Category Archives: Bed Bug Home Remedies

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Home Remedies For Bed Bugs – The Best Combination

Its getting to that time of year again when we can all look forward to warmer weather, barbecues, going on vacation, spending time by the pool and BED BUGS!Yup, unfortunately as the weather gets warmer the bed bugs become more active so what can you do? Well, you could bring in exterminators or you could look to some home remedies for bed bugs.

The answer is yes, if carried out correctly they can be effective. It has to be said however, if you have a particularly large and wide spread infestation in your home you will need professional help.

Here are 6 bed bug remedies which you can use at home which wont cost thousands of dollars but do work.

1. Launder EVERYTHING Anything which may have come into contact with bed bugs so bed linen, clothing, soft furnishings, soft toys and so on should be laundered at as high temperatures as the fabrics involved will allow. Laundering will freshen and clean the items but it is the drying which is important for killing bed bug eggs etc. Therefore you should tumble dry your laundered items on a high setting. Air drying outside will not guarentee the same results even in the sun. Place all freshly laundered items in sealed plastic bags to prevent re-contamination

2. Wash and clean using disinfectant this is particularly important in your laundry area once you are done. However, dont forget work surfaces and kids toys etc. which cannot be laundered can have tiny cracks and and holes where bed bugs can hide out.

3. Get out the vacuum cleaner and Vacuum everything mattresses, box springs, headboards etc. (It makes life a lot simpler if you have completely de-cluttered the room first, disposing of any unwanted items in sealed plastic bags.) Use the tools on you vacuum to get into every nook and cranny. Dont forget the underside of furniture, chairs, drawers, inside closets, soft toys which cant be laundered as well as the more obscure places like inside alarm clocks, picture frames, just EVERYWHERE! Remember, you must empty and thoroughly clean your vacuum cleaner immediately you finish to prevent eggs hatching and bed bugs escaping to begin a whole new infestation in a different area of your home!

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4. Bed bugs cannot with stand high temperatures so blasting them with a steam cleaner which can reach temperatures in excess of 120 oC will not only kill adult bugs but also nymphs and most importantly eggs. One thing to keep in mind if you are purchasing a steam cleaner is to make sure you get one which can reach high enough temperatures and which produces dry vapor. This is really important otherwise you will end up with a whole lot of soaking wet pieces of furniture which will take a long time to dry out and could end up leading to a mold or mildew problem.

It is essential that when working with a steam cleaner you carefully follow the manufacturers instructions and work slowly and methodically throughout the whole room ensuring that the tip of the steam cleaner is kept just above the surface for maximum heat. The steam pressure should not be too high otherwise it will merely blow the bugs away.

5. The use of insect crawling powder(Diatomaceous Earth) may also help in the longer term. This is fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton which under the microscope looks like tiny shards of glass. As an insect like a bed bug which has an exoskeleton wanders through a thin dusting of this on your floor etc. the powder works its way under the exoskeletal joints and cuts into their body causing them to dehydrate and die.

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Home Remedies For Bed Bugs - The Best Combination

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Bed Bugs Insecticides / Treatments – Bed

Removing bed bugs is easy but you have to see them in order to effectively get rid of them. Killing bed bugs can be tricky and costly if you call a professional exterminator (recommended) to get rid of them. They will often charge $300 - $600 to treat a single room. And they dont always guarantee the results. You may want to attempt to remove and kill as many bed bugs as possible before calling in the professionals.

Below are a few things you can do to get rid of and kill bed bugs.

Effectiveness rating: 4/10

Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol kills bed bugs on-contact. Find the surfaces bed bugs inhabit, including crevices and harborages. Mix the isopropyl alcohol at a 1:1 ratio in a spray bottle with water. Liberally spray the surfaces and crevices and allow to dry naturally. Less water is recommended for smaller areas or areas sensitive to water.

( Information on Heat used by Professionals to Kill Bed Bugs )

Effectiveness rating: 3/10

Many professional exterminators are now using heat to kill bed bugs. Its safer and more effective than many of the chemicals traditionally used. Unfortunately the big commercial trailer-mounted BTU heating systems can cost up to $50,000.

