Category Archives: Bed Bugs Alberta

  Alberta, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 3rd of October 2024 17:01 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

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Bed Bugs Calgary | Bedbugs Elimination in Calgary …

Bed bugs are a big problem, and they aren't just confined to appartments and hotels. Bed bugs spread to houses, condos and places of business. Common symptoms of bed bugs include the presence of hives, welts, rashes or small red dots on your body, black or brown fecal spots along mattresses, box-springs, couches or bedside furniture.

Noticed strange bugs around your couches or beds? If you find a bug near these areas make sure to try and grab it in a small zip-lock bag or between two pieces of clear tape. Then we can identify it for you more easily.

If you notice any signs of bed bug infestation in your home, make sure to take some photos if you can, and save any bugs you find. If you have any suspicions that you may have bed bugs in your home, call us and we'll help you figure it out! We'll put you in touch directly with an exterminator that will help you.

We offer a wide range of treatment solutions for bed bugs, including the latest heat treatment technology. Call or email any time if you have any questions.

The idea that creepy crawlies can cover you while you're sleeping is enough to send shivers up anyone's spine. Unfortunately, that's not just the stuff of nightmares. Bed bugs can be a real problem. Not only can they be a nuisance, but they can pose health problems. Bed bugs can cause itching that can lead to incessant scratching and infection. They can cause hives and welts. They can also create unsanitary conditions for your home by spreading their feces around your mattresses, sofa, chairs and other upholstered furniture.

You can't just buy some spray from the store and get rid of them. You need serious professional help to get rid of bed bugs once and for all. Responders Pest Control can help you get the solutions you need to make your home clean and comfortable so you can have sweet dreams at night again.

Responders Pest Control offers effective bed bug treatment in Calgary and the surrounding area. You don't have to worry about wasting your time and spending a fortune on treatments that promise big results but don't actually work. We use innovative heat treatment technology that can get rid of your bed bugs once and for all.

If you aren't sure whether you have bed bugs or another pest, we can help you get to the bottom of the problem. Take pictures of the trouble spots around your mattress or furniture and send them to us. If you see bugs, capture some in a ziplock bag or stick some between two pieces of clear tape. We'll be able to make a positive ID and recommend the right solutions for getting rid of them if they are bed bugs.

We understand how troublesome bed bugs can be. Our founder started Responders Pest Control after experiencing bed bugs himself and not getting the effective treatment he needed from numerous companies that he hired. He founded Responders Pest Control so that other people dealing with the nuisance of bed bugs might not have to go through what he did.

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Bed Bugs Calgary | Bedbugs Elimination in Calgary ...

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How to Get Rid Of Bed Bugs | Edmonton Apartment Association

The Edmonton Apartment Association (EAA) is working closely with the Edmonton Bed Bug Stakeholder Committee, Alberta Health and EAA members to monitor and better understand the recent resurgence of bed bugs in Edmonton and throughout North America.

EAA is aware that many Edmonton Apartment Association members are experiencing infestations of bed bugs as they spread throughout the City of Edmonton, including but limited to office and commercial space, hotels, hospitals, public areas, shelters, housing, etc.

EAA recognizes that bed bugs are not associated with unsanitary living conditions in rental properties but rather are primarily spread as a result of:

EAA is of the view that education is key in addressing the problem of bed bugs. EAA continues to encourage its members to educate themselves and their residents on bed bug recognition, prevention and elimination.

EAA believes that prevention and elimination of bed bugs is a cohesive partnership among EAA members, residents and all levels of government. EAA members should therefore encourage non-punitive reporting of infestations and joint cooperation in any treatment process to ensure effective results.

EAA wishes to see members and their residents comply with treatment recommendations and protocol to prevent and eliminate bed bugs by including regular suite monitoring for bed bugs and initiating professional pest control treatment to eliminate bed bug populations.

EAA is working to ensure that our members have access to the latest information on effective bed bug control treatments, tools and procedures through closely monitoring research as it becomes available, participating in bed bug information sharing initiatives and educating our membership through seminars, symposiums, handout materials, website and articles in the EAA Rental Gazette Newsletters.


