Category Archives: Bed Bugs Florida

  Florida, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Tuesday 8th of October 2024 16:34 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs Florida Information, Pictures, Laws and Resources

" Consistent with what is seen in other areas, bed bugs Florida cases are predominantly found in the top tourist areas, particularly Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. Bed bugs are always found in areas that experience a large temporary population such as hotels, apartments and college dorms. In 2010 81 hotels/motels reported a bed bug problem. Another sign that the problem is growing is the increasing number of Florida exterminators that now specialize in bed bugs, a factor that didn't even exist several years ago. Government resources and advice for Florida renters and homeowners can be found below."

Bed bugs Florida problems are on the rise. The most reports of Florida bed bugs are in counties that are popular with tourists. This includes Broward County (Fort Lauderdale) and Orange County (Orlando, Disney, Universal). There are 136 hotels that have received Bed Bug complaints from consumers in Orlando alone. Check our travel tips for how to inspect a hotel room for bed bugs.

Magnified Bed Bugs Picture Source: CDC

In terms of Florida Bed Bug hotel and motel problems, there were only 68 cases reported in 2010 (State Department of Business and Professional Regulation. You can search this Florida bedbug database for infestation reports.

If you are

It is very difficult to determine if a bite or red area on the skin is from a bed bug. This is because bed bug bites look like bites or allergic reactions from other insects. The best approach is to inspect a hotel room bed before you bring any luggage into the room. If you do have bites, inspect the headboard and seams of the bed (pull back the sheets and check the seams around the top of the bed bug.

Typical Bed Bug Bites Found on the Torso or Back

Inspect the seams of the mattress for bed bugs.

It can cost $350 a room to treat bed bugs Florida. Be sure to get several quotes and ask exterminators about guarantees (usually requires 2 to 3 bed bug treatments) and methods used (heat, sprays etc.)

To easily find an experienced Florida bed bug exterminator we suggest:

Starting with the Service Magic Network (1.877.233.1145) to find a Florida based exterminator as they will provide up to 3 free quotes from member companies.. They pre-screen members and make sure that they are licensed and insured. Home owners can also search our online exterminator database of experienced local experts.

You can also check consumer reviews of Florida exterminators on Angies List.

In Florida, landlords are responsible for and must pay for the extermination of bed bugs. Section 83.51(2)(a), F.S. of the Florida Landlord/Tenant Law. Summary of Chapter 83, Part II - Florida Statutes states that:

" the landlord of a dwelling unit other than a single-family home or duplex shall, at all times of the tenancy, make reasonable provisions for:

Extermination of rats, mice, ants and wood destroying organisms and bed bugs. Locks and keys. " The exact Florida bed bug tenant law can be found here.

Since there are fewer bed bug problems in Florida, government agencies are not always organized to help tourists and tenants with bed bug problems.

To report a Florida bed bug problem in a motel or hotel, contact the State Department of Business & Professional Regulation or click here to file a complaint.

To report a problem or to request help with a landlord/tenant issue, start by contacting the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. You can also search for Florida business complaints. You can also find the departments recommendations on how to avoid bed bugs in Florida.

If you have an insect that you would like identified, contact a local cooperative extension office or university and ask if they have a staff entomologists.

Lee County Bed Bug Information (pdf download)

Bedbugs in Florida follow the tourists -

Be careful fighting bedbugs, Florida officials say - Sun Sentinel

Lodgings in Broward, Central Florida lead state in 2010 bedbug violations - Sun Sentinel

Bed bug infestations are hard to track - Charlotte Sun

The Bedbug registry has consumer placed reports of bed bug infestations. The key is not if a hotel had bed bugs, but if it has properly treated and if they have a system for preventing future problems. Every hotel, high priced and budget, are susceptible to bed bug problems.

Do you have a question or great story about bed bugs? Share it!

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Bed Bugs Florida Information, Pictures, Laws and Resources

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Bed bug control services | Ehrlich Pest Control

Call us for a free quote at 1-800-837-5520 or contact us

Bed bugs are everywhere, across the planet and all up and down the East Coast from New York to Florida. In fact, Antarctica is the only continent on the planet where the parasitic pests are not present. In the United States, bed bugs are on the rise.

