Category Archives: Bed Bug Home Remedies

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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs – Buzzle

Bed bugs are tiny, parasitic insects that belong to the Cimicidae family. They can easily squeeze into the smallest of spaces due to their flattened bodies. Folds or seams of mattresses, bed frames, box springs, and cracks or crevices in the walls are some of the most common hiding places of these blood-sucking insects. Bed bugs are active at night. They crawl out of their hiding places at night for getting a blood meal. They are attracted to the body's warmth and the carbon dioxide that is exhaled by us at night.

Signs of an Infestation Bed bugs are tiny which is why spotting them can be a difficult task. However, there are certain signs that hint towards a bed bug infestation. Blood smears or rust-colored spots, molted exoskeletons, or dried excrement on the bed sheets are some of the common signs of an infestation. Though bed bugs are not considered to be transmitters of disease, their bite can cause the skin to become itchy. Scratching over the site of bite can also put the affected individual at a risk of developing a secondary infection. Some people may develop a mild or severe allergic reaction to bed bug bites.

Eliminating Bed Bugs The task of eliminating these parasitic insects will be easier if the signs of an infestation are identified at an early stage. The first step is to find out the exact place of infestation. While home remedies can be followed for eliminating them, certain precautionary measures must also be followed to prevent an infestation in the future. If you find spots on the bed sheets, mattresses, and pillow cases, you may follow these measures.

Wash the bed sheets, cushions, pillow covers, rugs, and comforters in very hot water. It will certainly help kill bed bugs.

Since bed bugs may find a way into the pillow covers or seams of mattresses, it would be a good idea to seal them with a zipped cover.

Thoroughly vacuum or steam clean the mattresses. Run the vacuum over the areas that are most likely to get infested. Make sure that you vacuum under the bed. Clean the bed stands, foot mats, and carpets. Look in every nook and corner.

If you are planning to buy used furniture or rent furniture, inspect it thoroughly for bed bugs. Don't bring infested items to your home.

Keep your home clean. Reducing clutter will certainly help to minimize the chances of an infestation. Remove unnecessary items from the bedrooms.

If you spot bed bugs or their eggs on your furniture, use a piece of duct tape to lift them. Place them in a plastic bag. Seal the bag and dispose it off as soon as possible.

Wash the floors with a bleaching agent. It may help kill bed bugs. You can also spray rubbing alcohol over their hiding places.

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Old Home Remedies for Bed Bugs | eHow – eHow | How to Videos …

Charles Pearson

Charles Pearson has written as a freelancer since 2009. He has a B.S. in literature from Purdue University Calumet and is currently working on his M.A. He has written the ebooks "Karate You Can Teach Your Kids," "Macadamia Growing Handout" and "The Raw Food Diet."

Killing bed bugs has become more difficult because bed bugs have developed a resistance to many insecticides. The more effective insecticides have been found to be harmful to children, resulting in the EPA banning their use within the home, according to CBS News. Bedbugs attack at night and feed off of humans. They can be found in almost all dwellings that humans live in because they feed on humans and enter the home through cracks and on the clothes people wear.

Old Home Remedies for Bed Bugs. Killing bed bugs has become more difficult because bed bugs have developed a resistance to many......

Old Home Remedies for Bed Bugs. Old Home Remedies for Bed Bugs. Killing bed bugs has become more difficult because bed bugs...

This was, for a time, true. However, various insecticide sprays contain chemicals that are harmful to humans. ... Old Home Remedies for...

Old Fashioned Remedies for Bed Bugs. Old Fashioned Remedies for Bed Bugs. In recent years, bed bugs have been big news, as...

Bed bugs are small, blood-feeding insects that occur worldwide. Long associated with seedy, "fleabag" hotels, bed bugs are moving uptown: surprisingly high-end...

Use hydrated lime in combination with bug bombs or foggers, especially if you have problems with fleas inside your house. ... Not...

Bedbugs and fleas can be major nuisances in your home. Bedbugs live in the fibers of mattresses and other furniture and they...

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Home Remedy to Kill Bed Bugs | eHow

home section Interior Design Housekeeping Entertaining Home Improvement Gardening & Plants Landscaping eHow Home & Garden Housekeeping House Cleaning Home Remedy to Kill Bed Bugs

Moira Clune

Moira Clune is a freelance writer who since 1991 has been writing sales and promotional materials for her own and other small businesses. In addition, she has published articles on VetInfo and various other websites. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Hartwick College.

Bed bugs are small, blood-feeding insects that occur worldwide. Long associated with seedy, "fleabag" hotels, bed bugs are moving uptown: surprisingly high-end hotels and resorts are battling bed bug infestations and the associated negative publicity. Tiny bed bugs are hard to spot, hiding and traveling easily on clothing and in suitcases, bedding and furniture. Once settled in their new home, bed bugs congregate in clusters, leaving behind dark spots and stains on mattresses and bedding. They feed while you sleep, usually causing red, itchy welts on areas of skin exposed during the night.

