Category Archives: Bed Bugs Florida

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South Florida Bed Bug Identification And … – Nozzle Nolen

What do bed bugs look like?

An adult bed bug is the size of an apple seed or 3/16 to 1/4 of an inch long. They are brown and usually flat unless theyve fed then they become balloon-like. Bed bug nymphs are smaller and whitish-yellow (almost translucent) in color. Nymphs are commonly mistaken for book louse nymphs. Both are light colored but the bed bug nymph has a less elongated body. It doesnt look like it has a neck, whereas the book louse does. Bed bug eggs are tiny (the size of a pinhead) and pearl white in color.

Bed bug activity is not influenced by seasonal environmental factors like other insects. They are active year-round and found everywhere in the United States. Bed bugs are especially prominent in Florida as it is a vacation destination for tourists.

A bed bugs favorite host is a sleeping human. They do not feed on the host itself, but on the blood they suck from the host. A common misconception is that bed bugs are the result of dirt or filth. They are an equal-opportunity pest, normally transported in luggage or on clothing, where they quickly invade hotel rooms and mattresses.

Bed bug bites are often slightly swollen red areas that may itch or cause irritation, much like mosquito bites and flea bites. Bed bug bites may be random or appear in a straight line. Its important to note that you may not have any redness or symptoms when a bed bug bites but you could also experience secondary skin infections from excessive scratching at the bite location.

Signs of a bed bug infestation include small blood stains on sheets and mattresses and similar stains at other locations that could be entrances to hiding places. Bed bugs are exceptional at hiding and may be found in popcorn ceilings, the rims of mattresses, under carpets and other small, dark places. It is a misconception that bed bug activity is confined to beds. Other furniture like couches and chairs may become infested as well.

After repeated bed bug bites, the human body will produce antibodies that will cause the area to itch like a mosquito bite. People who suffer numerous bites can also develop a sensitivity syndrome, which can cause nervousness, lethargy and a pale pallor. Currently, bed bugs are not known carriers of disease and are not destructive to property. Though, Bed bug infestations can result in significant stress and economic loss.

First discovered in Florida in the 1930s, tropical bed bugs have not been seen since the 1940s until recently. This strain of bed bug prefers climates that are tropical or sub-tropical, are typically found in Asia and South America, and are thought to have entered Florida via local ports such as Port Canaveral. Like regular bed bugs, they are skillful travelers however it is believed that they reproduce much faster and more frequently. What impact theyll have in Florida remains to be seen but currently it is thought that bed bug heat treatments used on regular bed bugs will be effective against this type.

At Nozzle Nolen, we know bed bugs cant stand the heat. Thats why we use highly effective bed bug heat treatments to exterminate these biting insects from homes and businesses in our Florida service area. We also offer structural fumigation and conventional bed bug treatments. If youre concerned about a bed bug problem, wed be happy to evaluate your infestation and develop a bed bug control plan that suits your situation and budget.

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South Florida Bed Bug Identification And ... - Nozzle Nolen

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The History of Bed Bugs – – The Web’s #1 Bed …

From the Beginning

It is thought that C. lecturlarius may have actually originated in the Middle East, in caves that were inhabited by humans as well as bats. The lineages of the bed bug can be traced by their name as well. In ancient Rome, they were called Cimex, meaning bug, the species designation lecturlarius refers to a couch or bed.

They are ancient insects and they have lived off hosts since time began. Studies have suggested that they parasitized bats first and then moved on to humans. The bugs inhabited the same caves where civilization began.

These bugs have been found fossilized, dating back further than 3,500 years, and have been found at archaeological sites. During that age, the bugs were used as a potion to try to cure common ailments. They were burned by the Romans and Greeks to make leeches release their hold. To cure snakebite, Egyptians would drink them.

They thrived due to the formation of villages and then cities. Civilization grew and the bugs multiplied and spread all throughout Asia and Europe.

By 100 A.D., they were a well-known presence in Italy, in 600 A.D. in China, in the 1200s in Germany and the 1400s in France. Heat that was generated from cooking and sleeping fires afforded the bugs a comfortable life in the wealthiest families residing in castles and the less fortunate working class living in huts.

England first reported the bugs in 1583. Shortly thereafter, they arrived in the Americas, stowing away with the European explorers and the settlers.

In 400 BC, Ancient Greece mentioned the bugs and they were mentioned again by Aristotle. According to Plinys Natural History that was first published in Rome around 77 AD, medicinal values for these bloodsucking insects included the treatment of ailments like ear infections and snake bites.

This belief in their medicinal properties continued at least until the 18th century. That is when Guettard recommended using them to treat hysteria.

The early colonists brought the bugs with them to the Americas in the 1700s. In the earlier part of the 18th century, colonial writings document severe problems with them in Canada and the English colonies. In the 1800s, they were abundant in North America following the arrival of the European settlers.

In an attempt to deter the bugs, their beds were generally made out of sassafras wood and doused the crevices with boiling water, sulfur and arsenic. However, there was not a problem with them in the Indian villages.