Bed bugs are insects of the cimcid family. They are small, brown-colored creatures that feast on blood. Warm-blooded mammals and humans are their absolute favorites.

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There are plenty of DIY bedbug treatments out there, but which ones work? Find out here.

Although the pests were almost completely eliminated from the U.S. after World War II, bed bugs have made a strong comeback in recent years. Biting their victims in the night, bed bug infestations are the source of extensive stress and psychological trauma for many Americans every year.

If you think that you have a bed bug problem, contact the bed bug control and prevention experts at Ehrlich by calling 1-888-976-4649 or filling in our online form to schedule a FREE initial bed bug inspection.

Call us and we will arrange for your local team to contact you.

We will discuss your pest problem, schedule an appointment if necessary and provide a quote and recommendations

Our state certified pest specialists will come out to provide your treatment

We'll make as many visits as you require to ensure your problem is resolved

Ehrlich offers homeowners and business owners solutions designed to seek out bed bugs, find the infestation and provide the right solution to eliminate them.

From visual inspections performed by certified bed bug control experts to specially trained bed bug dogs, Ehrlich utilizes a variety of methods that will help track down bed bugs on your property.

Ehrlich has innovated methods of eliminating bed bugs that are environmentally friendly. In line with our commitment to providing greener pest control services, we are a GreenPro certified company.

We can apply heat treatments that reduce the need for chemical treatments while effectively eliminating bed bugs at all life stages.

Ehrlich Pest Control experts know how to identify where infestations occur and prevent future bed bug infestations.

Read about five bugs thatlook likebed bugs.

Practical advice to prevent bed bugs taking over

It's vital to identify early whether you have bed bugs. Learn about Ehrlich's bed bug inspection process here.

Bed bugs want two things: to hide and to feed on blood. A bed bugs anatomy is designed to do these two things. Here are some things that bed bugs do to feed and hide.

Bed bugs have piercing and sucking mouthparts, evident at all life stages. The mouth part is very long and lays beneath their body, tucked into a special opening when not in use. The bed bug untucks its mouth, finds a spot to feed, pierces the skin and looks for a blood vessel. When it finishes eating, it tucks its mouth back in and goes off to find a place to hide.

Ehrlich bed bug control experts know how to identify them at all stages and our heat treatments and other methods can eliminate them at all stages, too.

Call Ehrlich today at 1-800-837-5520 to enlist the help of bed bug control professionals.

These pests may look alike, but they have much different implications. Find out which one you're dealing with.

We also offer a year-round protection plan that will keep bed bugs away. Our bed bug specialists will find the source of the infestation and help provide ways of eliminating them and then keeping them away all year long. It will provide peace of mind for you and your family.

Your first step is to schedule a FREE bed bug inspection by calling 1-800-837-5520 or contacting us online. Find out why Ehrlich is the expert in pest control, bed bugs included.

Enlist the help of our bed bug dog inspection team to identify any infestations on your property

Do you have questions about bed bugs? Get the answers you need with our essential guide to bed bugs.

Take the steps you need to take to rid your property of bed bugs

Find out what a bed bug looks like when you see it up close

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Bed bug control services | Ehrlich Pest Control

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Bed bug species found in Florida after absence of sixty years

A tropical species of bed bug has been found in Florida for the first time in sixty years, according to a release from researchers at the University of Florida. The bug was found in a home in Brevard County, and scientists with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences were able to confirm the finding. Its the only confirmed case of tropical bed bugs in the state. Prior to this event, the bug has not been seen in the state since the 1940s.

Brittany Campbell, a UF/IFAS doctoral student in entomology, said in a news release that tropical bed bugs are similar to the standard variety of bed bugs, but they could potentially develop more quickly.

This could mean that this species would develop more quickly, possibly cause an infestation problem sooner, and also could spread more rapidly, Campbell said in a news release. A lot of pests that do get into Florida, a lot of them do pop up in ports, she said. We dont really know where these bed bugs were introduced from.

