Quick Tips To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs On Your Cat

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In the past, bed bugs were a common health threat but that suddenly declined in the 20th century. In the recent years, bed bugs have been seen to appear due to increase of travel. Pest control reports indicate that bed bug infestations in homes and other structures are increasing. Bed bugs are known to be smart hitch hikers as they hitch rides on the clothing and luggage of travelers, as well as on second hand furniture. Not only do they feed on the blood of humans, but they also feed on the blood of our pet cats. While it is important for us to get rid of bed bugs for the sake of our health, it is also important to get rid of bed bugs on your cat .

To get rid of bed bugs on your cat, you need to get rid of bed bugs from your home. The best way to achieve this is by following an integrated pest management approach where preventive measures, sanitation and pest control treatments are applied. After you have made attempts to clean and clear off the areas with bed bug infestation, you will need the services of a pest control professional. These professionals will be able to get rid of the bed bugs inside your home and proof it for potential re-infestation.

Once your house has been treated for bed bugs, have your cat bathed outside the home or inside a bath tub and then looked at by a vet. This is important to ensure that there are no bed bugs clinging to your cats fur and that the bed bug bites have not triggered an allergy reaction.

Valerie Williams is a freelance writer specializing in natural pest control solutions. She blogs about different pest control tips for homes and pets, while recommending Preventive Pest Control for professional pest control services.

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Quick Tips To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs On Your Cat

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