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How to identify and treat bed bug bites – MSN

Joel Carillet/Getty Images Bed bug bites are often found on the abdomen in groups or clusters. Joel Carillet/Getty Images

Bed bug bites are itchy, annoying, and just plain creepy. Although the bites are generally harmless, it's important to get rid of bed bugs, otherwise they will keep biting you.

Meanwhile, there are a few at-home treatment methods you can use to relieve the itchiness from your bed bug bites. If those don't work, you may want to see your doctor for stronger, prescription medication.

Here's how you can recognize bed bug bites and treat them effectively.

Bed bug bites appear as small red marks on light skin, and could appear as small dark spots on skin that is darker shades, says Sharleen St. Surin-Lord, MD, medical director at Visage Dermatology and Aesthetics Center in Washington D.C.

Usually, they'll appear in clusters of 3 to 5 bites in a zig-zag pattern that reflects where the bug has moved on your body. Although bed bugs can bite anywhere, the bites tend to be concentrated on the abdomen and arms, St. Surin-Lord says.

Bed bug bites tend to be a little smaller than mosquito bites, though it may be difficult to tell them apart from flea bites.

"The difference is that you normally can see the fleas jumping around or the mosquitos, after they have bitten you," St. Surin-Lord says. "Bed bugs are a little more clandestine."

This comparison table can help you diagnose your type of bug bite:

The major symptoms of bed bug bites typically include redness and itchiness.

You can treat these symptoms by first washing the bite site with soapy water to remove any dirt or debris. Then, you can try these at-home remedies:

The itching from bed bug bites can last for up to two weeks, St. Surin-Lord says. That's often prolonged if the infestation hasn't been addressed and the person continues to get new bites.

If you're dealing with severe itchiness despite using the remedies above, you can reach out to your doctor for a more powerful prescription anti-itch cream.

In some cases, St. Surin-Lord prescribes oral steroids to people who have severe itching caused by bed bug bites. The oral steroids can reduce inflammation and itchiness in people who don't get relief from topical creams. They can also help prevent further health complications from the overwhelming itchiness.

"Bedbugs become dangerous when a large part of the body is affected, causing intense itching and scratching, leading to open, wounded, bleeding skin," St. Surin-Lord says. "This now creates a portal for bacteria and skin infections."

Though rare, if you develop a fever alongside your bites, you should check in with your doctor, since that could indicate an underlying infection, St. Surin-Lord says.

Although bed bug bites are generally harmless, they can be very uncomfortable. If you're not getting relief from at-home treatments, reach out to your doctor.

In addition, it's important to treat the infestation and get rid of the bed bugs they will likely keep biting people until they are professionally exterminated.

"No matter what you decide to do, you must rid your home of the bed bugs," St. Surin-Lord says. "If you were at a hotel and feel that you were bitten in their bed and were diagnosed with bed bugs, you should contact that hotel so that they have their rooms treated."

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How to identify and treat bed bug bites - MSN

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How to get rid of bed bugs and how to treat bites – The Irish Sun

GETTING rid of bed bugs can be an unpleasant and tricky job which can often require the help of professionals.

But what can you do to tackle an infestation, how does it occur and how can you treat bites? Here's all you need to know...


Bed bugs are small, blood-sucking insects that can be found in the joints of your mattress.

They crawl out at night and feed on human blood after biting through exposed skin.

Typically they are brown, dark yellow or red in colour, are flat and oval-shaped and are the size of an apple seed.

Although they arent dangerous, they can cause extreme discomfort and stress to those who are bitten by them.

They cant jump or fly, but can crawl long distances, so can quickly spread throughout a building.

Baby bed bugs - called nymphs - shed their skin five times before reaching adulthood and need a blood meal before each shedding.

Adults are about 5mm long.

Usually small, red bites on your skin will be one of the first indications that you have a bed bug problem in your house.

You can then spot further signs of small bugs, tiny white eggs in mattress crevices, or tiny black spots which could be their dried poo.

While you might not spot the creatures at first, an infestation will also see blood spots appearing on your sheets, as you squash the bugs in your sleep, and an unpleasant, musty scent in your bedroom.

