Category Archives: Bed Bug Home Remedies

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Home Remedies For Bed Bugs : Get Rid Of Them – Home …

Home remedies for bed bugs tricks to get rid of them easily. These are pestering bugs which feed off our blood. Bed bugs can be killed with many bug killing substances and chemicals. However, they can be costly and certainly not environment friendly. Many of them contain chemicals which are toxic to humans or pets. So, one can make use of simple home remedies to trap or kill bed bugs or drive them away.


Bed bugs seem so innocent when you see one of them crawling away. They are so small and seem harmless, except for their bites. However, if you happen to see their magnified image using a microscope, they look so monstrous. Bed bugs are notorious creatures. They actually feed on our blood, which is disgusting and unhealthy. Bug extermination teams take a lot of money, and perhaps that is the last resort. There are numerous natural techniques to completely get rid of bed bugs. Lets fight those bugs back.

The signs of bed bugs can be seen through their bites on the skin. These bites are red, slightly inflamed but very itchy. They tend to be in a straight line. Too many bed bites may also lead to a more severe inflammation.

( Photo Courtesy: andreanna)

Home remedies for bed bugs ( to kill them naturally or drive them away )

1. Heat clothes in a dryer This is the easiest way to kill bed bugs that cling to sheets, covers and mattresses. If there is some upholstery which can be washed or dried, then one can heat treat it too. Bed bugs cant tolerate heat treatment and the eggs also get destroyed. After washing, always iron the sheets. It makes sure that the bed bug eggs are killed. What is the minimum cutoff temperature at which bed bugs are completely killed ? Well, the temperature should be minimum 120 degrees F. So, set your dryer at 120 F and let it stay for 4 hours. Large cloth items, furniture and upholstery can be heated in sunlight, if it is warm enough. It should take many days sitting in the sun for it to work, about 4 days. After that time, inspect the items for signs of bed bugs, their eggs and their fecal matter. When you are convinced that bed bugs have gone, take the items back in.

( Photo credit : Homespot HQ )

2. Lavender flowers and lavender oil Lavender is a nice insect repellent with a wonderful smell that most of us like. Lavender flowers can be kept near the bedside. While washing all the clothes and items in the house, use lavender oil in the water used for cleaning. It leaves a residue of lavender scent on the clothes. This smell can go on for 3 to 4 days and repel bed bugs. Although, it wont kill them. Place lavender flowers or lavender scented oil near crevices and other warm and humid areas of the house, cause that is where they thrive. This drives the bed bugs out from those places and also keeps them away from beds and furniture.

( Photo credit : possumgirlpics )

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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Home Remedy | eHow

Erin Ringwald

Erin Ringwald began writing in 1998. She runs her own party planning business and helps with her husband's photography business. She's working on her Master of Education with a focus on elementary education and child development. Ringwald studied musical theater and later obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Wright State University.

Often found hidden inside your mattress, bedbugs are little parasites that feed on your blood while you sleep. The only sign a bite occurred is usually tiny blood spots on your bedding or red, swollen bite sites on your body. Bedbugs do not transmit disease, but this does not mean you should ignore the problem. Leave treating large infestations to the professionals. However, treating minor infestations with home remedies requires little effort on your part.

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed off of the blood of warm-blooded animals. They are most commonly found in large...

Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed off of the blood of warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs love cool, dark places, like inside...

Bed bugs are tiny, rust-colored insects, the size of an apple seed as an adult. They feed on human blood so they...

Before shelling out big bucks to pay for a professional to take care of your bed bug problem, try an effective home...

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs. Bed bugs are small, ... Native Indian Remedy to Get Rid of Bed Bugs....

Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs. ... As the playing card pushes out the bugs, catch them in the paper towel...

eHow; Home Safety & Household Tips; Bug & Insect Control; Get Rid of Bed Bugs; Native Indian Remedy to Get Rid of...

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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Home Remedy | eHow

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The Herb Gardener: Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs Natural Remedies

A heavy infestation of bed bugs will almost always require chemical treatment, either with an over-the-counter pesticide spray or with the help of a pest control professional. If you think you have bed bugs:

Make sure - Red welts on your arms and legs could be from fleas or mosquitos, too. Bedbugs are round, about a quarter of an inch wide and reddish brown. They hide in cracks, like the space between the cording and the seam of your mattress. They molt and shed exoskeletons that look like tiny desiccated bugs. You'll see these shed skins around your bed, or on the underside or behind your bedside furniture. Their droppings are about the size of a period - . - and you may detect them on your sheets, blankets or mattress. They sometime hide under the furniture near where you sleep. Check the back of your headboard, under the bedside table and along the bed frame.