It was known that old sailing ships were overrun with these offending bugs. Many sailors had complained that bugs were attacking them while they were sleeping at night. They forbade colonists and passengers from bringing any bedding on board the ship.

Germany first mentioned the bugs in the 11th century. They were first mentioned in France during the 13th century. Englands first mention was in the year 1583, until 1670 the bugs were rather rare in England.

Some people in the 18th century thought that the bugs were brought to London in supplies purchased to rebuild London following the Great Fire in the year 1666.

In the 18th century, Giovanni Antonio Scopoli made note of their presence in Carniola, which is generally equivalent to Slovenia in present-day.

Railroads, hotels and ships were ideal accommodations. Travelers that were wise to their habits would pull their beds away from the walls and then immerse the legs in pans full of oil.

Over the years, there have been multitudes of formulas claiming they could assist in controlling infestations. If these formulas were used today, it could result in being incarcerated.

By the middle of the 1800s, the poor were plagued as well as the rich. These were overcrowded areas that had low cleanliness standards. The wealthier households that had excess domestic help discovered that vigorous housekeeping assisted in eliminating the pests.

The larger benefit from these kinds of efforts was detecting the infestations during their vulnerable initial stages. The greatest remedy is extreme cleaning and continuous care and examining all the joints and crevices to ensure there are no more residing in those dark crevices.

In the early 20th century, the majority of Americans had seen a one and most had been bitten. At that time, they were considered one of the top three pests concerning structures.

Surveys taken at that time showed that almost 1/3rd of all the residences in some of the cities were infested. In the lower income areas, nearly all the residences had been infested at some point. In the lower income areas, they were considered to be the #1 public enemy.

Then something surprising happened. All of a sudden, they were gone, at least in the countries that were developed. By the 50s, the American entomologists were having difficulty finding live bugs for their laboratory work. The question was what happened?

In the 50s, DDT was introduced to exterminate cockroaches and other bug populations and populations began to decrease rapidly. They met their match in DDT. The DDT would be dusted or sprayed all around and all over the bed.

This control would last at least a year. In 1972, DDT being used as a pesticide was banned. It was thought that DDT as well as other pesticides could cause cancer and also endangered wildlife, especially the bird population.

It is also believed that the vacuum cleaner and simplified furniture design also assisted in helping elimination. Some believe that it may have been the organisms cyclical nature.

These parasites reside all over the world. The infestation rates in the developed countries had decreased from the 30s to the 80s. However, their numbers have been greatly increasing since the 80s. Before this, they were still rather common in the developing parts of the world, but extremely rare in the developed world.

Infestations began increasing even more rapidly over the past few years. The current number of infestations is similar to the mid-century numbers that were seen. The number of infestations is still on the rise.

Despite the fact that they became resistant to DDT within several years, we were still able to control them with the use of other chlorinated hydrocarbons like lindane. An organophosphate insecticide known as malathion was also used.

By the mid 50s they were not a major pest in the household, now only an occasional pest. Generally, they would be found in the settings that were socially depressed or in areas with other rather unusual circumstances. Every so often a problem may arise in a prison, shelter, cabin or youth hostel, nearly never in hotels or homes.

These pests are the most detested of the household pests. Infestations are out of control and they can be difficult to eliminate. Previously, extermination treatments were sometimes dangerous to an individuals health. In the battle of todays worldwide resurgence, we can learn from the past.

They are famous for hiding in bags or attaching themselves to clothing to travel. Looking back in history we can see that the recent resurgence actually followed a comparable pattern.

The extreme infestations began once again in the late 90s. They first appeared in gateway cities like Miami, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

In the middle to late 90s, they started to appear in more and more motels and hotels. These infestations were not limited to the less expensive establishments. They began showing up in premium hotels, single-family homes, apartments, hospitals and in nursing homes.

Unfortunately, today these bugs are still making a comeback. This is not a slow comeback, but a very fast-paced one. They are national news and there are media exposs uncovering attacks in some of the five star hotels.

Some of the research indicates that as many as 25% of the residents in various cities have reported bug problems. These infestations were generally being seen in the lower-class urban areas.

For the residents in these cities they are not just a nuisance, the infestations are reaching epidemic levels. Throughout history, this kind of intense and widespread infestation has NEVER been seen.

It is extremely clear that the bugs have made a major resurgence. This resurgence has occurred throughout most of the world. Their increase has been acknowledged for Canada, the United States, Australia and in parts of Europe and Africa.

Because of the recent increase in infestations all across America, an industry for the prevention, reporting of infestations and eradication has spawned.

The exterminators today are modeled after the very first European exterminators. One of the most famous of these was Tiffin & Son of London. They formed a business in 1690 to exterminate the bugs for the wealthier public. Their gas-lit sign over the shop read: May The Destroyers of Peace Be Destroyed by Us. Bug-Destroyers to Her Majesty. This recognized the continuous threat of possible infestation.

They worked by contract and examined the house each year. It was a precaution to keep the places comfortable because servants could bring them in their clothes and boxes.