Some people may also have a reaction to bedbugs in the form of itching and swelling.

The NHS also warns that a severe allergic reaction is possible, albeit rare.


It can be extremely difficult to get rid of an infestation, so your best bet may be to get professional help.

Once in your home,bedbugscan quickly spread from room to room.

Wait too long before you identify the problem, and they could completely contaminate yourhome.

The NHS advises contacting your local council or a pest control firm that's a member of the British Pest Control Association or National Pest Technicians Association.

Heres what you should do to prevent an infestation:


British Pest control expert Ranjen Gohri, from 24/7 Home Rescue, said thatgrowth in bed bug numbers can be down to the amount of people travelling between countries, as well as their growing resistance to chemicals.

Once in your home, bed bugs can spread from room to room on luggage, clothing and furniture so can quickly be a large problem.

He warned: Bed bugs are becoming more and more common in the UK, and were close to approaching epidemic levels.

We estimate there has been around a three-fold surge in bed bugs in recent years, based on information from our pest controllers. It is a particular problem in highly-populated areas where the bugs can spread easily.

Bed bug bites are painless and often clear up on their own, but some people can have a reaction to the red, itchy bumps on the skin.

In some cases people can experience a rash or fluid-filled blisters and they can get infected with bacteria if scratched.

You can put something cool, like a clean, damp cloth, on the affected area to help with the itching and any swelling.

Keep the infected area clean and prevent infection by not scratching the bite.

You should see your GP if you have any signs of skin infection such as swelling, redness and pain as you may need antibiotics.

The NHS also says you should see a GP if a redness around the bite is spreading.

If they are very itchy you can use antihistaminetablets to relieve the itch and apply a mildsteroid cream(such as hydrocortisone).

You should also clean your bedsheets.

Inspect your mattress andbedregularly for signs of an infestation.

Avoid buying second-hand mattresses and carefully inspect second-hand furniture before bringing it intoyour home.

Keep yourbedroom tidy and remove clutter.

Bedbugsaren't attracted to dirt, so they're not a sign of an unclean home, but clearing up any clutter will reduce the number ofplaces they can hide.

If you live in an apartment, you could be more prone to infestation, asbedbugscan move between flats.

Excerpt from:
How to get rid of bed bugs and how to treat bites - The Irish Sun

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Bed bug bites: The subtle sensation on your skin that means youve been bitten – Express

The nightmare does not end there - bed bug bites can cause allergic reactions in some people, warns the NHS.

As the health body explains, they can be very itchy and there may be painful swelling.

"A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is also possible but rare," it says.

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to a trigger such as an allergy.

READ MORE:Bed bugs warning: The 'musty' smell you should never ignore - signs of 'annoying' bites

Bedbug bites usually clear up on their own in a week or so but there are things you can do to alleviate symptoms.

The NHS recommends the following:

You can also ask a pharmacist about using a mild steroid cream like hydrocortisone cream to ease bed bug bites, the health body says.

If the bites are very itchy and you're unable to sleep, a pharmacist may recommend antihistamines, it adds.

Once your symptoms are treated, you must tackle the underlying infestation.

"This can be difficult because bed bugs hide so well and can live several months without eating," notes Mayo Clinic.

It adds: "Your best bet may be to hire a professional exterminator, who may use a combination of pesticides and non-chemical treatments."

Non-chemical treatments may include:

"Some professional exterminators use portable devices to raise the temperature of a room to a lethal temperature," says Mayo Clinic.

According to the NHS, there are a number of precautions you can take to stop them coming back.

The health body says to not take luggage or clothing indoors without checking it carefully if you have come from somewhere where you know there were bedbugs.

It also says:

Read the rest here:
Bed bug bites: The subtle sensation on your skin that means youve been bitten - Express

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How to get rid of bed bugs and how to treat bites – The Sun

GETTING rid of bed bugs can be an unpleasant and tricky job which can often require the help of professionals.

But what can you do to tackle an infestation, how does it occur and how can you treat bites? Here's all you need to know...


Bed bugs are small, blood-sucking insects that can be found in the joints of your mattress.

