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Natural Herbal Home Remedies for Bed Bug Control | eHow
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Krystal Miller
Krystal Miller began her writing career in 2004. She has created websites and written content for numerous online publications, specializing in topics related to gardening, fitness and health.
Bed bugs are tiny, reddish brown bugs that can be found in beds and mattresses, and will bite humans while they sleep. These bed bugs can get as big as apple seeds and hide in the mattress, box spring and headboard. While it is recommended by Mayo Clinic to hire a professional to get rid of these bugs, there a few home remedies you can try before spending money on these services.
Put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and lightly spray over your bed. Do not over-wet the bed. This method will kill the bed bugs on contact, but may not kill all bugs that are hidden in crevices.
Wash all linens, bedding, clothing and any other items you think could be infected in hot water. The water temperature should be at least 120 degrees F to kill the bed bugs.
The heat from your dryer will also kill bed bugs and their eggs. Place items in a dryer on high heat for at least 20 minutes. The clothes can be wet or dry.
Steam is effective for mild cases of bed bugs, where they have not embedded themselves deep into the mattress. The steam needs to come in direct contact with the bugs. Run a steam cleaner over your linens, bedding and clothes to kill any bugs that are visible.
Use your vacuum to clean the bugs off your bed, linens and furniture. If you have attachments on your vacuum that can get down in deep crevices, this works even better.
Bed bugs cannot withstand freezing temperatures and can be exterminated by leaving them in temperatures below 32 degrees F. If the temperature outside is 32 degrees F or below, you can place your items outside for several days. This will kill the bed bugs.
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Bed Bugs Home Remedy
Disclaimer: This post contains no magic bed bugs home remedy that you can pay $5 for and which will kill any bed bug in your home within 24 hours. Sorry.
What I will give you is a frank and honest assessment of a few different bed bugs home remedies and whether they work or not. I like to put the humorous disclaimer at the top to make my most important point, however: getting rid of bed bugs is not easy, and no matter what treatment solution(s) you use, youre going to need to work at it. All I can tell you is that the effort is worth it in the end. So
Whats the absolute best bed bugs home remedy?
This is really what you came to my website for right? The answer is that you need a combination of 2-3 home remedies to ensure that youre able to get rid of all of the bed bugs in your home. If I didnt care, I could pick any one of the treatment methods below and tell you that its the best, but the fact of the matter is that no one solution will be 100% effective. Anyone who tells you otherwise either doesnt know what theyre talking about or else is trying to sell you their magical bed bug solution.
Here are the things that work:
Here are the things that DONT work:
As I noted above, theres no bed bugs home remedy that will guaranty 100% success, and youre really going to need to put a lot of effort into it if you have a major bed bug infestation. I wholly recommend getting started as early as possible, since the longer you wait, the harder it is to get rid of all of the bed bugs.
If youve read many of the posts on this site, then you know Im pretty devoted to helping people figure out what kills bed bugs and their eggs. To that end, I not only actively help people I know, but I also go out and read what other people are finding that works, and what other people are recommending. And you know what?
There is a HUGE disconnect between what kills bed bugs and their eggs and what people are recommending, particularly on internet sites.
Now, dont get me completely wrong. There are some very good sites out there that offer some truthful and accurate information (and I like to think that KillAllBedBugs is one of those sites). If you search hard enough, youll definitely come across some sites that will recommend solutions and treatment methods that actually work. In the process, however, youll also find many hundreds of sites that are simply trying to sell you the latest bed bug spray.
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Bed Bugs Home Remedy
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Home Remedy in Six Steps for Getting Rid of Bed Bugs – Yahoo …
Bed bugs have been making the news a lot lately. Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that feed on blood. Bed bugs prefer warm temperatures and are common in Florida and other warm climates. The bed bug is typically active at night. They hide during the day in mattresses, clothing, headboards, etc.
Bed bugs can usually be found in hotels, cruise ships, motels and other places that people stay over night. So, when you stay at one of these accommodations, you may end up taking them home with you if they decide to climb into your luggage or clothes.
Getting bed bugs out of your house.
Bed bugs are very hard to get rid of and sometimes only a professional can help. There are some home remedies to try first before calling a professional.
Six steps to naturally combat bed bugs:
Vacuum everything.
Vacuum the mattress, any upholstered furniture, and the drapes. Use the crevice tool on your vacuum to do the bed frames, the baseboards, and any furniture near the bed. Of course, vacuum the carpeting as well.
Wash everything.