Tiffin did report that the majority of bugs were found in beds, but did caution the public stating that if the bugs were not exterminated they would populate and climb all over the ceiling, colonizing wherever they are able.

Centurys after Tiffin & Son of London the pest management industry once again advocated preventive routine inspections. By catching an infestation early, it will reduce the spread into other places and can lessen some clients liability.

Another destroyer was John Southall who destroyed these bugs in England and published a 44-page manual in 1730. The treatise contained information concerning their control and prevention and on their habits that was based on his personal experiences.

To simplify treatment and limit harborage he suggested that beds needed to be plain and with as little woodwork as possible.

Pest control professionals and Entomologists have several reasonable theories pertaining to why the problems with these bugs have increased. Here are some of the possible reasons; however, no one is certain.

People travel to all the continents for business and pleasure. The developed countries are becoming more and more multicultural and the residents continue to move back and forth between countries. Naturally, this kind of travel would assist in their transportation.

Some of these areas being traveled have infestations. The bugs are removed from one area and then introduced to another in various ways. These bugs can be transported from one country to another on the body, clothing or even luggage. Many times they are found in airplanes, including in the cargo hold area. Overnight stays in motels; hotels and Inns can also assist in the transportation from one location to another.

Previously hotel rooms were usually treated regularly with residual pesticides. Because of this, these bugs that were introduced during travel would generally be exposed to that pesticide once they left their transport source to travel to the bed.

These kinds of residual pesticide application monthly or even quarterly treatments for other pests would control any new infestations. Currently, insecticide baits are commonly used as a substitute for the traditional sprays.

However, the baits are specifically designed for a certain type of pest like ants or cockroaches. There is not any bait used for the blood feeding insects.

During the mid 90s, a dramatic shift took place in the practices of pest management. Treatments that were routinely scheduled for the baseboards in motels, hotels and apartments were replaced. The replacement was a targeted application of baits for other pests such as cockroaches and ants.

Because of the residual pesticide application absence, the bugs traveled safely and freely from the individuals luggage, then to the bed and the infestation had now begun. It is extremely probable that factors like these have played a major role in their re-establishment in the United States.

The lack of community awareness is assisting in their transfer from one location to another.

People need to be more diligent and inspect their items regularly during travel. They should also take the time to inspect any of the places they reside in while away from home for evidence of bug infestation.

People also need to inspect any second-hand items they are considering to purchase or if nothing else, prior to bringing them into their home.

There are enormous populations of temporary workers or illegal aliens in many cities. These workers and illegal aliens are continuously moving in and out of residences. Most of these residences house groups of people and are located in low-income apartments.

For instance, in Washington DC, it is not considered to be unusual to find more than a dozen people residing in an apartment with only three bedrooms.

The mix of people in these apartments is continuously changing as people move back to their home country; change jobs or decide to move to another city. These kinds of residences can easily become heavily infested.

The truth is that if you are an illegal alien, you probably will not be contacting property management to complain about a problem with an infestation. Doing so could make your apartment the focus for any other infestations within the building.

Decreased focus on the control due to a greater focus on controlling other pests. These bugs have the ability to become immune to our pesticides.

Shabby-chic is all the rage right now. Thrift stores, flea markets, antique stores and garage sales are now more popular than ever.

Unfortunately, all these secondhand merchandise stores and markets increase your risk of becoming infested. In addition, many people do not think twice about picking up the recliner sitting on the side of the road. This practice also increases your chance of becoming infested.

The bugs are brought in on items that are infested, like clothing or furniture. Eggs and bugs enter the homes that have hitched a ride on pets or luggage. They are carried by wild animals like birds or bats entering the home.

Dwellings that are nearby that have routes available through false ceilings or ductwork. Visitors from an infestation source; these bugs are like roaches and are transferred from place to place on luggage, clothing or an individuals body.

These bugs are prolific breeders. Despite the fact that females have a reproductive tract, the male does not utilize this tract when mating. Instead, the male pierces the abdomen of the female with hypodermic genitalia and then ejaculates into the females body cavity.

The nymphs and males secrete hormones. These hormones label these bugs as sexually unsuitable. This is necessary to prevent injury. The fertilized female avoids the clusters of the other bugs to avoid any further injury. Usually, the fertilized female will leave in an attempt to find a place that is safer to lay her eggs.

Despite the hormones secreted by the nymphs and males, a male will sometimes try to mate with another male and pierce his abdomen. This kind of behavior happens because the sexual attraction is primarily based on size, not the hormone. This means that a male will mount any bug that has recently fed regardless of that bugs sex.

There is a pheromone emitted that is considered to be an alarm. This pheromone is released whenever a bug gets disturbed, such as during a predator attack. In a study done in 2009, males demonstrated the use of their alarm pheromone to repel any other male that is attempting to accidentally mate with them.

If given the opportunity, C. hemipterus and C. lectularius will mate with one another. However, the eggs that are produced are generally sterile. In a study done in 1988, 1 out of 479 fertile eggs resulted in a hybrid, known as C. hemipterus x lectularius.

