Category Archives: Bed Bug Spray

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Bed bug Control & Treatments in Atlanta GA | Repellent Sprays

Bed bugs are very much visible to the eye. They are large enough to see without any magnification; they can grow up to 1/4 inch long. Young hatch looking much like adults just much smaller. Most species will appear to be a transparent tan or beige color but will quickly turn dark brown, almost black, once they have fed. Bed bugs have almost a round body though it appears to be more oval upon closer observation. Bed bugs have six legs and are very good walkers.

It is important to understand that bed bugs are very much visible to the ey. The author has dealt with many people who believe they have an active infestation of bed bugs when no trace of anything can be found. Their infestation is the conclusion based on all the wrong premises; only when specimens which have been properly identified can one be sure bed bugs are the active insect.


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Here are some of the more misleading situations which cause people to erroneously conclude they have bed bugs.

These misperceptions along with some others which have been handed down over time has caused the bed bug to be the likely culprit when in fact the real problem is some other insect or not an insect at all. Lets review some of the bed bugs basic biology so a better understanding of how it develops, where it comes from and how to control local infestations can be achieved.

Bed bugs are in the family of cimicidae which are insects that have short forewings, oval to round body shapes and a flat profile. They are parasites of mammals and birds and though generally animal specific, bed bugs will feed on any animal that can provide a blood meal when faced with limited selections. There are over 100 species around the world with over 15 existing in the continent of North America. It is easy to identify a bed bug but very hard to determine just which species it may be.

Of all the pests mankind has had to endure over time, bed bugs might very well be the most hated and disgusting. Unlike the flea or mosquito which feed for a very short amount of time, the bed bug tends to suck blood for 3-5 minutes and in some cases over 15 minutes during its meals. This in of itself makes people queasy when thinking about bed bugs possibly feeding on them but when combined with the fact that bed bugs are nocturnal and only take advantage of us when we are most vulnerable asleep bed bugs evoke a feeling of gross hatred.

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Bed bug Control & Treatments in Atlanta GA | Repellent Sprays

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Bed Bugs Spray – Discover The Best Bed Bug Spray

Welcome to website where we will present you all the necessary information and tips on how to successfully get rid of bed bugs from your home.

Cimex lectularius is the most common type of bed bug that invades people homes as this particular specie feeds on human blood. Bed bugs bites can cause severe skin rashes that must often be medically treated. Bed bugs can also cause different allergies.

In early 1940s, we almost completely exterminated bed bugs but 55 years later they surprised us and returned in large numbers. This occurred due to the fast increasing human population all over the States. For the last 15 years bed bugs infestation is on the rise and so is the lookout for an effective bed bug extermination methods.

The main goal of our website is to present you different bed bugs extermination methods. When talking about bed bugs infestation, the first thing that comes to people mind is a bed bug extermination company. Here you will find out that there are many different ways to get rid of bed bugs by yourself, fast, cheap and easy. Let us take a closer look on using a bed bugs spray as an effective mean of bedbug eradication.

Bed bugs are irritating insects that are best eliminated using the help of bed bugs spray. There are basically two types of insecticides that you can use for getting rid of bed bugs; chemical and biological insecticides.

The chemical insecticides have chemicals which though helps to kill the bugs quickly, are rather expensive. In addition to this, these insecticides have toxic materials that prove to be much more harmful to the skin when compared to a bed bug bite.

The biological insecticides are basically living organisms that are used for killing the bed bugs

This is a better choice for a bed bugs spray as it is not only safe and easy to use, but it also does not leave any toxic materials. Moreover, this is much cheaper than the chemical insecticides.

Bed bugs sprays that are chemically created for killing bed bugs help in the quick elimination of bed bugs. This is a spray that is easy to use; all you have to do is to spray a light mist on the mattress and bed frame and your bed bugs problem will be solved. Dont miss the sides and the bottom of the mattress while spraying as bed bugs are found mostly in creases and cracks.

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Bed Bugs Spray - Discover The Best Bed Bug Spray

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Bed bugs found in Clifton City Hall

CLIFTON Bed bugs were discovered in three separate areas of City Hall earlier this month.

City Manager Dominick Villano said the wingless, reddish brown parasitic insects were identified by Clifton Health Department inspectors on Nov. 12 after a City Hall employee observed an adult bed bug fall on his desk, landing on its back.

"We identified [bed bugs] in three departments, one of which being the courtroom," Villano said. "We did a whole sweep of the entire City Hall and went into every office in the building."

The bed bug nests were found on chairs with cloth material backs as well as underneath the wooden benches inside council chambers, Villano said.

