three or four hours.

You are likely to be haunted by any insect that sneaks up on you at night, but bed bugs can have a particularly ghost-like appearance. A newly matured, nymph bed bug, or one that hasnt fed for a very long time, will appear translucent. Bed bugs only gain color after they have had a blood meal. After its very first meal, a nymph bed bug will turn bright red.

After taking a break from tormenting the human population, bed bugs have made a major resurgence over that past few years. This has led to a number of lawsuits regarding bed bugs. One of the biggest payouts as a result of a bed bug lawsuit was more than $600,000.

If these facts about bed bugs havent exactly brought on the comfort of counting sheep, consider calling a pest management professional. Call Terminix today and you can schedule a free bed bug inspection. Or, you could just count the bed bugs until they put you to sleep. Sounds soothing, right?

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Bed Bugs: Facts, Information and Pictures | Terminix

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Maryland Residents Mini Guide To Avoiding Bed Bugs

Are you concerned about getting a bed bug infestation in your Maryland home? We understand why. Bed bugs are disturbing pests. There is something unsettling about bugs that wait for you to go to sleep and then come out to feed on you while you're unconscious and defenseless. But that isn't where they're creepiness ends. Bed bugs have a preference for human blood. You're not just one of many warm-blooded mammals to feed on; you are the preferred meal choice. Bed bugs prefer human blood so much, they have chosen to dwell with us almost exclusively since the dawn of human history. This makes them frustrating to prevent. Why? Because they don't come into your Maryland home in a way that is preventablelike most other pests do. You can't invest in a residential pest control program for the exterior of your home and call it a day. Bed bugs hitchhike into your home, bypassing any exterior pest control barrier you have in place. This requires a different kind of pest prevention. Here's what you need to know.

Would you know a bed bug if you saw one? You might not. When bed bugs first hatch, they don't look like adult bed bugs. They aren't a rusty brown color, they're pale or tan in coloration. This is what stage they're likely to be in when you see them because immature nymphs can feed any time of day. Adult bed bugs prefer to wait for CO2 levels to climb before they come out to feed, which is usually at night. If you see a pale, mostly transparent insects with six legs and a bright red abdomen feeding on your skin, it is important that you recognize it as a bed bug. Proper identification could prevent you from bringing an infestation home with you.

No matter where you go, always keep an eye out for bed bug warning signs. Bed bugs can be anywhere. They've been found infestating all forms of public transportation, movie theaters, libraries, daycares, schools, police lockups, retail stores, and many more. If they can find people sitting, lounging, or sleeping in a dark room, they can find a blood meal. Look for these signs:

If anyone in your home spends the night somewhere, consider taking these precautions to keep from bringing an infestation home:

When you get home from a trip, run all of your laundry items through a hot dryer cycle for 30 minutes. It is a good idea to put duffle bags, sleeping bags, and other items that won't be damaged, through a 30-minute dryer cycle as well. Your dryer is a powerful weapon in the war on bed bugs. Sustained high temperatures kill bed bugs in all stages of development.

There are two ways to deal with bed bugs when you see them. Your dryer is the first and most powerful tool for killing bed bugs but, when you can't dry an item, you'll need to do something else. If the bed bugs or bed bug eggs are in a place you can directly treat, you can use rubbing alcohol. If they are inside an item, it is a more complicated issue and we suggest that you let a professional treat the specific item.

If you live in Maryland, remember that American Pest is always standing by to assist you with any pest control issue you're dealing with, including bed bugs. We offer comprehensive bed bug treatment options for residents and businesses throughout Maryland and fast relief from these tormenting pests. Reach out to us. We're here to help.

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Maryland Residents Mini Guide To Avoiding Bed Bugs

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Maryland Injury Law Advisor Who Is Responsible For Bed Bugs?

It is a pleasure to write an article about contemptible blood-sucking scoundrels . . . who are not lawyers.

That is because todays question is Who Is Responsible For Bed Bugs?

Bed Bugs are parasitic insects that feed exclusively on blood. Cimex lectularius, the common Bed Bug, is the best known as it prefers to feed on human blood. When it does, it leaves behind itchy bites and welts as well as an overwhelming desire for revenge.

So, from whom can bite victims get revenge?

There are actually two legal questions we should discuss: (1) who is responsible for exterminating Bed Bugs and (2) who can be responsible for harm that the Bed Bugs cause to people or property?

Who has the duty to exterminate Bed Bugs depends on where you live. That is, the law varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Many states and local governments have imposed a duty on landlords to maintain their buildings free of rodents and vermin or, in some cases, specifically to exterminate Bed Bugs. But in some locations, the landlords responsibility to exterminate only arises if more than one unit is infested.