To exterminate bed bugs, thoroughly clean the infested rooms. A stiff brush will help to dislodge eggs from baseboards and bed frames. Vacuum all surfaces in the room, paying close attention to cracks and crevices where bed bugs may hide. Remove the drawers from dressers, pull furniture out from the walls and remove chair cushions. Inspect and vacuum all of these areas carefully. A steam cleaner is effective against bed bugs, but they are not suitable for use on mattresses or upholstered furniture.

If you can afford it, infested upholstered furniture should be replaced. If that isn't practical, you can try leaving the items outdoors. Bed bugs cannot survive freezing temperatures, but freezing bed bugs takes at least two weeks. Heat also kills bed bugs. The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture suggests sealing infested upholstered items in plastic bags and placing them in direct sunlight or a closed car for at least a day. A thermometer should be placed inside the bag. The ambient temperature inside the bag should reach at least 120 degrees for success. Items that can be placed in a clothes dryer should be tumbled on medium to high heat for 20 minutes. For "dry clean only" garments, medium heat is safe if the garments are not damp.

Special mattress bags are available that seal in bed bugs and control infestations. Once encased, bed bugs will eventually die inside the bag. These bags must be inspected regularly for tears and rips because any escaping bed bugs will begin to breed and reinfest your living space. These mattress casings can be used on new mattresses as well, protecting them from any subsequent bed bug infestation.

Bed bugs are parasites that can cause irritation to the skin. The insects feed off warm-blooded animals. They live in cool and...

Comments You May Also Like. Natural Herbal Home Remedies for Bed Bug Control. Natural Herbal Home Remedies for Bed Bug Control. Bed...

Often found hidden inside your mattress, bedbugs are little parasites that feed on your blood while you sleep. The only sign a...

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Home Remedy for Bed-Bug Bites | eHow – eHow | How to Videos …

healthsection Health Topics A-Z Healthy Living Featured Conditions eHow Now eHow Health Conditions & Treatments Rashes Home Remedy for Bed-Bug Bites

Joseph Nicholson

Joseph Nicholson is an independent analyst whose publishing achievements include a cover feature for "Futures Magazine" and a recurring column in the monthly newsletter of a private mint. He received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Florida and is currently attending law school in San Francisco.

Bed bugs were once exterminated in the United States using DDT and other highly toxic chemicals. Since the dangers of these chemicals have become better understood, they have been banned from use in residential areas. As a result, many cities in the United States have experienced a resurgence in bed-bug populations. Bed-bug bites can be extremely uncomfortable, but are usually not dangerous because bed bugs do not spread disease like ticks. A small percentage of the population may experience anaphylactic shock due to an allergic reaction to bed-bug saliva.

Bed bugs feed on human blood. Through the proboscis they apply a topical anesthetic that prevents their victim from noticing the bite and keeps the blood from clotting. The itchiness is caused by the fact that most people are in fact allergic to this chemical, though only very few will have a seriously dangerous reaction. When people do discover a bite, its usually because of the itchy red welts or other skin irritation.

Bed-bug bites resemble a mosquito or most other insect bites. If they are tightly grouped, they may resemble a rash. Their frequent recurrence usually confirms they are in fact bed-bug bites.

Until the bed bugs themselves are eliminated, which is difficult to do, the only possible treatment is to alleviate the symptoms of the bites. This can be done most simply with cold water and ice. Other home remedies include a paste of equal parts salt and baking soda in water. Oatmeal in a warm bath can also provide some relief. If you are not allergic to aspirin, try dipping a cotton ball in Alka-Seltzer and rubbing it on the bites. Calamine lotion is another common remedy for skin irritation.

Professional medical attention is only necessary if you experience acute respiratory failure or other symptoms of anaphylactic shock as a result of bed-bug bites. The other major concern is whether the bites turn into open wounds because of scratching. If this occurs, rinse thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water or apply an antibiotic cream or ointment. In some cases, a secondary infection at the site of a bed-bug bite can be more dangerous than the original bite.

Bed bug bitesitchy, red welts often in straight linesare rarely dangerous, but may cause sufferers to lose sleep and experience much discomfort....

If you sleep on a bed-bug-infested bed and get bitten, you will definitely not have a comfortable time sleeping. Bed bug bites...

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Home remedy for bed bugs – all you need to know about clearing bed …

Do you ever feel that you need a home remedy for killing bed bugs safely?

You may have children in your house and dont want them to be affected by bed bug poisons.

Or you may have pets and need to protect them as well!

If you feel you have bed bugs, maybe the first thing to check is your mattress.

.. and so you check your mattress and find that its covered with brown spots that look like fecal staining.

The natural thing to do is to wonder if you should clean the mattress or whether you should throw it out.

What is the best thing to do?

The truth is that the staining can be difficult to get rid of.

In actual fact, the stains are more likely to be bloodstains that have dried on the mattress.

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Home remedy for bed bugs - all you need to know about clearing bed ...

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