Wash mattresses, pillows and everything that is washable in hot water. Don't forget stuffed animals and toys. Anything that can't be washed or vacuum must be sealed in plastic bags.
Use a natural insecticide.
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Home Remedies for Bed Bug Bites • Grandma's Home Remedies
Hitching rides on luggage, burrowing in the cracks of furniture, and even infesting the swankiest of hotel mattresses, bed bugs are becoming an increasingly frustrating problem. To the horror of victims, noticeably red lesions can cover an entire back or spread across limbs. Doctors often use antihistamines and corticosteroids as suitable treatments, but dont rule out home remedies for bed bug bites.
Feeding on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, bed bugs are small, wingless insects that wait until nighttime before painlessly stealing away a few drops of blood [1]. During the feeding process, a miniscule amount of their saliva enters the skin, which causes victims to suffer skin reactions. Bites tend to occur around the arms, hands, neck, torso, and even the face.
People with skin sensitivities and individuals with repeated exposure to bed bugs walk away with mild to severe allergic responses. For some, bed bug bites look nothing more than mosquito bites, and are hard to tell apart. In other cases, the frequency or cluster of bites often alert victims to a bed bug attack, but can also be mistaken for a severe rash. Welts or red lesions are a common bodily reaction to bed bug bites, where scratching intensifies bites in size and level of itchiness.
A bed bug bite can last from a couple of days to a few weeks, which all depends on the allergic sensitivities of a victim. At first, the itching will subside, followed by the fading away of the bite mark. To speed up the process and ease unbearable itching, consider the following home remedies for bed bug bites:
Clean bed bug bites with antibacterial soap and water to prevent bacteria from entering broken skin.
Offering protection for the skin, calamine lotion dries out the bites, promotes healing, and calms itchiness.
Rinse bed bug bites with cool water to take some of the sting out of itchy skin and calm down any swelling.
Treat swollen and itchy skin by applying ice to cool the bites, decrease inflammation, and ease your desire to scratch. Press an ice cube on and off the skin for a couple of minutes throughout the day for relief. Some people reduce their chances of frostbitten skin by wrapping ice in a towel to create a cool compress.
Add powdered oatmeal to a lukewarm bath and soak to reduce the irritation of itchy skin.
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Bed Bugs Home Remedies – 3 Easy Ways To Get Rid of Bed Bugs
Dont let the bed bugs bite! Read about 3 proven home remedies that can help you get rid of bed bugs and exterminate this nuisance from your life.
To kill and eliminate bed bugs from your life, there are a wide varieties of remedies available. From the use of environmentally friendly non-toxic bed bug insecticide to something as simple as heat and steam, all of which can help you control and get rid of bed bugs.
If you are looking for proven ways on how to get rid of bed bugs at home, try the following 3 remedies:
According to many reports, diatomaceous earth has been proven to be an effective bed bug killer for the home. Make from the fossilized remains of hard-shelled algae, this insecticide is both environmentally friendly and non-toxic. The diatomaceous earth fine powder contains razor sharp particles that abrades the waxy cuticle that covers the bed bugs exosekeleton, causing them to die with contact.
Apply diatomaceous earth along the base boards and rub it in the carpets after each vacuuming to eliminate and prevent the spread of bed bugs.
One of the most simple home remedies, heat is highly effective at exterminating bed bugs and their eggs. Like humans, bed bugs cannot survive extreme heat. The thermal death point for the common bed bug is 120 F therefore washing bed linens and clothes in the dryer with this thermal setting will generally kill all bed bugs.
For big items that cannot be wash with hot water such as mattress, the use of hot steam from a professional grade bed bug steamer can be used effectively to kill both bed bugs and their eggs instantaneously even if they are hidden deep within the pores of mattress. To be an effective bed bug steamer, experts recommended that the steam coming out from the tip of the cleaner needs to be above 200 F (as compared to 120 F of heat that will only kill bed bugs on contact but not those that are hidden deep inside the mattress or sofa.)
If you are getting bitten regularly from bed bugs, bed bug mattress covers can be use as an effective non-chemical remedy to get immediate relief and comfort from the bed bug bites. These encasement seal off the entire mattress completely leaving no gap for the bed bugs to enter or escape through. Similarly, these encasement should also be use for your pillows as well. You will then need to keep the covers on for at least a year to eventually kill any bed bugs trapped within.
For these encasement to be effective, you will also need to:
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Bed Bugs Home Remedies – 3 Easy Ways To Get Rid of Bed Bugs
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