These bloodsucking insects possess mouthparts that are adapted to pierce and then suck blood. The bottom lip, known as the labium, is modified and forms a grooved sheath that receives two sets of bristle like stylets. These stylets are the modified maxillae & mandibles.

Some people think that they are (Cimex electuaries) too small and cannot be seen with the naked eye very easily. This is untrue because the adult bug is about the size of an apple seed. However, after it feeds, it could grow up to three times its usual size. It also turns a reddish brown color following a feeding.

These insects are flat, oval shaped insects whose colors range from straw-colored to a mahogany brown. For this reason, some call the adults Mahogany Flats. The nymphs are almost translucent.

The upper body is crinkly resembling paper and covered by short, golden hairs. They are essentially wingless; the fore wings are symbolized by tiny vestigial scales. Their hind wings are absent. Their antennae can easily be seen.

Their first couple of segments looks angled. The microscopic hairs on their abdomens make them look banded or striped. They have compound eyes. These eyes are easily visible. Their eyes consist of 30 facets and look like cones.

Males are easily distinguished from the females because the end of their abdomen terminates into a sharp flap like segment. The end of the females abdomen is rounded.

Their legs are very well developed. This allows them to crawl easily on vertical surfaces of plaster, wood and paper. They can climb up dirty glass, but with difficulty.

They are sometimes mistaken for other insects including carpet beetles and booklice, or vice-versa. Unfortunately, the current registered pesticide poisons do not affect this species.

There are 92 recognized species and the relatives in the world.

These bugs belong to the hemiptera order that includes a variety of different forms including scorpions and aphids.

The majority of the hemiptera order actually feed on the sap of plants. Actually, many of these species are carriers of very important plant diseases.

There are a few species in the family known as Cimicidae and families that are related that feed on the blood of mammalian and birds.

Cimex lectularius is the common type. This species has adapted very well to human environments and lives in various climates around the world.

Cimex hemipterus is another species and is found in tropical regions of the world. In the United States, it is primarily found in Florida. This bug infests and feeds on poultry, bats and people.

The Leptocimex boueti is found in tropical regions of South America and West Africa. This species infests and feed on humans and bats.

The Cimex pipistrella, Cimex adjunctas and Cimex pilosellus are known as the bat bugs. These bugs for the most part infest and feed on bats.

The Haematosiphon inodora bug is found in North America. It chiefly infests poultry.

Oeciaus vicaruis is the swallow bug and Cimexopsis nycatalis, the swift bug

These bugs are bloodsucking (hematophagous) insects. Most of the species only feed on humans when there is no other prey is available.

Cimicidae are tiny parasitic insects. Cimex lectularius is the most common kind and generally refers to the species whose preferred food is human blood. All the insects within this family survive by feeding entirely on the blood of mammals and birds.

Carbon dioxide, warmth and certain chemicals attract them to their hosts.

Their name is derived from its preferred habitat. They prefer to reside in houses, especially in beds or any other area where a person sleeps. Despite the fact that they are usually more active during the night, they are not considered to be strictly nocturnal.

Often they live in bedding or bird nests. This is to allow for easy access to the host they will feed upon. It generally feeds on the sleeping host approximately an hour before dawn.

There are various other names that they have been given including bed louse, mahogany flat, wall louse, wallpaper flounder, crimson rambler, redcoat, nightriders, heavy dragoon and chinche.

Their life span will fluctuate and depends on the species of bug and the bugs ability to feed.

They communicate using pheromones and chemicals. They communicate regarding reproduction, nesting locations and feeding.

They have the ability to survive a broad range of atmospheric compositions and temperatures. At temperatures below 61.0F (16.1C), the adult enter into a semi-hibernation state that helps them to survive longer in the colder temperature.

They are able to survive for five days in the least at a temperature as low as 14F (-10C). However, they will die after just fifteen minutes of exposure to -26F (-32C).

They demonstrate a high tolerance to desiccation by surviving in low humidity and a range of 95F to 104F (35C to 40C) even with the loss of 1/3rd of their body weight. The earlier life stages are much more likely to dry out than the latter ones.

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The History of Bed Bugs - - The Web's #1 Bed ...

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Useful Tools for fighting bed bugs – Bed …

Below are some links to items that Bedbuggers and/or pest management professionals have recommended to others on the site as useful tools for helping to get rid of bed bugs.

If you shop via the links and banners below, the merchants pay us a small commission which helps to support the running of this website, at no additional cost to you. (Please read our advertising Disclosure Policy.)

Product Index

Books See miscellaneous other products carried by US Bed Bugs for David Cains book Bed Bug Beware), or for Paul Bellos book The Bed Bug Combat Manual.