A residential dryer can be effective for killing bed bugs on clothing, bedding materials, stuffed animals, shoes or any other soft articles which are dryer-safe.

When using the dryer, operate using small to medium size loads and run the dryer on high for at least 15 minutes. Remove the items immediately and seal them in a plastic bag for 24 hours. This will ensure that you kill all of the bed bugs.

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Home Remedies to Prevent Bed Bugs | eHow

home section Interior Design Housekeeping Entertaining Home Improvement Gardening & Plants Landscaping eHow Home & Garden Home Safety General Home Safety Home Remedies to Prevent Bed Bugs

Adrian Grahams

Adrian Grahams began writing professionally in 1989 after training as a newspaper reporter. His work has been published online and in various newspapers, including "The Cornish Times" and "The Sunday Independent." Grahams specializes in technology and communications. He holds a Bachelor of Science, postgraduate diplomas in journalism and website design and is studying for an MBA.

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The number of bed bug infestations in the United States and Europe is on the climb due to climate change and the popularity of international leisure and business travel. Bed bugs, which nest in bedrooms and other living rooms, come out at night to feed on the blood of sleeping humans and animals. Once established in the home, bed bugs can be difficult to eradicate permanently. Most householders and tenants use chemical insecticides or professional pest controllers to prevent and eliminate bed bugs. Home remedies offer an alternative to insecticides.

Temperatures over 110 degree Fahrenheit kill bed bugs instantly. An effective home remedy to prevent or eradicate bed bug infestations is to box up all affected bed linen or clothing in a sealable, plastic crate and leave it in the trunk of a car. Leave the car in full sunlight for an entire day. In hot climates, you can also leave mattresses, bed frames and other furniture outside in full sunlight to kill any bed bugs dwelling inside.

Washing and drying clothing and bedding on a high temperature will destroy bed bugs. This is particularly useful if you've been on vacation and worry that you may have picked up bed bugs in your clothing. Hot steam treatments with a portable steam cleaner can also kill bed bug eggs on mattresses, preventing a wider infestation. To treat an entire room for bed bugs, place several high-power portable heaters inside the room and turn them up to the highest temperature setting for several hours. Try to seal all cracks and crevices in the room, particularly along the bottom of walls and around electrical sockets to prevent bed bugs from fleeing.

Deploy natural diatomaceous earth against bed bugs as a non-toxic preventative measure. Diatomaceous earth is made from tiny, sharp shell and rock fragments. These stick to the bed bug's hard outer covering and gradually rub it away. This dehydrates the bed bug and eventually kills it. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around bed frames, furniture, walls and any other cracks and crevices that may harbor bed bug nests. Never use the earth directly on bedding or mattresses, because it can irritate skin.

An unusual home remedy for bed bug prevention and control is to cool the affected room by turning off all heating and opening windows. Wrap a red face cloth around a pocket heating pad and leave this in the middle of the room. Scatter bean leaves or the powder made from a crushed iron supplement pill on the face cloth. Place a hangover cure tablet on a damp sponge a short distance away from the facecloth. The hangover cure tablet slowly releases carbon dioxide and this, along with the aroma from the bean leaves and iron pill and the heat of the warmed flannel, attracts bed bugs. Leave this overnight and then kill the bugs and dispose of the flannel in the morning.

Home Remedies to Prevent Bed Bugs. The number of bed bug infestations in the United States and Europe is on the climb...

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Bed bug battle sparks protest

This story originated as a tip to the 15 Finds Out hotline. If you have something youd like 15 to find out, call (260) 481-1515 ext. 1610.

GENEVA, Ind. (WANE) - It's something no tenant ever wants to hear: You have bed bugs. That's what some people the Geneva Shores Apartments in Adams County have been dealing with since August. The property manager said the infestation has been all cleaned up, but some timid tenants and an outspoken protestor beg to differ. South Adams Schools has also launched precautions against the insect problem.

For the past week, in the frigid December weather, Donna Butler has been the lone protestor holding a cardboard sign in front of the Geneva Shores Apartments, a complex for low income tenants.

