Category Archives: Bed Bugs California

  California, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Sunday 6th of October 2024 08:34 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

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Bed Bug Treatment California – Bed Bugs And Beyond

California infestations are reaching epidemic levels in the US and have become a major problem for California, with Terminex listing Los Angeles and San Francisco among the most bed bug infested cities in the US.

Bed Bugs and Beyond offers clients free consultations for bed bug treatment California and a one-stop-shop to guarantee bed bug elimination from your home or facility.

Bed Bugs and Beyond is a nationally trusted, non biased, consulting firm. We offer 24/7 services for immediate bed bug elimination, bed bug education, counseling and expert advice; to obtain reputable service providers.

We coordinate your bed bug treatment in California from start to finish, including:

We provide bed bug education and coordination for bed bug treatment servicesin Californiaincluding: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and surrounding areas.

Our Pest Management Network of approved service providers are accepted into our service network through an intensive qualification and screening process. Providers in our network are committed and dedicated to achieving 100% elimination ofbed bugs and othertarget pest.


California Bed Bugs in the News

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Bed Bug Treatment California - Bed Bugs And Beyond

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Bed bug Bite Laws California : Hotel Apartment Infestations

The state of California has suffered under a decade long bed bug infestation epidemic resulting in thousands of individuals who have suffered severe bug bites and other detrimental effects to their health. In reaction the state of California as well as county and local government have enacted various laws and ordinances to tackle the bed bug scourge. Below is important legal information for individuals who have suffered severe bed bug bites due to infestations in their hotel/motel rooms or apartment complexes.

Legal Help: Our law firm is dedicated to providing legal representation for victims who have suffered from bed bug bites. All confidential case review and legal consultations are provided with our attorneys free of charge.

California Health and Safety Code Section 17920.3

Any building or portion thereof including any dwelling unit, guestroom or suite of rooms, or the premises on which the same is located, in which there exists any of the following listed conditions to an extent that endangers the life, limb, health, property, safety, or welfare of the public or the occupants thereof shall be deemed and hereby is declared to be a substandard building: (a) Inadequate sanitation shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Infestation of insects, vermin, or rodents as determined by the health officer.

General dilapidation or improper maintenance.

Appendix 2- California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1

Section 40. Bedding: In every apartment house or hotel, every part of every bed, including the mattress, sheets, blankets, and bedding shall be kept in a clean, dry sanitary condition, free from filth, urine, or other foul matter, and from the infection of lice, bedbugs or other insects. The bed linen in a hotel shall be changed before a new guest occupies the bed. In every dwelling unit where linen is furnished, the linen shall be changed before a new guest occupies the dwelling unit.

25 CCR 40 Bedding. State Housing and Community Development- Bedding

Beds in apartments and hotels that supply beds and bedding to renters must ensure that all bedding is clean and free of bedbugs. Linens must be changed before a new occupier occupies the unit. Hotel bedding must be changed before each new guest arrives.

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Bed bug Bite Laws California : Hotel Apartment Infestations

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Man threatens to warn tourists about bed bug infestation in Chattanooga

A Patten Towers resident plans to inform tourists that the alleged failure of the administration of Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke has led to a bedbug crisis in the city. He has threatened to post notices around the city in highly-trafficked areas warning of the city's bedbug problem.

A Patten Towers resident plans to go public with what he says is a bed bug infestation at the landmark downtown residence that's home to low-income disabled and elderly residents.

William Stevens threatens to hand out flyers starting on Nov. 1 warning tourists and visitors that they could be exposed to bed bugs when they ride the electric shuttle bus or visit downtown businesses patronized by Patten Tower residents.

"While the buses and businesses may not be infested, the very low-income, poor and disabled people are, and many or them sit right next to you and your children," Williams wrote in an email he sent the media.

Patten Towers had a third party come in and spray for bed bugs this summer, according to an article that ran in July in the Times Free Press.

California real estate mogul Greg Perlman, whose company PK Management oversees Patten Towers, didn't immediately return a call today seeking comment.

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Man threatens to warn tourists about bed bug infestation in Chattanooga

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California Bed Bug Laws Help Renters | Sterns Chatter

January 7th, 2013

As many people have experienced first-hand, bed bug infestations can be a tremendous burden to deal with for homeowners and renters alike. Because of the variances in laws in different states, it is wise for renters and landlords to know what their responsibilities are when it comes to dealing with bed bugs or other insects that renters may encounter during their tenancy.

The State of California has developed a new website that spells out the rights of California renters. One of the issues that continue to plague renters is bed bug infestations. In California, renters have the right to live in a home that is fit to live in. This means that it meets the state and local building and health codes and that a home or unit be safe so as to not affect your health or safety.

It is not uncommon for landlords and tenants to disagree on who is responsible for pest problems that occur within a rental property. Battles that have ensued have resulted in new regulations being created in many different states.Problems with bed bugs, cockroaches, vermin, ants, and spiders are specifically addressed as being unacceptable for renters to live with in California.

Renters in California have responsibilities when it comes to avoiding these types of home invaders. They must keep their homes clean so that it remains unattractive to pests. In addition, if a problem exists, they are required to notify their landlord and request that an exterminator rid the rental unit of the problem creatures.

Landlords have 30 days to respond to the tenants request for help in eliminating pests. If the landlord is unresponsive or if the pest infestation is severe, California renters may use up to two months rent in a 12 month span of time to seek out their own licensed pest control professional to eradicate the home invaders.

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California Bed Bug Laws Help Renters | Sterns Chatter

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Exterminators, scientists see strides in finding, killing bed bugs

Bed bugs are small but are they still dangerous?

As bed bugs increase their presence, exterminators and pesticide researchers are escalating efforts to hunt down and kill the wingless red insect.

State entomologist Dr. Jeffrey Brown says although the bugs are hitting Mississippi hard, especially its lodging sector, he sees the nation as a whole making strides in search-and-destroy efforts.

His assessment is joined by pest control managers in Mississippi and the general manager of a California company who says the companys product kills bed bugs instantly for up to a year with a single application.

On the detection side, mans best friend the dog can be trained to be an outstanding hunter of bed bugs in a hotel room or house, according to Brown and extermination experts.

They bring in dogs that sniff for bed bugs twice a year, Brown, director of the Mississippi Department of Healths Environmental Services Bureau, said of some hotels. Other hotels say hiring a dog is too expensive, he added.

A beagle in New Orleans has gained a wide reputation for finding the reclusive bugs that like to stay hidden until their human hosts are deep into sleep. The cost for the beagle: $300 an hour, according to Mark Armola, manager of the Jackson branch of Redd Pest Control.

But such a dog is going to be with a trained handler and is pretty darn accurate at being able to find bed bug infestations, said David Mayley, manager for Orkins Long Beach branch.

When Redd Pest Control confirms the presence of bed bugs, it employs an eradication strategy of applying chemical pesticides in the infested unit, and the rooms on either side and above and below the unit. Then we see how that goes and do a follow-up treatment in three or four weeks, Armola said. After that, it is pretty well hit and miss if you dont get them in the initial or follow-up visits.

In the meantime, new travelers are bringing new infestations into the rooms via their luggage.

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Exterminators, scientists see strides in finding, killing bed bugs

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