Responsibility for treating bed bugs | The Forum for …

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I'm a new landlord and new to MA. I rent the four rooms out to the tenants in my apartment in the beginning of 2011. In July, one of my tenant notified me on the existing of bed bugs. I spoke to a exterminator and understand that the bed bugs were brought into the house from others as there were no bed bugs in the house from the start. I agreed to have a exterminator come in to have these treated as this is part of the law that landlord has to deal with it even though landlord has nothing to do with the bed bugs (the house has no bed bugs from the beginning). Anyway, is there any law to protect the landlord on this kind of issue? If on the Lease Agreement, landlord and tenant agreed the to no matter what kind of bugs in the house, landlord has no responsibility on paying for the treatment. Can this take effected if it's written on the Lease Agreement? For example, as the issue above, if the landlord and tenant agreed on landlord will not pay for the treatment on bed bugs on the Lease Agreement, then will this work when it comes to the MA law that landlord has to treat the bed bugs? If not, then what's the Lease Agreement for/mean if what's written on it does not take effected? I appreciate your time on writing your response/advise. Thank you!

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Responsibility for treating bed bugs | The Forum for ...

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