Bed Bugs Biting in Missouri | | Columbia, MO |

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COLUMBIA - Recent studies show bed bugs are at an all-time high nationwide, mostly due to a newly-developed resistance to commonly used pesticides. This problem has found its way to Columbia, as local living areas and furniture stores have had to take extra precaution to make sure that bed bugs don't infest their beds, couches and carpets.

The Salvation Army Thrift Store in Jefferson City recently came under fire for having furniture from its store infested with bed bugs. Regional coordinator Major Kendall Matthews insists that the store goes through every precaution to make sure that the furniture sold in the thrift stores are clean and safe for families. He said, "We want the community to know that we do not allow for any creepy crawlies in any of the furniture that we sell at our stores."

With bed bug outbreaks hitting all across the country, residents have to deal with a large hassle before finally getting rid of all the bugs. University of Missouri senior Laura Swan moved into a house that was already infested in July, and explained that she and her roommates had to perform extensive cleaning on top of hiring an extermination company.

Plus, the bed bugs leave a nasty bite. "The bites are super painful," Swan said."They're like a hundred times more itchy than mosquito bites, so it was miserable to be outside."

Because the bed bugs have developed a resistance to more basic and weaker pesticides, experts recommend calling a professional extermination company when dealing with a bed bug infestation.

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Bed Bugs Biting in Missouri | | Columbia, MO |

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