I personally believe that in Florida, we have all of the right conditions that could potentially help spread tropical bed bugs, which is the case in other southern states, Campbell said. As long as you have people traveling and moving bed bugs around, there is a real potential for this species to spread and establish in homes and other dwellings.

Though this is the only confirmed case in Florida, researches believe the tropical bed bugs could be found in many other parts of the state because of the species preferred tropical and sub-tropical climates make it right at home in the sunshine state.

Researchers at UF urge the public to send them samples of suspected bed bugs for identification, to try and halt the spread of the bug before it begins in earnest.

The common bed bug lives throughout the United States and the globe, typically in more temperate climates. Before the 1990s, it kept at low levels for 50 years, via widespread use of DDT and other pesticides, the UF researchers say.

The bed bugs eventually bit back, building resistance to pesticides and resurging in the late 1990s.

A similar rebound may be at play with the tropical bed bug, the UF researchers say.

Tropical bed bugs biologically mirror common bed bugs, Campbell said. They feed on human blood, so they can cause similar health problems during severe infestations: fear, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness and itchy, blistery reactions on some people.

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Bed bug species found in Florida after absence of sixty years

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Do Bed Bugs Smell? | Arrow Exterminating

arrowadmin | Posted on February 17, 2017

The scent gland of bed bugs produces a musty odor that is often described as smelling like coriander. The smell is not pleasant. If you have an infestation of bed bugs you may begin to notice your home smells like moldy shoes or wet moldy clothes.

If you are at a point where you notice a Bed Bug Smell, then it could be a good possibility that you may have a problem.

While many folks describe the smell of a bed bug infestation as smelling like spoiled raspberries, some may also describe it as similar to coriander. Although not all people smell the bed bugs similarly, coriander or cilantro seems to be a common description. You will sometimes also hear folks describe the Bed Bug Smell as similar to almonds or somewhat acidic marzipan (almonds). However, not everyone describes a smell when encountering bed bug infestations. It isnt always the same experience for everyone.

When those people that describe the smell of bed bugs as similar to coriander, they are in good company. Coriander is an herb and belongs to the carrot family. The Greek word for bug is at the root of the word koris. When the seeds of coriander are ripe, they emit a musty, sweetish aroma that has been compared to that of bedbugs. Its almost as though coriander smells like bed bugs versus bed bugs smell like coriander.

It is commonly thought that the smell originates from the droppings of the bug. Typically when there are larger populations it is more likely that bed bugs odors are often detected. It may be months of an infestation before a scent is detected. Sometimes after a very heavy infestation that has been around long term, a minty smell is detected also. Crushed bed bugs tend to give off a strong smell. Although it is not likely that a few bed bugs living in an area will be smelled, it is pretty common that a large infestation may be noticed by the smell it emanates. The musky smell is also based on pheromones produced by the bed bug. Bed Bug Detection Dogsare trained to sniff out and find bed bugs based on smell. Dogs have the ability to smell bud bugs and infestations that humans never could expect to detect. Dogs have been able to boast a 97% detection rate for bed bugs while humans visually inspecting have a much smaller success rate.

Dogs have been a very positive tool in the battle of the bed bug. Typically a dog can find a bed bug infestation within just a few minutes of searching. Because dogs are so successful in finding bed bugs, they have been used extensively in the last decade or so. As infestations increase in number and frequency, dogs who are experts at finding the Bed Bug Smell are being trained at a much higher rate than in years past. The majority of dog training facilities are based in Florida but more and more businesses are training dogs to employ in the bed bug industry. Mans best friend, may truly be the bed bugs worst enemy.

Mike Deutsch MS, BCE

Urban Entomologist

Arrow Exterminating Company, Inc.

Lynbrook, NY 11563

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Do Bed Bugs Smell? | Arrow Exterminating

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Bed Bug Treatment Tips: Pg4

Maries Treatment Tips

Two years ago, I had a group of foreign exchange students visiting. After they left, I had a young American man here tell me about my bedbugs. I didnt know what he was talking about. So he showed me. I spent the next ten days doing research on line, The American kid wanted to treat immediately, and picked up cockroach spray. That served to spread them to another bed in the same room. I told him to stop it, what he picked out was shown online to be ineffective in anything but causing them to run and spread. They run so fast.

