Category Archives: Bed Bugs California

  California, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 28th of September 2024 13:22 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Detector Dogs: the fast way to find bed bugs

PAWLEYS ISLAND, SC (WMBF) - They hide in your mattress - and feed on your blood, we're talking about bed bugs.

Hotels are one of the most common places you can pick them up and with so many people traveling this weekend - you really need to watch out. There's a new way to find those bugs that's being used right here on the Grand Strand.

Dogs are called man's best friend for a reason. Detector dogs, can be a fast and easy way to sniff out bed bugs.

Yaro, is a detector dog and a bed bug expert. It takes the canine less than five minutes to sniff bed bugs in a motel room, a process that can take a human, several hours.

"It's more efficient, time wise, and they're actually finding the bug, where humans we have to go out and look, take off light sockets, pull the furniture apart," says Russell Goodale with Merrill's Detector Dog Services. "It's just more of a detailed search for us to do, versus the dog picking up the scent."

Merrill's Detector Dog Services say the easiest way for humans to pick up the bugs is to follow the dark tracks they leave behind. Look for dark feces, or blood smeared on sheets; but the most efficient way to find the pests is scent- which is where the trained dogs come into play.

Think about it, the faster we find the bugs, the less chance they have to multiply.

While they're not proven to cause disease, they eat your blood; this can lead to a rash, loss in sleep, or even eat at your wallet.

"They multiply rapidly and you get to the point where you're gonna have to get an exterminator coming in to get rid of them, it could cost you into the thousands of dollars," says Goodale.

How do we avoid bed bugs?

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Detector Dogs: the fast way to find bed bugs

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Bed Bug Treatment California – Bed Bugs And BeyondBed Bugs …

California infestations are reaching epidemic levels in the US and have become a major problem for California, with Terminex listing Los Angeles and San Francisco among the most bed bug infested cities in the US.

Bed Bugs and Beyond offers clients free consultations for bed bug treatment California and a one-stop-shop to guarantee bed bug elimination from your home or facility.

Bed Bugs and Beyond is a nationally trusted, non biased, consulting firm. We offer 24/7 services for immediate bed bug elimination, bed bug education, counseling and expert advice; to obtain reputable service providers.

We coordinate your bed bug treatment in California from start to finish, including:

We provide bed bug education and coordination for bed bug treatment servicesin Californiaincluding: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and surrounding areas.

Our Pest Management Network of approved service providers are accepted into our service network through an intensive qualification and screening process. Providers in our network are committed and dedicated to achieving 100% elimination ofbed bugs and othertarget pest.


California Bed Bugs in the News

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Bed Bug Treatment California - Bed Bugs And BeyondBed Bugs ...

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california Got bed bugs?

by nobugsonme on September 19, 2010 5 comments

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by nobugsonme on March 20, 2009 1 comment

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by nobugsonme on January 29, 2009 5 comments

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by nobugsonme on January 14, 2009 1 comment

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by nobugsonme on December 16, 2008

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california Got bed bugs?

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Bed Bugs in CA | Get Rid of California Bed Bugs

You crawl into the comfort of your bed after a long day at the office, lay your head on the pillow and drift off to sleep. The alarm sounds in the morning, and after hitting the snooze button once or twice, you awaken to an annoying and uncomfortable itchy sensation on your arms, hands, neck and face. Your sleepy eyes focus to notice clusters of red spots punctuated by a deeper shade in the middle. Suddenly, you realize the culprit. Your house has become infested with bed bugs in CA.

These pesky creatures are often brought home from motels and hotels after a vacation and can also be brought into the home through used furniture or clothing. Once inside, they feed on your blood each night before returning to their nearby hiding place. Bed bugs can live for long periods of time without feeding, making them experts at survival.

Getting rid of California bed bugs can be a difficult task for those that are not professionally qualified exterminators. Bed bugs are only as large as an apple seed and are experts at hiding in hard to reach places like the nooks and crannies of your bed. Their brown color and flat shape make them even more difficult to find, as they often blend in with wooden headboards and frames.

Exterminating California bedbugs on your own is a daunting task. You can spend hours washing, vacuuming and cleaning all the surfaces in your home, including bedding and clothing, but even leaving a few bedbugs behind will result in a complete re-infestation. Steam cleaning rugs and carpets may reduce the amount of bedbugs in your home, but it will not get rid of them all. Even spraying cracks near windows, walls and floors won't completely rid your home of these tiny pests. It is time to call a professional.

A pest control professional can ensure your home is rid of bed bugs in California in a safe and effective manner. By using specially-formulated sprays and equipment, the professional will eliminate all bugs and their eggs to prevent a recurring infestation. Don't take any chances with your home and your health. If you have bedbugs in California, call a professional immediately. You will sleep much better at night knowing your home is pest free.

Our exterminators can help you with:

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Bed Bugs in CA | Get Rid of California Bed Bugs

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Bed Bug Management Guidelines–UC IPM

UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Bed Bug

Bed bugs adults and nymphs. Scale bar represents 5 millimeters.

Bed bug eggs on paper. Eyespots are visible as red dots on the developing bed bug embryos.

Life stages of a bed bug. The five nymphal stages each require a blood meal before molting to the next stage. The increments on the ruler are millimeters.

Bed bug bites cause swellings that become red and irritated when scratched. Some people, however, exhibit no visible symptoms after being bitten.

Fecal spots of bed bugs. Eggs and cast skin (exuviae) are visible in the upper left-hand corner.

Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects in the family Cimicidae. Both nymphs and adults feed on sleeping or sedentary humans, mostly at night, a time when this pests stealthy habits are difficult to observe.

Bed bugs are found worldwide in association with human habitations. The common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, is a widely distributed species most frequently found in the northern temperate climates of North America, Europe, and Central Asia. It occurs more sporadically in southern temperate regions. In tropical regions C. hemipterus, the tropical bed bug, is the dominant species. The most common species found in California is C. lectularius.

The growth and development of C. lectularius is optimal when it feeds on humans; however, this insect also feeds on other species of mammals and on birds found near the home including chickens, mice, rats, and rabbits. Bat bugs and swallow bugs, close relatives of bed bugs, may also be found in and around human dwellings and may sometimes bite humans, although their preferred hosts are bats and birds, respectively.

Until recently, bed bug infestations were thought to be associated primarily with crowded and dilapidated housing. However, bed bugs have undergone a resurgence in pest status and can now be found even in the finest hotel and living accommodations. The reasons for this resurgence arent totally understood but appear to involve increased global travel and commerce, ease of movement of infested items, widespread insecticide resistance, and changes in pesticides available to control this pest.

See more here:
Bed Bug Management Guidelines--UC IPM

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