Category Archives: Bed Bug Spray

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Bed Bug Bully – Bed Bug Spray 1 Gallon :: My Cleaning Products

Bed Bug Bully bed bug spray is being used by numerous hotels, hospitals, and pest control companies to treat bed bugs quickly, safely, and without worry of increasing infestation. Bed Bug Bully is a naturally-derivedformulation that eliminates dust mites, bed bugs and other allergens while cleaning fabrics and upholstered surfaces.

After being used by hotels, hospitals, and pest control companies around the globe. This environmentally-safe bed bug spray is finally being released to the public. The bed bug spray banishes bed bugs and other insects fast and effectively. Spray directly on infested areas and the bed bugs become non-existent!

Bed Bug Bully is unique pesticide exempt bed bug spray(under FIFRA Section 25(b)) on the market! Not only that... because you are buying direct from the manufacturer.

Formulated to kill bed bugs, eggs, and larvae.

Meets or Excels Federal Programs and Guidelines:

Other Programs: USDA Farm Bill Section 9002 FSRIA Farm Security & Rural Investment Act

Active Ingredients: Mint Oil 0.25 % Clove Oil 0.30% Citronella Oil 0.40% Rosemary Oil 0.40%

Inert Ingredients: Water , polysorbate 20 , dimethyl carbinol , benzoic acid

Product meets requirements of exemption under Appendix APR Notice 200-6, Active Ingredients Which May Be in Minimum Risk Pesticide Products Exempted under section 25(b) of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodentcide Act.)

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Bed Bug Bully - Bed Bug Spray 1 Gallon :: My Cleaning Products

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Class Action Suit Filed Against City Over Bed Bug Infestation

DES MOINES, Iowa People who live in a city owned apartment complex say the place is infested with bed bugs and that Des Moines city leaders arent doing enough to solve the problem.

So the residents are getting the courts involved.

More than fifty tenants at the Royal View Manor apartment complex, a 200-unit facility for low income families have joined a class action lawsuit trying to force the city to clean it up and pay for damages.

At Royal View Manor, residents say they dont have much and what they do have, theyre being forced to throw away.

I lost my love seat, I lost my bed, said Julie Davis, a resident.

Most of the stuff is stacked up near the dumpster. All of it is infested with bed bugs.

Its getting to the point I want to move out here and find somewhere else to go, said Lewis.

Dozens claim to be victims of the annoying, at times painful pests. Few have as many scars as Orna Tigner and her neighbor Jeanette McDowell.

Its just so devastating, its humiliating. Youre embarrassed, said McDowell.

Both admit the city has hired pest control companies to heat treat and spray their apartments on a regular basis but as soon as the exterminators leave, they say the bugs show right back up.

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Class Action Suit Filed Against City Over Bed Bug Infestation

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Fighting Bed Bugs at the Cabell County Library

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- Cabell County Library manager Judy Rule would be content to just read to kids, but lately her duties have also included pest control.

"They're nasty little creatures, she said. We certainly don't want to take them home with us."

Rule says over the past few months, patrons returned six books with bed bugs within the pages.

Those people are banned from checking out any more items until they can show they've done something at their homes to get rid of the bed bugs.

"Apartments that are not being sprayed professionally seem to be the ones that are more affected," Rule said.

A spokesperson with the Cabell Huntington Health Department says bed bugs do not carry diseases, but they do like tight places and human blood.

Rule says her staff has been checking each book as they're returned to make sure there's no residue or bugs.

They're also using sticky strips to try to catch the tiny pests. So far, only a couple have turned up.

If a book is returned that is thought to be questionable, its placed in a bug zapping box in a back room.

"It's something to be concerned about, circulation specialist Jason Roach said. It's certainly not something to be paranoid about."

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Fighting Bed Bugs at the Cabell County Library

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129 of 131 people found the following review helpful

1) Take ALL bedding, including your...

Published on September 13, 2012 by HCDavis

13 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Published 21 months ago by kjs

129 of 131 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars DIY that anybody can do and for less costs!, September 13, 2012

This review is from: Bed Bug Spray - Bed Bug Bully 32oz Eliminate bed bugs, eggs and larvis concentrated formula (Lawn & Patio)

1) Take ALL bedding, including your pillows, and wash and dry on high heat (or simply throw away and start over if you prefer). Bed bugs are very susceptible to high heat.

2) Vacuum your entire room, including along your base boards. Then grab your attachments and vacuum your mattress, too! Take the vacuum outside to dump in a garbage bag, tie tightly and toss in your outside bin. You don't want to take the chance of any escapee's running for cover back into your room.

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Bed bugs plague Medford establishments

Medford, Ore -- Little biting bed bugs are nipping up trouble at the Medford Gospel Mission. NBC5 News has also received word that a Medford motel, the Rogue Valley Inn, recently had it's fare share of the critter too.

Jackson County Environmental Health Program Manager, Chad Peterson said over the last couple years, there has been a rise in bed bug infestations. He said it's possibly because of more people traveling in and out the area.

The most recent bed bug infestation happened about a week ago at the Medford Gospel Mission. Bill Gourley, the Mission's Director said the problem started about a year ago. They were able to get rid of the bugs for a while, but they sporadically returned. A week ago, they came back again, but a little stronger.

Gourley said they've called in pest control and are focused on getting rid of the annoying critters.

One resident we spoke to said it's not so bad and he's grateful to have a place to help him get back on track.

"I think they try real hard to get rid of them. They spray, they fumigate, they do the best they can to keep them out," said Billy Chamberlin, a resident at the Gospel Mission.

"We also changed out mattresses, changed our procedure for our bedding and stuff so that we're running the bedding through the laundry each day," said Gourley.

The Mission is also brainstorming ways to keep the bugs from coming back in.

Gourley said one idea is putting in place something he calls a hot box. He said it's where people place their belongings in a heated box. The heat kills the pests.

Another way to avoid getting bit, wash and dry your bedding and clothes.

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Bed bugs plague Medford establishments

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