They crawl out at night and feed on human blood after biting through exposed skin.

Typically they are brown, dark yellow or red in colour, are flat and oval-shaped and are the size of an apple seed.

Although they arent dangerous, they can cause extreme discomfort and stress to those who are bitten by them.

They cant jump or fly, but can crawl long distances, so can quickly spread throughout a building.

Baby bed bugs - called nymphs - shed their skin five times before reaching adulthood and need a blood meal before each shedding.

Adults are about 5mm long.

Usually small, red bites on your skin will be one of the first indications that you have a bed bug problem in your house.

You can then spot further signs of small bugs, tiny white eggs in mattress crevices, or tiny black spots which could be their dried poo.

While you might not spot the creatures at first, an infestation will also see blood spots appearing on your sheets, as you squash the bugs in your sleep, and an unpleasant, musty scent in your bedroom.

Some people may also have a reaction to bedbugs in the form of itching and swelling.

The NHS also warns that a severe allergic reaction is possible, albeit rare.


It can be extremely difficult to get rid of an infestation, so your best bet may be to get professional help.

Once in your home,bedbugscan quickly spread from room to room.

Wait too long before you identify the problem, and they could completely contaminate yourhome.

The NHS advises contacting your local council or a pest control firm that's a member of the British Pest Control Association or National Pest Technicians Association.

Heres what you should do to prevent an infestation:


British Pest control expert Ranjen Gohri, from 24/7 Home Rescue, said thatgrowth in bed bug numbers can be down to the amount of people travelling between countries, as well as their growing resistance to chemicals.

Once in your home, bed bugs can spread from room to room on luggage, clothing and furniture so can quickly be a large problem.

He warned: Bed bugs are becoming more and more common in the UK, and were close to approaching epidemic levels.

We estimate there has been around a three-fold surge in bed bugs in recent years, based on information from our pest controllers. It is a particular problem in highly-populated areas where the bugs can spread easily.

Bed bug bites are painless and often clear up on their own, but some people can have a reaction to the red, itchy bumps on the skin.

In some cases people can experience a rash or fluid-filled blisters and they can get infected with bacteria if scratched.

You can put something cool, like a clean, damp cloth, on the affected area to help with the itching and any swelling.

Keep the infected area clean and prevent infection by not scratching the bite.

You should see your GP if you have any signs of skin infection such as swelling, redness and pain as you may need antibiotics.

The NHS also says you should see a GP if a redness around the bite is spreading.

If they are very itchy you can use antihistaminetablets to relieve the itch and apply a mildsteroid cream(such as hydrocortisone).

You should also clean your bedsheets.

Inspect your mattress andbedregularly for signs of an infestation.

Avoid buying second-hand mattresses and carefully inspect second-hand furniture before bringing it intoyour home.

Keep yourbedroom tidy and remove clutter.

Bedbugsaren't attracted to dirt, so they're not a sign of an unclean home, but clearing up any clutter will reduce the number ofplaces they can hide.

If you live in an apartment, you could be more prone to infestation, asbedbugscan move between flats.

See more here:
How to get rid of bed bugs and how to treat bites - The Sun

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Bed bugs: The three warnings signs you may be facing a bed bug problem in your home – Express

How can I treat bed bug bites?

Bedbug bites usually clear up on their own in a week or so but there are things you can do to alleviate them.

The NHS recommends: Things you can do include:

Putting something cool, like a clean, damp cloth, on the affected area to help with the itching and any swelling

Keeping the affected area clean

Not scratching the bites to avoid getting an infection

You can also ask a pharmacist about using a mild steroid cream like hydrocortisone cream to ease bed bug bites, says the health body.

If the bites are still very painful, swollen or itchy, or the redness around the bites is spreading after trying treatments from a pharmacist, you should see a GP, warns the health site.

"You may have an infection and need treatment with antibiotics," it adds.

See the original post here:
Bed bugs: The three warnings signs you may be facing a bed bug problem in your home - Express

Posted in Bed Bug Cream | Comments Off on Bed bugs: The three warnings signs you may be facing a bed bug problem in your home – Express