Category Archives: Bed Bugs Arkansas

  Arkansas, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 4th of October 2024 11:07 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs – Getting Rid of Bedbugs – Local Pest Control …

Many think bed bugs are a problem of the past. Unfortunately, we are experiencing a widespread resurgence of bed bugs in the United States and abroad. The ease of travel and increase in international travel, especially from countries that have heavy bed bug infestations, are the main reasons for their return. Humans unknowingly spread bed bugs with their movements and by transporting infested bedding, furniture and other materials from one place to another.

How to get rid of bed bugs is a task best left to a professional bed bug exterminator. Approved, professional grade bed bug treatment chemicals must be used to completely exterminate bed bugs. Bed bug extermination should be conducted by a licensed technician who is experienced and trained in the usage and application of bed bug treatment substances. Trying to kill bed bugs on your own is a huge undertaking. Using store brand insecticides can pose serious health risks both during and after attempts to get rid of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are very resistant to traditional home insecticide bed bug treatments. For example, baiting systems are not effective, since bed bugs only drink blood and they do not feed on bait. How to get rid of them? Spraying an infested mattress as a bed bug treatment is dangerous to anyone sleeping on it, and simply discarding the mattress where most bed bugs hide does not eliminate others nearby. Bed bugs stay hidden near the area where the host sleeps and reproduce quickly. In addition to the mattress, they take refuge in the box spring, carpets, drapes, furniture and behind pictures and wall hangings. The entire home, particularly other bedrooms, may be infested, since occupants continually move from room to room.

Look at further information we provide about bed bug identification and bed bug travel tips.

Our exterminators can help you with:

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Bed bug – Conservapedia

From Conservapedia

A Bed bug is any of approximately 75 species of a small parasitical insect of the family Cimicidae, particularly the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) of the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere. Bed bugs are an ectoparasite, characterized by the nocturnal feeding of blood from man or warm-blooded animals.

Bed bugs are approximately a fifth to a quarter of an inch (4-5 millimeters) long. They are broad and flat in shape, brown in color, and glisten from a distinctive, smelly oil secreted from scent glands. The wings are scale-like and vestigial. Females lay about 200 or more eggs during reproductive periods, and can lay around a thousand during several such periods within a year.

Bed bugs feed chiefly at night;[1] in the wild they feed on the blood of birds and small mammals, and within human-inhabited areas they feed upon domesticated animals as well as man. They retreat to their hiding places during the daytime, using up to several days in which to digest their food.[2] Most bed bugs live full time within eight feet of where humans sleep. When hiding they are generally found in bedding and mattresses (hence the name), nearby furniture, carpeting, within dressers and clothes, curtains, and cushions.

Bed bugs have been plaguing humans since ancient times. Aristophanes wrote The Clouds in 423 B.C. referring to bed bugs living in a couch. Eva Panagiotakopulu, a University of Sheffield archaeologist, found that bed bugs have lived with man for at least 3500 years. [3]

Bed bugs spread throughout Europe and Asia, reaching Italy by 100 A.D., China by 600 A.D., and Germany and France in the 1200s and 1400s, and are mentioned in medieval European texts and in classical Greek writings back to the time of Aristotle. The earliest record of bed bugs in England is that of 1583. Migrating with European explorers to America, infestations first arose in busy seaport towns, and later on appearing farther inland. This pattern that was repeated in the late 1990s, with the reports of infestations first coming from such gateway cities as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami. [4] A 1920s guide advises treating infested mattresses with "high-test gasoline" and a 1935 guide prescribed powdered calcium cyanide.

