Category Archives: Bed Bugs Arizona

  Arizona, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 9th of October 2024 08:18 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Spring-break hazard: bedbug infestation

With spring break coming up, travelers may want to make sure they don't pick up the souvenir no one plans to take home - bedbugs.

Bedbug cases have been increasing dramatically over the past three or four years, said Dawn Gouge, entomologist and associate professor at the University of Arizona.

"Pretty much everywhere where anyone goes on vacation is where you'll find bedbugs," said Gouge, noting that even travelers who stay at high-end resorts can be exposed to the parasites.

"I don't want to discourage anyone from having a fabulous spring break, but be vigilant," she said.

Gouge encouraged travelers to check the bed and headboard of hotel rooms and if bugs are found ask to be switched to another room. Make sure it is not the one right next door, since bedbugs can move through walls.

Even if you don't see any bugs, they could still be there. That's why Gouge recommends laundering everything you take with you as soon as you return.

Take only items that can be thrown in a dryer, she said. The heat of the dryer will kill any bugs.

Don't bring luggage into the house, Gouge warned, and if you forget, then don't take it to the bedroom.

And because bedbugs are an increasing problem for dormitories, students going home for break should make sure to wash everything immediately upon arrival, shoes included.

"The new sexually transmitted disease for college kids is bedbugs," Gouge said. Bedbugs crop up in places with large human density and as students have sleepovers and move around dorm rooms, bedbugs, which are expert stowaways, can spread easily, she said.

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Spring-break hazard: bedbug infestation

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Phoenix Exterminator: Unwanted Arizona Guests, From Ants To Rats – Video

24-02-2012 13:34 This video is by a trusted exterminator covering the greater Phoenix, Arizona area. While a professional exterminator can handle the entire spectrum of pest control problems from ants and rats, today we are focusing on RATS! In Arizona, one of the most common rodent invaders is the roof rat. According to the University of Arizona..."It poses both a health and safety hazard. The roof rat is charged with carrying of a lot of diseases to people, including certain kinds of typhus, salmonellosis, fevers, and the plague. Over and above eating and contaminating food supplies, roof rats will chew on electrical wiring (potentially causing a fire hazard), and rip into insulation for creating nests. We offer exterminating services for termites, ants, spiders (brown recluse, black widow, tarantula), bed bugs, scorpions (bark scorpions), rodents, rats, mice, bees, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other insects and bugs.

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Phoenix Exterminator: Unwanted Arizona Guests, From Ants To Rats - Video

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Phoenix Pest Control: Fun Bug Facts From Arizona And Beyond – Video

23-02-2012 23:58 This video is by a trusted pest control company covering the greater Phoenix, Arizona area. We know all about Arizona pest invaders! We know how they can carry diseases, have venomous bites, infest your food supplies, eat away at your home or office and chew on wiring. On the lighter side, here's some fun facts. • Did you know that cockroaches have 6 legs and least 18 knees? • Honeybees may make 10000000 trips to gather enough nectar for a single pound of honey. • Scorpions can live for more than a year without eating. • The weight of all termites in the world is greater than the weight of all humans. We offer pest management services (pest control and extermination) covering the removal of termites, ants, spiders (brown recluse, black widow, tarantula), bed bugs, scorpions (bark scorpions), rodents, rats, mice, bees, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other insects and bugs.

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Phoenix Pest Control: Fun Bug Facts From Arizona And Beyond - Video

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Phoenix Pest Control: Arizona’s Most Common Pest Invaders – Video

23-02-2012 14:42 This video is brought to you by a pest control company covering the greater Phoenix, Arizona area. In Arizona, pest invaders can be ants roaches, rodents, spiders, termites and scorpions just to name a few. They are not only annoying, but also a serious health and safety risk. • Did you know that there are over 47 species of scorpions in Arizona alone? • Then add in spiders like tarantulas and that will scare anyone. • Termites account for billions in destruction and cost control in the US each year. • Rodents are responsible for 35+ related transferable diseases, and they gnaw on wiring that can cause serious electrical problems and fire hazards. We offer a broad spectrum of pest management services (pest control and extermination) covering the removal of termites, ants, spiders (brown recluse, black widow, tarantula), bed bugs, scorpions (bark scorpions), rodents, rats, mice, bees, cockroaches, mosquitoes and plenty of other insects, critters and bugs.

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Phoenix Pest Control: Arizona's Most Common Pest Invaders - Video

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Phoenix Pest Control: Top 10 Arizona Pest Prevention Recommendations – Video

24-02-2012 00:25 This video is by a trusted pest control company covering the greater Phoenix, Arizona area. Outside of the services of an Arizona pest control professional, what can you do to help avoid problems from arising? 1. Limit where you eat. 2. Keep your kitchen tidy...clean the floors and counters daily. 3. Store foods tightly and properly and wipe down bottles. 4. Some bugs like pet food, and others like pet waste. Clean your pet's food dishes regularly, and don't leave extra pet food accessible. 5. Take garbage out frequently and rinse recyclables. Watch the video for the final 5! We offer pest management services (pest control and extermination) covering the removal of termites, ants, spiders (brown recluse, black widow, tarantula), bed bugs, scorpions (bark scorpions), rodents, rats, mice, bees, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other insects and bugs.

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Phoenix Pest Control: Top 10 Arizona Pest Prevention Recommendations - Video

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