Category Archives: Bed Bug Remedies

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What are Bedbugs?

They are small insects that feed on both animal blood and human blood. These insects have been around for centuries, and they are so well-adapted to feeding on human that most people may not be aware when they are being bitten. They generally feed when people are sitting calmly or sleeping, and they particularly enjoy feeding at night. Adults can survive for more than a year without feeding, which is one adaptation that has ensured survival.

During the middle of the 20th century, they were in decline in America. Perhaps this was because people were knowledgeable about their existence and frequently used pest control methods to control them. However, in the past few decades, peoples worries diminished because their rare presence in homes. In the past few years, the United States has seen a dramatic increase in the number of reports.

Today, many people are still ignorant about them. Some people believe they are immune to the problem as long as they keep a clean house. That is not true. People also generally believe they are a problem only for the lower-class. That is not true either. Any home or dwelling can become infested, regardless of how clean or tidy it is, and so that is why people should educate themselves.

They are small, only about 1/4 of an inch in length. Their color is usually reddish-brown, though they are sometimes a much lighter straw color. They are sometimes referred to as Mahogany Flats, probably because they are flat and oval-shaped. They are similar in size to an apple seed or a lady bug. Baby bugs are significantly smaller than adults, and they measure smaller than 6 mm. They are six-legged creatures, and the upper part of their bodies contains gold-colored hair. They have visible antennae and cone-like eyes.

The males have a sharp flap on the back of their bodies, while the female of the species has a body that ends in a rounded or curved segment. The upper body of both the males and females is often described as being wrinkly like crinkled paper. They emit a musty, sweet odor from glands located on their thorax.

The term given to an immature bedbug is nymph. Nymphs are small, and they shed their skins regularly before they reach adulthood. These immature bugs must eat a meal before they shed, and they shed about five times before they become mature insects.

They are not flying insects, though they are somewhat mobile. They tend to be found around places where people recline or sleep, and they generally dont venture too far away from such areas.

They generally live in small groups as opposed to nests or hives. The bugs lay eggs, and the eggs hatch into incredibly small nymphs, only about 1/16th of an inch long. The nymphs go through molten stages and grow into adult size in about 5 weeks.

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Bed Bug Repellants and Natural Cures –

Apple Cider Vinegar

Approval Ratings

[YEA]10/31/2012: Jessie from Long Island, Ny: "Traveling this summer my husband and I stayed in a hotel that had a five star rating, and I was bitten by bed bugs. To releive the itching and burning I used Apple Cider Vinegar. It worked miracles immediately!"

Approval Ratings

[YEA]04/06/2011: Stephanie from Toledo, Ohio: "I stayed at a hotel in New Orleans for a conference and was bitten by bed bugs all over my face, arms, legs, and chest. (We caught one and were able to take it to the front desk so it was definately bed bugs.) It took several days for the welts to appear, but when they did, they were bad. I looked on-line for 2 weeks to find help to reduce the swelling, redness, and itching. During those two weeks the bites continued to look and feel worse. I looked and felt terrible. I tried witch hazel, aloe, coconut oil, camphor, hydocortosone creme, antibiotic cream.. Nothing worked.

Someone mentioned Calamine lotion (make sure to get the one with Zinc Oxide in it) and within 24 hours of using it the swelling was gone, the redness was less than half of what it was, and it itching stopped. After 2 weeks the bites are finally healing instead of getting worse!!!! Thought I would share it here. Thank heavens we knew what happened and were able to treat our stuff with heat upon returning home so we didn't bring them home with us!!"

Approval Ratings

[YEA]05/17/2013: Tam from The Valley, Ct, Usa: "I got rid of my bed bugs fast using cat litter. One web source said to crush the crystals with a mortis and pestle, but, time must have passed and I found a brand of cat litter that has micro crystals of sylica gel at the grocery. 😀 The silica gel dries out bed bugs.

Place a container (I used the plastic ones we get when we order Chinese take out, they have a good footprint for furniture legs and are shallow, and free) under the most human/animal occupied furniture legs first. Bed bugs will die soon after they pass through the silica gel. Bed bugs can hibernate for up to 18 months, so keep the silica litter under the furniture legs for that long.

Also, that oil soap made for wood kills bed bugs on the spot. I used more than a healthy dose in several gallons of water. I have a back pack sprayer. For the wood bed frame (mattresses removed) I just sprayed away and watched them come out from every crack. After all was flooded and I saw no more movement, I used a towel on the bed frame and a mop on the wood floor. We let the frame sit for two days to dry then wrapped in saran wrap.