Detecting and monitoring for bed bugs Bed Bug Blue Fecal Spot Detection kits and presumptive blood test kits Bed Bug Monitors (Passive and Interceptor/Pitfall/Barrier): ClimbUp Interceptors, Packtite Passive Monitors/BBAlert Passive Monitors, Bed Bug Barriers and Bed Bug Defenders Bed Bug Monitors (Active): The Bed Bug Beacon, Nightwatch

Dealing with bed bugs in your stuff Bed bug heaters, including Packtite SC, Packtite Closet, ZappBug and Thermalstrike Ziploc Bug Bags (XL, XXL) Nuvan prostrips and Hot Shot No Pest Strips (dichlorvos, DDVP) Cirkil/Proof (for Rag in a Bag method)

Encasements, bedding, and bed bug tents Protect-a-Bed AllerZip and other Encasements for mattresses, box springs, pillows, etc. See miscellaneous other products carried by US Bed Bugs for SofaSafe sofa encasements, BugZip travel products, and books Bed Bug Tents (for those who really want to try and avoid being bitten in bed)

Treatment for bed bugs Dry Vapor Steam Cleaners Diatomaceous earth (DE), CimeXa, and other dusts Do It Yourself treatment with pesticide sprays also see books by Paul Bello and David Cain under miscellaneous other products carried by US Bed Bugs

Travel See miscellaneous other products carried by US Bed Bugs (for GreenClean laundry bags, BugZip Drawer liners and luggage encasements).

You may also be wondering about: Where to shop in Canada? Recommended suppliers: US Bed Bugs and Bed Bug Supply. Other shops you may find useful?

Detecting Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Blue Fecal Spot Detection kits and presumptive blood test kits can help determine if you have bed bugs. They can be used on suspected fecal stains to determine if blood is present.

Note that blood stains themselves dont confirm bed bugs, so you should avoid testing stains unless they look like bed bug fecal stains. Note also that some other pests (eg fleas) have digested blood in their feces, so again, its important to know something about what fecal stains from bed bugs look like. The FAQs should help with this.

Bed Bug Blue

Read the FAQ on Bed Bug Blue, which was designed to detect fecal stains from the maker of the Packtite.

You can purchase Bed Bug Blue in a consumer (9-test) kit for $28.95 or a professional (100-test) kit for $99.95 from US Bed Bugs; prices are comparable at Bed Bug Supply:

Presumptive Blood Testing Kits

These kits test for the presence of blood. You can buy them from Amazon:

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ClimbUp Interceptors

Detecting bed bugs and monitoring for bed bugs: passive and pitfall or Interceptor style bed bug monitors

ClimbUp Insect Interceptors may be used to determine whether you have bed bugs (or continue to have bed bugs). You can read about ClimbUp Insect Interceptor passive bed bug monitors here.

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Bed Bug Barrier

If you want an interceptor but ClimbUp Interceptors and BlackOut Detectors do not suit your bed frame, consider the Bed Bug Barrier. You can purchase the Bed Bug Barrier Passive Monitor Glue Trap from US Bed Bugs, and either style is currently $6.99 per barrier (or under $28 if your bed has four feet). We have not had a lot of feedback about this product.

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Packtite Passive Monitors/BBAlert Passive Monitors You can also purchase the passive bed bug monitor designed by David Cain at US Bed Bugs: Packtite Passive Bed Bug Monitor. Read more about the Packtite Passive Monitor (prior to 2013, was marketed in North America as the BBAlert Passive Monitor, under which name its still sold in Europe) in this FAQ on bed bug monitors.

You can also find a PDF with instructions for using the Packtite Passive on the US Bed Bugs website.

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Bed Bug Beacons

Detecting bed bugs and monitoring for bed bugs:active bed bug monitors

Bed Bug Beacons are a relatively new product on the market, from the inventor of the Packtite. We have already had reports from users who caught bed bugs in this monitor after two weeks of use. Please note: active monitors like the Bed Bug Beacon are intended to help you confirm whether you have bed bugs. They are not a substitute for treatment. You can read more about the Bed Bug Beacon here. You can purchase the Bedbug Beacon CO2 Monitor at US Bed Bugs or Bed Bug Supply.

Nightwatch The Nightwatch is an active monitor which uses refillable CO2 tanks and replaceable lures. Its pricy to purchase (currently $299 at Bed Bug Supply as of 3/2015) and sometimes rented out by PCOs.

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Useful tools for dealing with bed bugs in your belongings

Bed Bug Heaters: Packtite SC and Packtite Closet are useful tools which allow you to kill bed bugs and bed bug eggs in items you may have around your home, including items which cant go in the dryer, such as delicate clothing, stuffed animals, shoes, books, paper, and so on.

The black Packtite Original, has now been replaced by the Packtite SC. It can be purchased for about $329 (as of 8/2016) from US Bed Bugs. It can only be shipped to the US as of 8/2016.

The green Packtite Closet, available in the US and Canada, is larger, contains a bar for hanging clothes, and is more powerful, meaning it can kill bed bugs in your stuff in less time. It costs about $669 US or $949 CA as of 2/2015.