In the 1800's, bed bugs were significant pest in parts of both the United States and the United Kingdom. Government Entomologist Dr. Riley, PhD, described the ubiquity of bed bugs in 1889:

In the 1930s there were large sections of London where every house was infested, resulting in an investigation by the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Act of 1936 which required councils to take action. Toxic fumigation using sulfur dioxide (sulfur candles) or hydrogen cyanide, are reported to have helped reduce infestations by up to 80% in one town under study. Before World War Two the primary treatment was either heat or fumigation, and barriers behind walls were even constructed to prevent bed bugs from crawling up, while harborage was encouraged using wire mesh below, which periodically would be burned with a blow torch. Some state laws once required that the furniture be tagged as fumigated before it could be resold. DDT became the primary insecticide beginning in 1945, and declining numbers overall continued from the late 30s through 1980s until the recent resurgence.

Diligence and use of the pesticide DDT in the 1950s and broad-based pesticides also resulted in a dramatic reduction of bed bugs overall in the United States, though significant reservoirs of bed bug infestation persisted through this period, particularly in inner-city areas. During the bed bug recession period of the 1950s, infestations were mainly found in homeless shelters, and prisons, while during in the period 1967-73, about 61% of infestations were found in domestic residential property, while about 25% were in institutional settings.[6][7][8]

A current resurgence of bed bug infestations appears to have started almost synchronously in the late 1990s in Europe, the United States, and in Australia. 2007 data from a survey of pest control companies in the latter country indicated a 4500% increase over a seven year period.[9][10]

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Bed bug - Conservapedia

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Bed Bugs – Getting Rid of Bedbugs – Local Pest Control …

Many think bed bugs are a problem of the past. Unfortunately, we are experiencing a widespread resurgence of bed bugs in the United States and abroad. The ease of travel and increase in international travel, especially from countries that have heavy bed bug infestations, are the main reasons for their return. Humans unknowingly spread bed bugs with their movements and by transporting infested bedding, furniture and other materials from one place to another.

How to get rid of bed bugs is a task best left to a professional bed bug exterminator. Approved, professional grade bed bug treatment chemicals must be used to completely exterminate bed bugs. Bed bug extermination should be conducted by a licensed technician who is experienced and trained in the usage and application of bed bug treatment substances. Trying to kill bed bugs on your own is a huge undertaking. Using store brand insecticides can pose serious health risks both during and after attempts to get rid of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are very resistant to traditional home insecticide bed bug treatments. For example, baiting systems are not effective, since bed bugs only drink blood and they do not feed on bait. How to get rid of them? Spraying an infested mattress as a bed bug treatment is dangerous to anyone sleeping on it, and simply discarding the mattress where most bed bugs hide does not eliminate others nearby. Bed bugs stay hidden near the area where the host sleeps and reproduce quickly. In addition to the mattress, they take refuge in the box spring, carpets, drapes, furniture and behind pictures and wall hangings. The entire home, particularly other bedrooms, may be infested, since occupants continually move from room to room.

Look at further information we provide about bed bug identification and bed bug travel tips.

Our exterminators can help you with:

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Increase of Bed Bugs in Arkansas Tops This Year’s Ranking, My Cleaning Products Suggests a Pesticide-Exempt Spray to …

Fort Smith, AR (PRWEB) December 23, 2013

The rise of bed bugs in Arkansas was determined the highest this year among all the other states. And wanting to help its residents, My Cleaning Products then suggested a pesticide-exempt bed bug spray to safely kill the pests.

A post from published on December 03, 2013 stated that it was a report from a pest-control company that identified Arkansas as the state with the biggest rise of bed bug calls since last year, My Cleaning Products shared. Particularly, the increase was said to be almost 50 percent.

The majority of the calls, according to the report, were from residences, MCP relayed. And according to a personnel of the pest-control company that revealed the increase of the critters, the fact that there are more travels these days was one of the probable reasons behind the rise of the pesky creatures.

Below is a part of the post Bed Bug Rise Highest in Arkansas by My Cleaning Products.

Ever since their return, bed bugs had been rising. However, this year, Arkansas was determined as the state with the highest increase of them.