Butler is adamant apartment management hasn't done enough to get rid of what she calls a bed bug infestation there. She's so passionate because she said her son accidently spread the bed bugs from one of the apartments to her home in the small town of Geneva.

It's been going on way too long, Butler said. People are living here now with no furniture. It has now spread through town.

The issue has even caught the eye of South Adams Schools, which began spraying down buses the first week of December.

Does it have our attention? Yes, said Scott Litwiller, superintendent of South Adams Schools. As a matter of precaution, we've been spraying buses with a spray that will kill those insects.

But a different story is coming from the Geneva Shores management. Milise Beitler said in the fall, Orkin Pest Control found four apartments with bed bugs. They previously treated, inspected, and reported that they didnt find bed bugs in three of the four apartments. Just Monday, Beitler said Orkin gave the all clear on the last one.

Ive got documentation stating that we were cleared. If [Butler] wants to say [its not], thats her opinion but we dont have them, Beitler said.

Still, anonymous tenants tell 15 Finds Out that the bed bugs have spread to other apartments. They didnt want to speak publicly, fearing they would be evicted.

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Bed bug battle sparks protest

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Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Bed Bugs | eHow

home section Interior Design Housekeeping Entertaining Home Improvement Gardening & Plants Landscaping eHow Home & Garden Home Repair & Maintenance Home Maintenance Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

Megan Smith

Megan Smith has been a freelance writer and editor since 2006. She writes about health, fitness, travel, beauty and grooming topics for various print and Internet publications. Smith earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in writing from New York University.

Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed off of the blood of warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs love cool, dark places, like inside of bed frames and in the folds of mattresses. Bed bugs leave itchy, red welts on the skin, especially on the arms, legs and feet. If you think you have bed bugs, getting rid of them can be a long and complicated process that cannot always be remedied without an exterminator. Try home remedies first, and if you still have bedbugs within a month, enlist the help of a professional.

If you are experiencing itchy welts on your body and have seen evidence of bed bugs, it's time to start cleaning your bedding and clothing. Bed bugs leave waste and eggs that look like small, black specks of dirt, and the bugs look like small, brown pepper seeds. These bugs can be found in the folds of your sheets, inside pillowcases, and in the folds of the mattress. Save this evidence on a piece of scotch tape, and place it in a plastic baggie. Then, remove all your bedding and all of your clothing. Wash and dry everything on hot, and place all clothing and bedding in sealed plastic bags. Keep the bedding in the bags until you have completely vacuumed the mattress and furniture. Keep the clothing in sealed plastic bags until there is no more evidence of bed bugs, and no bites apparent on your body. Place lavender around your room, as bed bugs can't stand the smell.

Using the hose attachment on your vacuum, thoroughly vacuum inside the folds of your mattress, your pillows and your bed frame. Vacuum any plush items in the house, like couches or chairs, and any furniture made of wood, even if they are not located in the room where the bed bugs are biting. Vacuum the walls around your bed and the floors, especially the corners where the floors meet the wall. Once you have thoroughly vacuumed, replace the sheets and pillowcases on your bed. To ensure the bed bugs do not enter your mattress again, place a bed bug mattress protector and bed bug pillowcase protectors on top of your mattress and pillow. Place petroleum jelly on the posts of your bed to prevent any new bed bugs from climbing up into your bed.

As tempting as it may seem when you have bed bugs, don't go stay with a friend or sleep on the couch instead of in your bed. You may be carrying bed bug eggs on your clothing, bedding or in your hair, and the bed bugs will move to the couch or to your friend's house. The bugs will appear where the food source is, which is you. So even if you are not carrying any bugs with you, the bugs from your bedroom will make the trip to your living room. Continue to wash dirty clothes and bedding immediately and place all clothing in sealed bags. If you are still getting bitten by bed bugs within a month, contact your local exterminators and show them the samples you saved.

Bed bugs, tiny parasites that feed on human blood, were once nearly eradicated in the United States but have become prevalent again...

Before shelling out big bucks to pay for a professional to take care of your bed bug problem, try an effective home...

Often found hidden inside your mattress, bedbugs are little parasites that feed on your blood while you sleep. The only sign a...

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