Bed Bugs (ODH) – Ohio Department of Health Home

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Bed bugs

Learn how to protect yourself against bed bugs while traveling this summer.

Bed bugs are insects that feed on human blood. They are often found near sleeping areas in the seams of mattresses, box springs, cracks and crevices in bed frames, and usually spread to gaps behind baseboards, pictures, wallpaper and electrical outlets. Bed bugs hitchhike into a home on used furniture, clothing or other items brought from infested areas.

When traveling, look for evidence of bed bugs before unpacking. Check pillowcases, sheets and mattresses for their feces which look like dark spots as if someone had touched a magic marker to the fabric. Examine the room thoroughly, especially the wall, baseboard and furniture near the bed. Click here for more travel tips.

Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown, wingless insects about the size of an apple seed. When viewed from the side, they are flat, which is why they can fit into such narrow spaces. Newly hatched bugs are white or yellowish, and resemble the adults, but are smaller. Bed bug eggs are white, about the size of a pinhead, and are found in crevices in clusters of 10 to 50 eggs.

If you identify bed bugs in your home, you will probably require the help of a professional pest control specialist. But a professional cant do it alone.

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Bed Bugs (ODH) - Ohio Department of Health Home

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