Based on the report of a pest-control company, an almost 50 percent increase of bed bug calls was recorded since the past year in Arkansas. Most of them, it was said, were made with the victims in panic asking exterminators to get to the site quick.

My Cleaning Products said that indeed, bed bugs had become more prevalent. And because of that, it stated that everyone must now be even more careful of their presence.

Besides taking preventive measures, MCP stated that the public must also be ready to kill bed bugs quickly as anyone could now pick them up anywhere. That way, one could prevent them from multiplying and causing even more problems, it said.

To be prepared to eliminate those critters promptly, MCP cited that one must particularly need a bed bug spray. Nonetheless, it said that a person must be keen with his or her choice as many of the products for those pests contain harmful chemical ingredients.

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Increase of Bed Bugs in Arkansas Tops This Year's Ranking, My Cleaning Products Suggests a Pesticide-Exempt Spray to ...

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Arkansas Bed Bug Health Information

Bed bugs have been common in U.S. history. Although bed bug populations dropped dramatically during the mid-20th century, the United States is one of many countries now experiencing a resurgence in the population of bed bugs. Though the exact cause is not known, experts suspect the resurgence is associated with increased resistance of bed bugs to available pesticides, greater international and domestic travel, lack of knowledge regarding control of bed bugs due to their prolonged absence, and the continuing decline or elimination of effective vector/pest control programs at state and local public health agencies.

Although not known to transmit any human disease, they leave a trail of potentially itchy or painful bite reactions, and costly extermination bills in their wake. Most people are not aware they have been bitten because they inject an anesthetic and an anticoagulant that prevents a person from feeling the bite. The bites look like little red bumps; sometimes resembling mosquito bites, but people who are more sensitive to the bite can have localized allergic reactions. Scratching the bitten areas may lead to infection.

Bed bugs are small, flat insects that feed on the blood of sleeping people and animals. They are reddish-brown in color, wingless, and range from 1 to 7 millimeters in length. They can live several months without a blood meal.

Infestations of these insects usually occur around or near the areas where people sleep or spend a significant period of time. These areas include apartments, shelters, rooming houses, hotels, nursing homes, hospitals, cruise ships, buses, trains, and dorm rooms.

Bed bugs are experts at hiding. They hide during the day in places such as seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, dresser tables, cracks or crevices, behind wallpaper, and under any clutter or objects around a bed. Their small flat bodies allow them to fit into the smallest of spaces and they can remain in place for long periods of time, even without a blood meal. Bed bugs can travel over 100 feet in one night, but they tend to live within 8 feet of where people sleep. Bed bugs are usually transported from place to place as people travel. Bed bugs travel in the seams and folds of luggage, overnight bags, folded clothes, bedding, furniture, and anywhere else where they can hide. Most people do not realize they can transport stow-away bed bugs as they travel potentially infesting new areas, including their homes, as they relocate.

One of the easiest ways to identify a bed bug infestation is by bite marks that appear on the face, neck, arms, hands, and any other body parts. However, these bite marks may take as long as 14 days to develop in some people so it is important to look for other clues when determining if bed bugs have infested an area. These signs may include the exoskeletons of bed bugs after molting, bed bugs in the fold of mattresses and sheets, a sweet musty odor, and rusty-colored blood spots from their blood-filled fecal material that is often excreted on the mattress or nearby furniture. Everyone is at risk for bed bugs bites when visiting an infested area. However, anyone who travels frequently and shares living and sleeping quarters where other people have previously slept has an increased risk for being bitten and for spreading a bed bug infestation.

An integrated approach to bed bug control involving federal, state and local public health professionals, together with pest management professionals, housing authorities and private citizens, will promote development and understanding of the best methods for managing and controlling bed bugs and preventing future infestations. Research, training and public education are critical to an effective strategy for reducing public health issues associated with the resurgence of bed bug populations.For questions about pesticide use and treatment of occupied areas for bed bugs, call the Plant Board at 501-225-1598.

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Arkansas Bed Bug Health Information

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