Students at William Paterson University are dealing with bed bugs

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WAYNE On-campus students at William Paterson University are dealing with a kind of pesky roommate that is keeping them up at night, and causing some to complain to the college.


The are reports of bed bugs found at White Hall, a resident building, on the William Paterson University campus.

Bed bugs are back on campus, university officials said. The college has received several reports of bed bugs in two residence halls since the start of the fall semester.

In each case, we've brought in an outside exterminator to treat the problem as soon as possible," the university said in a statement released Tuesday.

William Paterson had four cases out of more than 2,200 dorm beds during 2010-11 school year, officials said last year.

Reports of bed bus on college campuses are fairly common, and many New Jersey colleges take sporadic reports seriously to prevent widespread outbreaks.


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Students at William Paterson University are dealing with bed bugs

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