Bed Bugs Michigan – Bed

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Bed bugs in Michigan

One of the nations most annoying pests are spreading throughout Michigan. Bed bugs have caused headaches for East Coast residents over the last decade, with major outbreaks hitting Philadelphia, Boston, and most famously, New York City. The bugs have taken over entire apartment complexes in ultra-dense Manhattan, affecting thousands of residents and causing million-dollar removal fees.

For the better part of a decade, Michigan residents sat back and watched as other states contended with the parasitic pests. Cities such as Detroit and Ann Arbor were almost completely free of them, as only the occasional outbreak featured on television shows and online reports. Its been this way until 2007, when the bugs started taking over the state at truly unbelievable speeds.

Today, Detroit ranks among the ten most infested cities in the United States, with a wide variety of hotels and apartment buildings reporting issues with the bugs. Pest control companies are working overtime to ensure that the bugs cant spread further, using new chemical cures and innovative heat and ice-based methods to keep the city clean. Its working, although not as quickly as many hope.

While Detroits bed bug problems are minor next to those seen in other major cities, theyre enough to cause severe trouble for its residents. An apartment building in the inner city has had mail service dropped after a major outbreak was reported, and several other buildings within the city have been forced to temporarily house their residents in hotels, serviced apartments, or even family homes.

How are bed bugs spreading through Michigan?

As with other major metropolitan areas, its travel thats to blame for Detroits surge in bug-related problems. With one of the countrys most active international airports and a direct road linking the city to nearby Canada, the bugs are easily able to spread into Michigan from other regions. Cities outside of Detroit have also seen outbreaks due to short-term hotel guests and their luggage.

The bugs are surprisingly athletic, able to crawl at a rate few humans would expect. As such, they can easily move from bedding to luggage without being noticed, particularly during the night-time hours when theyre most active. Pest control experts have stated that the bugs move into luggage, clothing, and other possessions during the night and are subsequently transported to new cities.

Theyre also fierce hair residents, able to take refuge in human hair during the daytime. The bugs can cause skin irritations and severe itching, making them a fairly easy pest to spot when on your person. However, their fairly small size and tendency for compact spaces makes them difficult to spot on clothing, as they can easily burrow into seams and collars in order to avoid detection.

Which cities are most at risk of bed bug infestation?

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Bed Bugs Michigan - Bed

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