You can order Packtite Closet shipped from US Bed Bugs or Bed Bug Supply to the US or Canada (shipping is free to the contiguous US):

Zappbug and Thermalstrike Other bed bug oven products are marketed by Thermalstrike and Zappbug.

ZappBug has three models (ZappBug Oven, ZappBug Oven 2, and the ZappBug Room (which, at $1495, is being marketed to treat belongings inside a room, much like the DIY protocols provided by the University of Florida). You can download a PDF of independent test data on the ZappBug Oven model here.

The ThermalStrike Expedition, new Thermalstrike Ranger, ZappBug, ZappBug 2, and ZappBug Room are all available from Bed Bug Supply.

You can buy all of these bed bug heaters/ovens at Bed Bug Supply:

Packtite, ThermalStrike and ZappBug heaters are also available at, but note that products shipped by Amazon may be returned. If you are concerned about possibly receiving a bed bug heating device which has been returned by someone with bed bugs, we recommend purchasing these items from Bed Bug Supply or US Bed Bugs, which do not take returns on such items.

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Some people find dissolvable laundry bags or ziplocs helpful.

Lots of people use large zipper bags to store clean clothing (because they can be opened and resealed again and again good for daily use. Ziploc Big Bags (Large, XL, XXL) from US Bed Bugsor Hefty Big Bags (with zipper) from Bed Bug Supply.

Dissolvable Bug Bags are somewhat pricy but they can seal your laundry and dissolve in the wash, which may make dealing with bed bug-infested laundry easier.

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Nuvan prostrips and Hot Shot No Pest Strips (dichlorvos, DDVP) This falls under the handle with care category, along with pesticides and dusts. DDVP strips are sold in North America under the names Nuvan Prostrips (except NY and CT in the US) and Hot Shot No Pest Strips (including NY and CT in the US). Experts tell us it is possible to treat items including electronics (which cant be heated in a Packtite, for example) by carefully sealing DDVP strips in an airtight manner along with the items to be treated inside bags (or possibly sealed bags inside stackable containers, to protect the bags).

DDVP is not intended to be used where people are present (hence the need for an airtight seal which is not disturbed), Follow all label instructions and exercise caution. Take special care when using this product around pets, children, and others who may disturb the sealed item.

P Bello is a pro in our forums who has offered answer questions about using these products in the past. You can also read threads on our forums which are tagged DDVP.

If you are outside of NY or CT, you can obtain Nuvan Prostrips from Bed Bug Supply or Do My Own Pest Control.

You can purchase Nuvan Prostrips from Amazon if you are not in NY or CT:

Those in NY or CT can obtain Hot Shot 5580 No Pest Strips from Amazon:

DDVP pest strips may also be found in hardware stores.

Cirkil/Proof (for Rag in a Bag Protocol)

The idea here is you use a Rag in a Bag the rag is treated with the product and kills bed bugs and eggs in the sealed bag. This method is not recommended currently by any pros on our site, as far as I know (primarily, it seems, because the product, made from Neem, does have a lingering odor). However, you can read Cirkils description of their Rag in a Bag protocol and watch Dini Millers webinar describing her experiments with it below.

Normally, Cirkil is sold only to pest pros and therefore in large quantities, but you can currently find smaller quantities of Cirkil on Amazon:

According to Cirkils website, Rag in a Bag can be done with Proof or Cirkil, both have the active ingredient 5.5% cold pressed neem. You can get Proof at ome big box stores like Walmart, and Amazon:

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Encasements: Many pest management professionals recommend a good encasement to keep bed bugs locked into (or out of) the box springs.Their use on mattresses is commonly recommended in North America, though controversial for reasons explained in our FAQ on bed bug encasements.

You can purchase Protect-a-Bed AllerZip encasements from US Bed Bugs:

You can buy SafeRest encasements (and view their testing data) at Bed Bug Supply:

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Bed Bug Tents

If you are very sensitive to bites, you might consider using a bed bug tent to try and avoid them while sleeping.

Some forum users have used and recommended the SansBug Tent or Eco-keeper Bed Bug Tent, both in sizes to fit single people or more than one person.

We cannot vouch for these designs but as long as the design is secure, then the main risk factors for being bitten are (a) you track bed bugs into the unit, or (b) you lean against the outside and bed bugs bite through the mesh. You can see discussions of this type of product here.

You can buy EcoKeeper tents at Amazon:

MattressSafe (a company which makes mattress encasements) also has a bed bug tent product called NiteSafe. You can view it on their website.

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DIY Treatment:Steamers

Many people use dry vapor steam cleaners to kill bed bugs, either as part of a self-treatment plan, or to supplement the work of a pest management professional. (If youre supplementing a PMPs work, be sure and ask them when and where it is safe for you to steam; you do not want to clean away the pesticides they have laid down.) Dry vapor steamer rentals are rare.

An Italian steamer newly available in North America, the Armato 9000 Commercial Bed Bug Steamer, offers a tip temperature of 284F, 90-PSI steam pressure capability, a tank capacity of 1.1 gallons, and continuous fill which means you can keep working and topping up the water. This steamer retails for just under $1000 from Bed Bug Supply.