If you have a Bed Bug infestation, before trying to figure out your jurisdictions law on this subject, look at your lease which may make extermination your landlords responsibility. Remember to look for terms such as rodents and vermin as well as just Bed Bugs. If there is no answer in your lease, there may be a local housing or health department that is familiar with local law and can help you. Of course, you can also consult a lawyer who can determine the law in your area and protect your legal rights.

There are a number of legal theories that can be a basis for a legal claim against your landlord for harm done by Bed Bugs.

You can make a premises liability claim. More specifically, you can claim that your landlord was negligent by allowing the condition to exist or by failing to warn you of the danger.

There is also a doctrine in the law called the implied warranty of habitability. Under this doctrine, every residential lease is presumed to include a warranty that the premises are fit for human habitation. If Bed Bug infestation makes your property uninhabitable, you can sue your landlord for damages.

The Maryland Consumer Protection Act also gives a new tenant who moves into an undisclosed bed bug infestation a right to receive damages.

Of course, you have to prove any claim you make to receive a legal remedy. Proof of a Bed Bug problem could include such things as preserving the Bed Bugs themselves, making photos of the infestation and making photos of the bite marks and welts that the Bed Bugs caused.

If there is evidence that the landlord knew of the infestation when you moved in, the landlord could be liable not only for compensatory damages but also for punitive damages.

In May, 2013, an Annapolis jury awarded a 69-year-old woman $800,000, $650,000 of which was punitive damages, for bites, lesions and the resulting scarring she suffered as a result of Bed Bugs that the landlord knew about before she moved in but took no action to eliminate.

If you can prove that your Bed Bug infestation originated from a neighbors premises, you could sue that neighbor under the legal doctrine of private nuisance. Nuisance means that if you use your property in a way that interferes with my right to use my property, you may be liable for damages.

Here, also, you have to prove your claim, and it might be difficult to prove that your Bed Bugs came from your neighbors property. That is, unless the Bed Bugs agree to testify.

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**This article is designed to provide helpful information that can be read within 2 minutes. It is neither a full explanation of this subject nor legal advice. To learn more, and to get legal advice on which you can rely, contact me or another lawyer.

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Maryland Injury Law Advisor Who Is Responsible For Bed Bugs?

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Your daily 6: Iranians vow revenge, bedbugs freed in Walmart and Golden Globe awards and red carpet – Journal Times

Australia's government said Monday it was willing to pay "whatever it takes" to help communities recover from deadly wildfires that have ravaged the country.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the government was committing an extra 2 billion Australian dollars ($1.4 billion) toward the recovery effort in addition to the tens of millions of dollars that have already been promised.

"The fires are still burning. And they'll be burning for months to come," Morrison said. "And so that's why I outlined today that this is an initial, an additional, investment of $2 billion. If more is needed and the cost is higher, then more will be provided."

Morrison's announcement of the funds, which will go toward rebuilding towns and infrastructure destroyed by the fires, came as the death toll from the disaster rose with the discovery of a body in a remote part of New South Wales. The body is believed to be that of a 71-year-old man who was last seen on New Year's Eve moving equipment on his property on the state's south coast, police said in a statement. Police found the body on Monday between the property and a car, both of which had been destroyed by fire.

Another person in southern New South Wales was reported missing, New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian said.

Nationwide, at least 25 people have been killed and 2,000 homes destroyed by the blazes, which have so far scorched an area twice the size of the U.S. state of Maryland.

Rain and cooler temperatures on Monday were bringing some relief to communities battling the fires. But the rain was also making it challenging for fire crews to complete strategic burns as they tried to prepare for higher temperatures that have been forecast for later in the week.

Australia's capital, Canberra, had the worst air quality of any major city in the world for much of Monday. The Department of Home Affairs, which is responsible for coordinating the country's response to disasters, told all noncritical staff to stay home because of thick smoke choking the city.

The prime minister said the military was attempting to get food, fuel and water to burned-out communities, and engineers were working to reopen roads and resupply evacuation centers. On Kangaroo Island, a refuge off the coast of South Australia state for some of the country's most endangered creatures, teams had arrived to help euthanize livestock and wild animals injured in the blazes. Hundreds of millions of animals are believed to have died already in the fires across the country.

Heavy smoke, meanwhile, was hampering the navy's efforts to airlift people out of Mallacoota, a coastal town in Victoria cut off for days by fires that forced as many as 4,000 residents and tourists to shelter on beaches over the weekend. Around 300 people were still waiting to be evacuated on Monday.

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