Category Archives: Bed Bugs California

  California, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 30th of September 2024 04:45 AM

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L.A. places No. 5 on list of 'Top 50 Bed Bug Cities'

The bed bugs are alive and biting in Los Angeles, so much so the city vaulted Wednesday into the top five of an exterminators Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List.

According to the pest-control company Orkin, Los Angeles climbed 25 spots to place No. 5 in its annual list of bug-infested cities.

Cincinnati and Chicago held on to the top spots, finishing No.1 and 2 respectively, but several large metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles showed increases in the number of bed-bug treatments in 2011.

The Bay Area, for example, jumped 35 spots on the top-50 list to No. 12.

I think everybody in the county ought to be concerned, Harrison said. You have to be cautious where you travel and not stay in hotels where you have bed bugs. The worry isnt as much about getting bit as it is about bringing them into the home.

Harrison said bed bugs carry human pathogens and can leave itchy welts on victims but do not carry diseases. He estimatedOrkin has treated thousands of homes and businesses in California, and the company owns only about a 20% market share.

Orkins study reportedthe bed-bug extermination business was up 33.6% last year. Harrison said treatments in Los Angeles range from several hundred dollars to more than $1,000.

If you find yourself in a situation with an infestation, its not pleasant, he said. Changing your life for months is not fun.

The Northern California cities of Sacramento, Stockton and Modesto were grouped together for the study and collectively finished 41st. It was the third and final California area on the top 50 list.


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L.A. places No. 5 on list of 'Top 50 Bed Bug Cities'

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HRC to Host Civil Rights Conference on Slum Housing, Bed Bugs, Foreclosure, Predatory Lending, Housing Discrimination …


The Housing Rights Center (HRC), with support from Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, and Robert Johnson, will present the 13th Annual Housing Rights Summit on April 25, 2012, at the Ronald F. Deaton Auditorium in Los Angeles, California.

The all-day civil rights conference will feature expert speakers from across the nation who will discuss key issues impacting low income communities and communities of color. This years Summit will focus on the foreclosure crisis and access to homeownership, predatory lending, lead poisoning, the impact of bed bugs on public health, hate crimes, housing discrimination and other housing-related issues.

Seating is limited. Individuals interested in attending the civil rights conference must register by contacting Ms. Amy Ly of the Housing Rights Center at 213-387-8400, ext. 19, or Registration is $25 and includes breakfast, lunch and educational materials.

HRC is Californias largest nonprofit, civil-rights agency dedicated to promoting and securing fair housing. HRC investigates over 1,600 housing discrimination complaints annually and assists over 17,000 individuals with their housing-related concerns. Individuals who believe they are victims of housing discrimination or who have questions about the fair housing laws are encouraged to contact HRCfor additional information at 1-800-477-5977 (voice) or 213-201-0867 (TTY). Additional information is also available at

The Southern California Housing Rights Center is a nonprofit organization established in 1968 to actively support and promote equal opportunity and freedom of residence to all persons without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status, disability, marital status, ancestry, age, source of income, or other characteristics protected by law. The Center engages in activities including outreach/education, investigation/testing and legal advocacy to identify barriers to fair housing in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties and to help counteract and eliminate discriminatory housing practices. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-477-5977 or 213-201-0867 (TTY).

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HRC to Host Civil Rights Conference on Slum Housing, Bed Bugs, Foreclosure, Predatory Lending, Housing Discrimination ...

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HRC to Host Civil Rights Conference on Slum Housing, Bed Bugs, Foreclosure, Predatory Lending, Housing Discrimination …


The Housing Rights Center (HRC), with support from Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, and Robert Johnson, will present the 13th Annual Housing Rights Summit on April 25, 2012, at the Ronald F. Deaton Auditorium in Los Angeles, California.

The all-day civil rights conference will feature expert speakers from across the nation who will discuss key issues impacting low income communities and communities of color. This years Summit will focus on the foreclosure crisis and access to homeownership, predatory lending, lead poisoning, the impact of bed bugs on public health, hate crimes, housing discrimination and other housing-related issues.

