Mass Bed Bug Busters – Bed Bug Dog inspection Boston MA

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Independent Inspection Services and thus No Vested Interest.

Our Bed Bug Detection Dogs, Nicki and Malamar

Mass Bed Bug Busters is a professional bed bug dog inspection service, where . . . Our Dogs Find Bed Bugs Where Humans Cant!

We have been doing exclusively bed bug canine inspections for over 4 years now. We love our scent detection dogs and have a tremendous respect for their ability to detect early signs of bed bug activity, before an infestation turns into a detrimental and expensive, heavy infestation.

Nicki and Malamar are specially trained, single-scent dogs, who locate only the scent of a bed bug and no other insect. Also, they have been trained to only pinpoint the scent of live bed bugs and live eggs, and will ignore cast skins, fecal matter (poop), blood stains, and dead bed bugs or eggs.

Our bed bug dog detection service is available to all types of facilities in Boston, Providence and Hartfordand throughout New England, and we are open to traveling beyond.

We are professional and discreet, and our vehicles do not advertise our services, so your reputation and image aren't jeopardized. Our dogs sweep a room in 3-5 minutes, compared to an average of 30 minutes for an equivalent inspection by a skilled technician. How can you beat that!

Nicki's Blog

Our bed bug dog Nicki, in training.

Mass Bed Bug Busters, LLC

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Mass Bed Bug Busters - Bed Bug Dog inspection Boston MA

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