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How to Get Rid Of Bed Bugs | Edmonton Apartment Association

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How Do I Treat a Bed Bug Infestation? –

A bed bug infestation is not simple to deal with. You have to do several things at the same time:

You will need to clean and inspect at least once a week until you are sure the bed bugs are gone. This may take weeks, depending on how bad the infestation was, and, in a multi-family building, on how well everyone co-operates.

Chemical treatment is best done by a PCO. The PCO should give you written information that tells you what time the treatment will be, what chemicals will be used, how long you will need to be out of your home, and what you need to do ahead of time to prepare. It should tell you what cleaning you should do afterwards, as well. Ask your landlord if you arent given information.

There should be information for precautions for people who are sensitive to the smell of chemicals. It is a good idea to check with your doctor if you are concerned about people in your home that are in poor health or who are especially sensitive such as infants, seniors, or those with weak immune systems.

Home owners who want to do the chemical treatment themselves should know that using the pesticides incorrectly can make them sick. Use all chemicals properly. This means that you should follow the directions on the label and ask questions if you dont understand the instructions.

Not using insecticides properly may only cause the bed bugs to move to get away from the insecticide. They may move to new areas to escape the pesticides. Some chemicals that are licensed for use against bed bugs are only available to a licensed PCO.

Using pesticides in dwellings in Alberta is controlled by Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and regulations. Pesticides in Canada are licensed for use by Health Canada.

Heat treatment is a specialized process. You have to have special equipment and know how to heat rooms with bed bugs to a high enough temperature. If the room doesnt get hot enough, the bed bugs may move to a new, cooler area. Heat treatment does not take the place of de-cluttering, cleaning, and ongoing monitoring.

There are several dogs in Alberta that are trained to inspect for bed bugs. There are things you will be asked to do before the dog arrives. The dogs can find bed bugs faster than a trained professional. The dog and its handler work as a team to detect bed bugs. The dog should be trained and certified.

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How Do I Treat a Bed Bug Infestation? -

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Bedbug Clean-Up & Prevention – Home | Alberta Health Services

How does a dwelling become infested with bedbugs?

Bedbugs can be carried into homes unknowingly in luggage, clothing, blankets and pillows. Homes with second-hand furniture may be especially vulnerable to infestation. No home is immune to a bedbug infestation. Bedbugs can be found on linen, mattresses (in protected areas like seams), bed springs, headboards, furniture used for sleeping, in and around sleeping areas, or even between floor boards and behind baseboards. Look for living or dead bedbugs, small bloodstains from crushed insects, or dark spots from droppings.

A licensed pest control professional can be hired to regularly inspect and quickly address infestations. These practical recommendations can be followed:

The best way to control a bedbug infestation is by conducting frequent, regular cleaning and eliminating their hiding places. Since bedbugs can live for several months without food and water, pest control professionals may recommend the use of a pesticide.

Make sure your exterminator provides information on:

Never resell or donate infested furniture.

When throwing away an infested furniture:


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Bedbug Clean-Up & Prevention - Home | Alberta Health Services

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Photos of Bed Bugs Comment Page 1 – BadBedbugs

This is comment page 1 of Bed Bug Bites.

Bed Bug Bites Main Page Bed Bug Bites comment Page 1 of 8 Bed Bug Bites comment Page 2 of 8 Bed Bug Bites comment Page 3 of 8 Bed Bug Bites comment Page 4 of 8 Bed Bug Bites comment Page 5 of 8 Bed Bug Bites comment Page 6 of 8 Bed Bug Bites comment Page 7 of 8 Bed Bug Bites comment Page 8 of 8

Debbie says:

June 24, 2011 at 10:11 pm


So glad to find your site (kind of, wish I didnt need to look, at all). I stayed at a hotel 11 days ago, and still have bites/welts from the bites I received. Im hoping, hoping, hoping that if these are bed bug bites, that it was a lone, renegade bug and I didnt bring any home. Oh please, oh please.

Ive attached a photo of the bites above. It looks like they had breakfast, lunch, dinner with a buddy. Will you let me know if you think these are bed bugs? These bites are on my lower back, above my left hip and the longest line of bites is about 2 inches long.



Sharp says:

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Photos of Bed Bugs Comment Page 1 - BadBedbugs

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