Seating is limited. Individuals interested in attending the civil rights conference must register by contacting Ms. Amy Ly of the Housing Rights Center at 213-387-8400, ext. 19, or Registration is $25 and includes breakfast, lunch and educational materials.

HRC is Californias largest nonprofit, civil-rights agency dedicated to promoting and securing fair housing. HRC investigates over 1,600 housing discrimination complaints annually and assists over 17,000 individuals with their housing-related concerns. Individuals who believe they are victims of housing discrimination or who have questions about the fair housing laws are encouraged to contact HRCfor additional information at 1-800-477-5977 (voice) or 213-201-0867 (TTY). Additional information is also available at

The Southern California Housing Rights Center is a nonprofit organization established in 1968 to actively support and promote equal opportunity and freedom of residence to all persons without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status, disability, marital status, ancestry, age, source of income, or other characteristics protected by law. The Center engages in activities including outreach/education, investigation/testing and legal advocacy to identify barriers to fair housing in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties and to help counteract and eliminate discriminatory housing practices. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-477-5977 or 213-201-0867 (TTY).

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HRC to Host Civil Rights Conference on Slum Housing, Bed Bugs, Foreclosure, Predatory Lending, Housing Discrimination ...

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Bed Bugs Attack Redding Hotel Customer, Shares Details

Motel 6 in Redding California was reportedly infested by bed bugs. To help its owner and the many other bed bug sufferers, suggested the use of non-toxic Bed Bug Bully.

(PRWEB) March 08, 2012

Shasta County Environmental Health Division checked the motel and found out that eleven of its rooms were infested. The affected rooms were blocked off and professionally treated.

When asked about bed bugs, Cindy Lakman, the county's public health nurse said, ...Lots of times, they come from other hotels, other places and they hitch a ride in your luggage. Most people who get bitten by bed bugs don't know they've been bitten; they don't have any welts."

To help hotel owners and other bed bug sufferers solve their bed bug problems, advised the use of a newly developed bed bug solution. Called as Bed Bug Bully, the product offers a non-toxic way of getting rid of the pests. And as a green bed bug control aid, many are impressed with the way it works.

Made from 100 percent natural ingredients, Bed Bug Bully had been a big help to those who suffered from bed bug infestation without requiring evacuation. With its effectiveness and greenness, it makes an effective and affordable help in getting rid of bed bugs yourself.

For bed bug victims to see how effective and eco-friendly the product is, the site is giving out free samples of it.

To get your own complimentary sample, visit

Caroline Cooper 1 (888) 440-3826 Email Information

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Bed Bugs Attack Redding Hotel Customer, Shares Details

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Bed Bugs Attack Redding Hotel Customer, Shares Details

Motel 6 in Redding California was reportedly infested by bed bugs. To help its owner and the many other bed bug sufferers, suggested the use of non-toxic Bed Bug Bully.

(PRWEB) March 08, 2012

Shasta County Environmental Health Division checked the motel and found out that eleven of its rooms were infested. The affected rooms were blocked off and professionally treated.

When asked about bed bugs, Cindy Lakman, the county's public health nurse said, ...Lots of times, they come from other hotels, other places and they hitch a ride in your luggage. Most people who get bitten by bed bugs don't know they've been bitten; they don't have any welts."

To help hotel owners and other bed bug sufferers solve their bed bug problems, advised the use of a newly developed bed bug solution. Called as Bed Bug Bully, the product offers a non-toxic way of getting rid of the pests. And as a green bed bug control aid, many are impressed with the way it works.

Made from 100 percent natural ingredients, Bed Bug Bully had been a big help to those who suffered from bed bug infestation without requiring evacuation. With its effectiveness and greenness, it makes an effective and affordable help in getting rid of bed bugs yourself.

For bed bug victims to see how effective and eco-friendly the product is, the site is giving out free samples of it.

To get your own complimentary sample, visit

Caroline Cooper 1 (888) 440-3826 Email Information

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Bed Bugs Attack Redding Hotel Customer, Shares Details

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