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Bed Bug Repellants and Natural Cures -

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Bed Bugs Remedy | eHow – eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More …

The foundation for ridding your home of bed bugs is to wash all bedding that may have come in contact with them. This includes pillows, sheets, pillowcases, blankets, bedspreads and any other linens that may have come in contact. Wash these items in hot water, then dry on high heat. Do the same with just about any other fabric in the effected room, including blankets and clothes. If you take care of the bugs on the bed but there are others in the room, they'll eventually come back to the bed again.

Vacuum your home and bedding completely. Once you have thoroughly run the vacuum throughout the house, take the bag outside and dispose of it in an outside garbage can. If you use a canister-style vacuum, clean out the canister and rinse with bleach to clean up any residue.

Steam cleaning is another option to consider when trying to get rid of bed bugs. Heat higher than 120 degrees will quickly kill the bed bugs, and steam cleaners can be rented and used all the home to kill bed bugs. Dry-steam cleaning is another option that will eliminate the risk of mold developing in bedding.

Alternatively, exposure to extremely cold temperatures sometimes helps to kill bed bugs. Place items outside in temperatures below freezing. The outside temperature should ideally be below zero to reliably kill the bed bugs.

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Bed Bugs Remedy | eHow - eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More ...

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6 Tips For The Treatment of Bed Bugs |

Got bed bugs? If you do, we are here, ready to help. At Treatment for Bed Bugs we will provide you with all the information you need to prevent, detect and treat infestations of these tiny blood sucking pests in your home.

Adults measure about 1/4 inch in length and are brownish red in color, their bodies appear flat and oval shaped.

Nymphs are smaller replicas of their parents but tend to be much lighter in color.

Eggs often, likened in size, shape and color to a grain of rice.

Learn more: Bed Bug Pictures A Look At The Bed Bug Life Cycle

Get D.I.Y Bed Bug Treatments That Work

If you suspect you have bed bugs there are a few signs you can look for which should confirm your suspicions.

However, the first sign of an infestation is usually bites on your body when you wake. These itchy, red welts or bumps are caused by an allergic reaction which is triggered by the bugs saliva which contains an anticoagulant to allow your blood to flow more freely. The rash is most often found on parts of the body which have been exposed over night such as the arms, legs and face. Scratching may cause the skin to become broken and inflamed possibly leading to a bacterial skin infection which will require medical attention.

The only way to completely get rid of these bites is to use an effective treatment for bed bugs, before you can do that you have to establish whether or not you have an infestation.

1. Inspect your mattress in particular along seams, around buttons and handles and in creases.

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6 Tips For The Treatment of Bed Bugs |

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Bed Bug Treatment Steps:

Dealing with Bed Bugs? This site will share some free bed bug treatment tips & tricks that will help you get rid of bed bugs and save thousands of dollars! You can do this yourself by following some simple steps anyone in the world can do. Get rid of your bed bugs quickly without the worry of being re-infested and without using dangerous pesticides!

You are not the first person to visit, and you will certainly wont be the last. If you or someone you loved has a bed bug infestation, I am sure the only thing on your mind right now is how am I going to get rid of this as quickly as possible. With bed bugs you will want to order products immediately as it can take weeks if not months to book an exterminator, and once you do you may already have an advanced case which will be harder to treat. Not to mention they could charge you thousands of dollars!

I am sorry to have to tell you this, but you are on your own! Dont take this the wrong way, I am not saying that nobody wants to help you. What I mean is that nobody can share the horrors of bed bugs with you even if they wanted to. The next best thing is to find those people who have been there and are willing to help.

You can be spending thousands of dollars on pesticides in hope that one day they actually work or you can use bed bug treatments that are cheap and effective.. Continue reading and learn the most effective way to completely killing bed bugs yourself. This will help people dealing with bed bugs

Firstly, you will need to get the bed bug value pack here and the bed bug traps here. This will allow you to completely get rid of the bed bugs and you will be able to finally sleep again without itching and worrying about being bitten while you sleep! The bed bugs and the bites will be gone for good

Long Story Short: Get the bed bug value pack and some bed bug bully and you will be bed bug free the quick inexpensive way. This will save you thousands of dollars that an exterminator may charge you! Get both you will thank me later!

Bed Bug Value Pack here Discretely shipped

Bed Bug Traps here Place in each room

Product Tip Use the links above and coupon code DERM15 for 15% off both!

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Bed Bug Treatment Steps:

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