Officials could not say for sure how the bugs made it into City Hall, but sources said it is likely they were carried in via a person's coat or clothing. Bed bugs are attracted to cloth items and, due to the winter weather, visitors to City Hall are wearing jackets and layered clothing.

The municipality hired an extermination company which utilized a dog to sniff out the location of live bed bugs and bed bug eggs on Nov. 13, officials said. The following day, the company sprayed nitrogen sulfur which freezes and kills bed bugs.

Villano said the spray treatment has been "very efficient", particularly compared to chemical sprays which were used in the past. A follow-up screening of Clifton's governmental offices by the company's canine did not reveal any existing bed bugs, he said.

Villano said the City plans to conduct a second spray treatment on Dec. 12.

The bed bugs feed entirely on blood and prefer that of humans. Although they are not nocturnal, the insects are most active at night when their hosts are most likely sleeping or still. When bed bugs bite they inject an anesthetic that prevents a person from feeling the bite as well as an anticoagulant that thins the blood, City health officials said.

Health experts generally believe bed bugs do not carry diseases. City health officials said itchy bites, skin rashes and allergic symptoms are typical health effects related to bed bugs. The bites, similar to that of a mosquito's or flea's, typically heal within a few days.

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Bed bugs found in Clifton City Hall

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Brackenridge high-rise infested with bed bugs

Plagued by red, itching skin for days, Trudy Smith said, that when a doctor examined her, it was considered an allergic rash.

But last weekend the Brackenridge high-rise resident said she found the source when she awoke in the middle of the night. It was what she feared: a bed-bug infestation.

Sunday morning, I woke up and something told me to turn the light on, Smith, 54, said. I did and there they were all over the place. It was disgusting.

Several Brackenridge high-rise residents claim there is a bedbug problem at the high-rise on at least two floors: the second, where Smith lives, and the third floor where Laruth Stewart lives. The women claim it started in the spring and believe the Allegheny County Housing Authority has been less than responsive to the problem, which has resulted in the bugs spreading and causing embarrassment for residents.

I'm not a dirty person, Smith said angrily.

There's three people on the floor now who have them and I'm afraid I'm going to be next, Stewart said.

The bugs are flat, brown in color and about the size of an apple seed, according to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) website. The bugs hide in mattresses, box springs, in furniture and even in electrical receptacles. They feed on humans by biting them and sucking blood and causing small red bite marks to appear and the skin to itch, but they are not known to cause diseases, according to the EPA site.Frank Aggazio, director of the Allegheny County Housing Authority, which owns the high-rise, confirmed that there have been bed bugs found there. He said the authority has responded.

The information that I have is that we Terminex-treated apartments 302 and 303 last Friday, and they're coming back for a follow-up treatment, Aggazio said. We just got a call about apartment 204 so we'll be doing that one, also,Smith said. Although an exterminator showed up Wednesday, no work was done to get rid of the insects.

Guillermo Cole, spokesman for the Allegheny County Health Department, said the department was contacted by a resident complaining about bed bugs.

We did send management a pre-inspection notice and let them know we had a complaint and we will be looking into it, Cole said. We did receive another complaint earlier in the year in the February-March-April time frame and we did go out but our inspector, who was there on more than one occasion, did not find any bed bugs.

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Brackenridge high-rise infested with bed bugs

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PATH Director: Bed bugs gone: Woman staying at the shelter says the problem remains

FARMINGTON A reported bed bug infestation at a Farmington homeless shelter has been dealt with, its director said Thursday.

"We had an incident, but we took care of it," said Jonna Sharpe, executive director of People Assisting The Homeless, which has a 72-bed facility.

Sharpe said she paid $1,000 for Absolute Commercial Pest Management Inc. to kill the bed bugs this week. She said company workers wanted to spray only the one room that was infested, but she insisted they spray all four rooms, which included 28 beds in an area for single women.

The pest control company's owner, Jack Miller, said his company did spray the building on Tuesday, but it was a "regular monthly service call" and they didn't find any bed bugs.

"It had nothing to do with bed bugs," he said.

Crystal Lee, a 30-year-old mother who stays at the shelter with her 19-month-old son, said on Thursday that the bugs aren't gone. She, her son and others who stay at the PATH are still being bitten, she said.

Circular red welts mark most bed bug bites. The bugs can't spread diseases, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not consider them a public health threat, according to the agency's website.

Sharpe said she's upset because the shelter helps people at no charge and also provides meals.

Earlier in the week, Lee told The Daily Times she called the health department, and they suggested she speak with Sharpe.

"It's still going on," Lee said. "You know what they did? They just moved me to a different room."

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PATH Director: Bed bugs gone: Woman staying at the shelter says the problem remains

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