What I discovered in the local hardware stores (sprays and bombs), and local chemical store (a spray), did not work, even though they were advertised as bedbug killers. They were very expensive, and even with direct contact did not kill all the adults. The local fumigators wanted $700 to $900 to come and put a bag on my home and fumigate. I would have to vacate, taking pillows and food things out of the house for three days. And then I was going to have to do it again in ten days, and again, in ten days. So for $2100-$2700 in fumigation, plus 9 days in a hotel, i was going to have the opportunity to have someone else take care of my problem.

The 20 Mule Team Borax I have found useful in treating for fleas over the past thirty years did not make a dent in the bed bugs, I havent tried the salt / borax mixture Ive read on this website.

In doing research i discovered that malathion is one of the pesticides on the market that still works, and it it not available in my county. I found it online from a plant nursery in the north, and had it shipped in to Florida. The first thing i did was the edges of the room, the doors frames, the window frames, and then the a/c vents. I turned off the power to the room (best to turn off all power!) and took off all electrical covers, phone line cover and the cable tv jack cover. I sprayed Malathion into all the openings in the wall. I sprayed along the baseboards. I sprayed the spline edges on the screens.

Then I spread food grade diatomaceous earth all over the floor. I sprayed bleach on the mattresses, and the bugs did not die. I put three adults on a paperplate and sprayed different things on them and 1 out of 3 would die, and the other 2 would get up, wave at me, and attempt to walk away. I crushed them. I then mixed Dawn for Dishes 1/5 soap and 4/5 water. I got an immediate 100% kill rate on the adults.

Having isolated the creatures in the one bedroom, taken out the exits with poison (yes, I hated it, but i wanted a quick, thorough kill, not a gradual die off that would allow the females to drop eggs as they were running to other parts of my home to die. I then caulked every floorboard, window frame, and the frames in the bed and furniture. I caulked and painted the furniture to completely seal the furniture. I put two new layers of paint on the walls and ceiling. I vacuumed daily for six weeks. The war lasted 6 weeks, eighteen hour days. Thank God i am self employed and was able to carve out that time, more than ten percent of that year, to handle the bug problem.

After six weeks, I was bug free. I was so relieved.

Two months later, I had a young college come and stay with me to start school in my community. He only stayed a month because he took to bringing home street people to sleep on an air mattress on the floor of the bedroom. He was feeling virtuous that he was helping the less fortunate. I was not comfortable with his charitable activities, and he left. As I was pulling the sheets from his bed I discovered three adult bed bugs. There were no sheds or obvious eggs, there was no blood load or blood trail. These bed bugs were MUCH larger and more ovular in shape than the bedbugs i did battle with downstairs. I didnt know there were different types of bed bugs like there are different types of than the cockroaches.

I immediately treated the perimeter of the room with malathion to prevent an escape into the rest of the house (baseboard cracks, window frames, door frames, plus turned off the electric to that room and removed all the electrical covers, cable cover, and phone cover). I replaced the covers, caulked and painted. I sprayed the ceiling fan motor with malathion. I waited a day, again, to turn the power back on to the room, giving everything time to dry. Then I did the entire room as i had done the downstairs. This was a metal framed bed, so i did not caulk and paint it. I stayed out of the room for ten days. The Dawn for Dishes / water mix i had found effective once again killed all the adults with whom it came in contact. After ten days, I returned to the room and checked for bugs. I found another three adults on the edge of the box spring, against the metal frame. I sprayed them with the Dawn for Dishes mix, and they all died immediately. I had no further problem in that room.

It has been two years, and I have been relieved to not deal with bedbugs, again, until 3 days ago. A visiting friend said something about the ticks in his bed. I went to see what was going on, and discovered he had unpacked his entire van, his personal effects had piled up two feet deep around the bed, plus the underside of the bed was stuffed full, plus there were clothing hanging on the curtain rods. The first things i noticed were the discolorations on the creases at the top of the insulated curtains. I didnt remember my curtains having those dark stains. My friend had been with me six weeks, and I hadnt been in his room. I had a hard time crawling over his things to get the the mattress and look closely. The first thing I saw on the bed were the speckles of dried blood on the pillow. Not good.