Bedbugger experts Franco Casini in Italy and David Cain in the UK have long used and praised the Cimex Eradicator, a Polti steamer designed to kill bed bugs. Its extremely hot and efficient at doing so. It became available in the US in 2015, and is state of the art, if pricy ($1495 as of this update).

Bed Bug Supply writes,

With a maximum tip temperature of 356 degrees Fahrenheit, this is easily the hottest steamer we have ever tested. There is also significantly less water vapor emitted by the Eradicator than by any other steamer weve seen, which means more heat penetration ability and less cleanup after the job is done.

Although it doesnt have continuous fill, the 2L capacity means you can steam for up to two hours without stopping.

Many Bedbuggers have used the Vapamore MR-100, which is an economical model at $299 with free shipping from Bed Bug Supply (with free 2-day express shipping) or US Bed Bugs (free ground shipping).

Pest Management Pro John Furman (aka KillerQueen in our forums) tells us he uses a continuous-fillVaporClean TR6, but he also recommends the TR5 for consumers (a less expensive model available for under $500). You can click here to view Vapor Clean TR Pro5 and Pro6 Steamers at

You can read more about steaming techniques and models in our Steamer FAQ.

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What Not to Do for Bed Bugs – University of Florida

Faith M. Oi, Jennifer Gillett-Kaufman, Eddie Connor, Marty Overline, Brian Taggart, and Louis Witherington2

Engorged adult and nymphal bed bug.

L. Buss, UF

In desperate attempts to eliminate bed bugs, people often turn to home remedies that can be fatal. Here is a list of what not to do for bed bug control. The list is comprised of practices that are ineffective or illegal and can be harmful to your health. The following list was compiled based on observations of pest control professionals who do bed bug remediation on a regular basis.

Off-label applications are defined as pesticides used in a manner contrary to the directions for use on a pesticide product. The label directions are considered law, both at the federal and state levels. Thus, using a product off label violates federal and state laws.

Do not use foggers. They are ineffective and not a replacement for a proper fumigation.

Do not attempt to use heat to treat your own home, particularly in combination with flammable materials such as alcohol or any of the products, items or practices listed in Table 1. The combination of heat with do-it-yourself pest control products and home remedies has resulted in structurally destructive fires.

Do not

Make off-label applications of current products and apply them to beds, mattresses or bedding

Mix multiple off- and on-label products

Mix various products with carriers like alcohol, kerosene and diesel fuel

Use tape to seal outlets and apply it backwards, or double-sided tape, to keep bed bugs from climbing up furniture as it is ineffective

Off-label pesticide use is the biggest safety concern that licensed pest control professionals see on a regular basis when they are called in after failed home remedies.

Advice from one pest control professional on succeeding against bed bugs: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is truly the key to success in this battle, the bed area being the most important. The bed must be isolated from the walls, no curtains hanging on the bed, no stored items under the bed, no bed skirts, no stuffed animals kept on the bed. Live like a Marine until the issue is resolved (Overline, personal communication).

The legal repercussions, such as injury to people and damage to property, resulting from an improper treatment will always far outweigh the inconvenience of the infestation or having to live like a Marine.

Chincha ninfal y adulto engullido.

L. Buss, UF

En desesperados intentos para eliminar las chinches, las personas usan remedios caseros que pueden ser fatales.Lo siguiente es una lista de lo que NO se debe hacer para tratar de controlar las Chinches. La lista esta compuesta de prcticas que son ineficientes o ilegales, y pueden ser dainas para su salud. La lista siguiente fue compuesta basndose en observaciones de profesionales de control de plagas, que tratan el control de chinches regularmente.

Applicaciones fuera de la etiqueta se definen como insecticidas que son usados de manera diferente a la indicada para su uso como insecticidas. Las indicaciones en la etiqueta son consideradas leyes, a nivel federal y estatal. Por lo tanto usar un producto fuera de la etiqueta viola leyes federales y estatales.

No use nebulizadores. Estos no son efectivos y no son un remplazo para una fumigacin apropiada.

No intente usar calor para tratar su propia casa, particularmente en combinacin con materiales inflamables, como alcohol o cualquiera de los productos qumicos mencionados en la Tabla 1. Esta combinacin ha resultado en incendios estructurales destructivos.


Haga aplicaciones fuera de la etiqueta de productos aplicados a ropa de cama

Mezcle mltiples productos fuera de la etiqueta

Mezcle varios productos con portadores como alcohol, queroseno, y combustible diesel.

Use cinta adhesiva para sellar puntos de ventana ni apliquecinta adhesiva de dos lados para prevenir que las chinches se trepen en los muebles

Uso de insecticidas fuera de la etiqueta es la mayor preocupacin de seguridad que los profesionales con licencia para controlar plagas observan con regularidad, cuando ellos son llamados, cuando los remedios caseros no funcionan.