If you do see bedbugs, remove and wash your bedding in the hottest water possible. Bed bugs and their eggs die at a temperature of 113 Degrees F maintained for an hour. Higher temperatures will kill them faster. It's also a good idea to wash nearby area rugs and draperies. Bedbugs congregate within a few feet of a good meal -- you. That will be ground zero for an infestation. The good news is that you can easily clean your bedding. The bad news is that bed bugs can hide behind wallpaper and inside your electrical outlets. They can fit into a space as thin as a credit card. That's one of the reasons it's sooo hard to get rid of them.

Clean your mattress by vacuuming it thoroughly and steam cleaning it with a handheld steamer.

Vacuum - After you've cleaned and debugged your textiles and mattress, tackle the carpet. Vacuum thoroughly. This means moving the furniture around to get behind and under things. After you vacuum, dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag -- outdoors. You don't want to infect another area of your home. You can apply an insecticide to your carpeting, spray an herbal preparation, use steam (some steam cleaners are too hot for synthetic carpet), or try an irritant, like diatomaceous earth, also known as Silicon dioxide. This powder is naturally occurring and bed bugs hate it. (You'll need to wear a respirator when you use diatomaceous earth.)

Expel and Repel - While you're dealing with the problem, using herbal sprays, like essential oil of lavender and essential oil of rosemary, will help repel bed bugs. Add 20 drops of lavender essential oil to the final rinse when you wash your sheets, blankets and nightwear. This will help keep bed bugs from biting until you eradicate them. Placing lavender flower buds in a sachet bag under your mattress and pillow will help too.

You can also add lavender flower bud sachets to your luggage to discourage bed bugs when you travel.

Clean your car -While you're treating the problem indoors, don't forget your car. Vacuum your car thoroughly and treat it with an herbal preparation or insecticide. You should treat your handbag and coats with an herbal spray to make them less attractive to bed bug freeloaders when you're out in public. Bed bugs aren't just hanging out in hotels. They're in restaurants, department store dressing rooms, movie theaters, busses and anywhere else people spend time. The more you can do to make yourself unattractive to them, the less likely it is that you'll inadvertently bring a few of these insect invaders home.

Don't wait - If you already have a problem with bed bugs, deal with it today. The longer you wait, the worse it will get, and the problem won't go away by itself. Bed bugs can live up to a year without feeding. You can't starve them out, and once they're entrenched in your rooms, they'll become a problem that even the pros may have trouble dealing with.

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The Herb Gardener: Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

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How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs at Home – Video

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs at Home
how to get rid of bed bugs yourself. Check Out Our Book: --- how to get rid of bed bugs, how to get rid of bed bug bites, how to...

By: Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

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Natural Bed Bug Control & Treatment |

Some people ask for natural bed bug control where possible. The term natural has no concrete definition and might vary from person to person. For the sake of this section, we will look at natural as meaning derived from nature or has minimal process. Any items discussed in this section are not the legal definition of natural but rather the informal definition of derived from nature with minimal processing or refining.

Historical use of natural treatments Historically, people throughout the world have found ways to reduce bed bug populations even before science led the way to modern control techniques. From squashing the bugs to burning sulphur in ancient times, to applying kerosene on mattresses, people have used many methods to control these pests.

One very novel idea is still in use by Eastern Europeans and works remarkably well to reduce, although not eliminate, bed bug populations. There is a string bean plant found in that area which has a coating of hooks on the underside of the leaves. The locals have found that if they collect the leaves and put them on the floor with the underside up inside infested rooms, the bed bugs are snagged on the leaves. The long hairs of the bed bug leg were held by the hooks. A study by Richardson of USDA in 1942 showed that there was a trap rate of 32% in one night. Clearly, though, this is not practical in everyday life worldwide.

Todays natural control includes steam, heat, cold, and trapping. In addition, there are products which can be applied to infested areas. These include some natural oils which have some success, soaps which work if applied directly to the bed bugs, and diatomaceous earth, or a natural dust of diatom skeletons from the ocean which cut the cuticle of bed bugs and desiccate the pest.

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