Bed Bug Bites

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Skin Reactions to Bed Bugs Symptoms, Treatment, Healing, Marks, Duration & more

Bed bug bites are well documented visually on many websites and in the media. The only confirmation that a skin reaction is a bed bug bite is if there is confirmation that there are viable insects accessible to humans. It is impossible to look at a welt or rash and positively identify it as a bed bug bite. Even trained physicians cannot diagnose skin reactions as bed bug bites just by examining the bites.

Bed bug bites are not visible on all people. People react differently and some have no visible reaction at all. Others react with hive-like symptoms. There are documented cases where two people spend the night in the same bed and one is bitten and covered with welts and the other has no reaction. Generally, if there is a skin reaction, it can lead to itching with the degree of itching varying from person to person.

Bed bugs harbor nearly thirty human pathogens; however, there is no indication that bed bugs spread disease. There are recorded instances of bed bug bites becoming infected due these are due to extreme itching and lesions caused by scratching.

One worthwhile note about bed bug bites is that the bites can take days to manifest into welts or reactions when the human is not regularly bitten. After the antigen is generated from repeated bites, then bed bug bites manifest into welts or irritation from just about immediate to a few days. This is worth noting since welts might appear days after being bitten with the blame placed on the previous night's location when the bites occurred at a totally different location days prior.

What Bed Bug Bites Look Like:

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Bed Bug Bites

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