I pulled back the covers and immediately saw two run. I raced back to the kitchen to fill a spray bottle with Dawn for Dishes. I have a fifty pound sack of DE i picked up from a feed store to worm the animals and myself, and to take down the flea and tick problem in the yard. It takes about six weeks to take the flea and tick infestation down to zero. Since the room is already caulked and painted from the bug war two years ago, I put the DE down along the perimeter of the room, under the mattress and box spring, and began pulling all the linens and drapes for washing and drying with Dawn for Dishes and 20 Mule Team Borax. I sprayed the ceiling fans, outlets for the electric, cable and phones with malathion.

Three days ago we had one bed with a huge infestation. Today, I discovered six living adults walking around by day. One was attempting to run through the DE and couldnt make it to the edge of the thick layer of DE on the floor. That is the first time i have seen them moving around by day. I have another twenty loads of clothing, bedding, curtains, pillows, and towels to wash and dry. We are moving the clean clothing into a safe room, and leaving them there until we make sure we have gotten rid of these bugs, again, in the guest room. They have been there between three and six weeks by the size of the large ones. I assume a visitor brought them in and left them for the next visitor coming into the bedroom.

Now that i know what works for me, and have that room caulked and painted, the bugs didnt find furniture cracks and crevices to hide and lay their eggs. Instead, they have congregated in the clothing, the suitcase clutter surrounding the bed, and in the clothing hanging from the curtain rods. I will leave the DE down until tomorrow, and will vacuum it up four days after first putting it down for this infestation. It is 4am, I have gone into that room looking for live bugs every hour. There are no live bugs in that room at this time. This is good. This is the quickest i have been able to bring these creatures to a stop. They are so smart and resilient.

Ive read that the way to to treat luggage is to put it into a car in the sun for an afternoon. Perfect, Im in Florida. When I want to dry plant specimens quickly, I press them and put them in the car in the sun. Quick dry. Tomorrow I will take the DE covered luggage and have my houseguest put them back into his car in the sun. Teaching him what to do and not to do has been difficult. He was so horrified by the bugs that he started throwing his things from the floor onto another bed. NOOOOO! He wanted to throw all the furniture away, NOOOOO!. Drag an infested piece of furniture through the house means it can drop eggs as it goes and causes the risk of infestation of the rest of the house.

I am not as flipped out as the first time I saw them, but i am in the itching scratching response of just seeing them without sleeping among them or getting bit. I have stopped having visitors into the house, and opted not to spend the night at a friends home.

During the first infestation, I was traveling for school, and opted to sleep in my car in rest stops rather than in hotels or at friends homes because i did not want to risk passing the infestation on. I didnt know then what i have read on line tonight about the car heat killing the bugs.

I have spoken with cleaning people from the local expensive hotels, and they say that they have rooms that are infested in the bed area, and in the pull out bed area of the living room. They have to spray repeatedly, and they keep coming back.

They told me to NEVER put my luggage on the carpet on a hotel, to put the luggage in a hard surface in the bath area where bed bugs are not likely to travel, on top of a dresser, and to use the luggage stand available in the closet.

I never thought to look at the luggage stand for blood load, but after reading more tonight, i will look closer.

Good luck to all of you in battle with the bugs. You can win this war!

If you find a treatment that works for you, please, take a moment and leave a comment so that others may benefit from your experience.

We have a ton of success stories, so many in fact, we had to break the discussions into pages:

Disclaimer: These Bed Bug Treatments are suggestions from people visiting our site and kind enough to leave a comment helping others. I have no idea if they work or not and no idea how safe, if safe at all, any of these treatments are. You should consult a doctor before acting on any of these comments. Ive listed them so that you can further research them, not act upon them. ALWAYS consult a doctor before acting on any of this information. We are not medical professionals.

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Bed Bug Treatment Tips: Pg4

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