Consejo de un sabio profesional de control de plagas, para tener xito contra las chinches: Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) es verdaderamente la clave para vencer esta batalla, el rea de la cama es la mas importante. La cama debe estar aislada de las paredes, no debe tener cortinas colgando sobre la cama, no almacene articulos debajo de la cama, no use faldas de cama, no mantenga figuras de peluche en la cama, viva como un Marino hasta que el problema con las chinches sea resuelto (comunicacin personal con Overline).

Las repercusiones legales de daos que son resultados de tratamientos incorrectos, como lesiones a personas y daos a la propiedad, siempre son peores que la inconveniencia de infestacin o tener que vivir como un Marino.

Do not apply the following:

Flammable liquids: gasoline, kerosene, alcohol (drinking and isopropyl), or diesel fuel

Exterior-only or lawn & ornamental products applied indoors

Bleach or other household cleaners

Pesticides from outside the U.S., often ordered online

Sevin dust

Large quantities of diatomaceous earth

Arsenic dust

Store-bought gardening products of all types that claims to kill bugs other than bed bugs

Dursban dust

Cedar oil

Boric acid dust

Moth balls

Oils and soaps used on furniture, this will not keep bed bugs from climbing up

Fine cut chewing tobacco (supposedly an old home remedy, but ineffective)

No applique lo siguiente:

Materiales inflamables: gasolina, queroseno, alcohol (potable y/o isoproplico), o combustible diesel

Productos para exteriores, csped y plantas ornamentales usados en interiores.

Blanqueadores y otros detergents para uso en el hogar

Insecticidas ordenados a travs del internet que provienen fuera de los Estados Unidos

Sevin en polvo

Cantidades en libras de tierra de diatomeas

Arsnico en polvo

Todo tipo de productos de jardinera comprados en las tiendas que dicen matan insectos

Dursban en polvo

Aceite de cedro

Acido brico en polvo

Bolas para combatir polillas

Aceites y jabones usados en muebles para prevenir que las chinches puedan trepar los muebles.

Tabaco de mascar de corte fino (supuestamente un viejo remedio casero)

U.S. Department of Agriculture, UF/IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension.

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Bed Bug Claims by a Florida Tenant: Can You Sue the …

Posted By Larry Tolchinsky on December 8, 2016

In Florida, the obligation of a landlord to a tenant with regard to providing a clean and safe living condition when leasing and renting of residential real estate, is governed by Florida statute and Florida court opinions this includes renting in a large apartment complex, single family home, vacation rental or condo.

Be aware, bed bugs bites can resemble spider bites and mosquito bites. Thats why we recommend that you see a Doctor to determine the exact type of bite you have. Often times, people learn that those innocent looking bites are in fact caused by bed bugs.

Most bed bug related landlord tenant disputes stem from the landlords lack of knowing how to deal with an infestation in an apartment and from not having a coherent bed bug policy as to proper cleaning, extermination and the hiring of certified experts to address an infestation. (Bombing bed bugs, if done incorrectly, can simply lead to the bed bugs spreading to other areas of the home or apartment units in the complex.)

Bed bugs have been found in high end apartment complexes and vacation resorts and their presence is not determined by the cleanliness of the living conditions where they are found.

According to Florida statute 83.51, unless agreed in writing, the landlord of an apartment complex is required to exterminate for bedbugs. Furthermore, Florida statute 83.56 states if a landlord materially fails to comply with 83.51 within 7 days after delivery of written notice by the tenant specifying the noncompliance and indicating the intention of the tenant to terminate the rental agreement by reason thereof, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement.

However, be aware, going down this road can lead to an issue with the landlord not returning your security deposit.

Unfortunately, most renters insurance dont cover claims related to maintenance issues. Thats because the costs associated with eliminating bed bugs is considered part of standard home maintenance.

Thus, Florida landlords and property managers need to properly maintain their premises, including having a maintenance program that looks for and properly treats any bed bug infestation.

Due to the invasive nature of bed bugs (they can lay several eggs per day), an infestation can lead to personal injury claims against a property owner and/or other interested parties (i.e. leasing and rental agents and property management companies).

If a tenant, shows signs of a bite, from a small bite mark, to a serious allergic reaction, then the landlord, property manager, or leasing agency, may be held liable for those injuries. In Florida, landlords have a duty to provide habitable living conditions (some duties can be contracted away check your lease).

Further, a claim for damages in a bed bug lawsuit can be significant, particularly if the apartment tenant has engaged the help of a mental health professional for severe emotional distress. Those damages are in addition to claims for pain and suffering, lost wages, reimbursement of medical expenses, relocation expenses, property damage and more. To this end, be sure to take pictures or video of your bites and try to collect evidence of the infestation, including capturing a bed bug, if possible.

If you are dealing with a bed bug issue in your apartment, a good piece of advice is to speak with an experienced Florida real estate lawyer to learn about your rights, including what information you will need to make a claim and the amount of damages you may be able to recover. Most real estate lawyers, like Larry Tolchinsky, offer a free initial consultation (over the phone or in person, whichever you prefer) to answer your questions.


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