Category Archives: Bed Bugs Delaware

  Delaware, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 7th of October 2024 10:26 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Health district reaches out to bedbug victims

By THOMAS GALLICK ThisWeek Community News Wednesday April 16, 2014 8:25 AM

The Delaware General Health District hopes its new program will help take some of the bite out of paying for bedbug treatments.

The district announced last week it would launch the Bed Bug Treatment Forgiveness Loan program. Through the program, the agency will pay for half -- up to $500 -- of certain district residents' bedbug treatments.

Adam Howard, the health district's residential services manager, said one resident requested an application for the program in its first week. He said it's hard to discern how many county residents are living with bedbugs because there are no reporting requirements.

Bedbugs are brown, oval-shaped insects that feed on blood. The bugs often live in mattresses and other pieces of furniture.

"We believe it is an underreported problem," Howard said. "There is a stigma associated with it."

Although bedbugs have not been shown to spread disease, Howard said the district saw treatment of the pests as another opportunity to serve its residents. The district already collects and analyzes what information it can about bedbug infestations and offers workshops on how to identify and treat bedbugs multiple times per year.

The program will help to fund treatments at single-family homes in which the owner has lived for more than one year.

Howard said the program excludes rental properties.

"That's more of a cooperation that needs to occur with the owner and renter," he said.

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Health district reaches out to bedbug victims

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Royals Integrated Pest Management Approach for Controlling Bed Bugs

Royal Pest Managements policy for bed bug control is defined in 4 separate sections:

1. Inspection 2. Customer Education and Preparation 3. Treatment (Heat and Conventional) 4. Follow Up

Most bed bug jobs are different and present unique challenges specific to their individual locations and type of structure. However, Royal has created a Bed Bug Control Program that we have found to be a highly effective process to treat for bed bugs.

After a wet winter and spring across much of the country, nearly 35 million Americans plan to travel during the Memorial Day weekend, according to the travel organization, AAA. With many travelers staying in hotels, traveling by train, plane or going on a cruise, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) advises people to keep bed bug prevention and detection tips in mind to keep a dream vacation from turning into a nightmare.

The good news is that summer is finally here; the bad news is that bed bugs continue to lurk in places people typically visit during a vacation, said Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for NPMA. Although bed bugs are a year-round pest, people have a greater chance of picking up this hitchhiker during the summer as travel increases. Bed bugs are a souvenir no one wants to bring home.

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Pesticides Bed Bugs State of Delaware Delaware

Vigilant Monitoring including a check of secondhand furniture, beds, and couches for any signs of bed bug infestations. Prevention & Control by removing clutter where Bed Bugs hide, sealing cracks to eliminate habitat, encasing mattresses/box springs, and checking luggage when returning from trip. Non-Chemical treatment e.g., vacuuming, heat treatment of clothing, bedding and furniture. Pesticide treatment with products explicitly labeled for use to control of bed bugs and carefully follow labeled directions.

Fact Sheets, available in both English and Spanish, provide the most current information regarding Bed Bugs including inspection and identification, current treatment methods and suggested best management practices and are available below.

If you have any additional questions not answered in this outreach information contact the Delaware Department of Agriculture Pesticide section at (302)-698-4500. Additional Bed Bug information can be viewed on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website using the following link:

We want to recognize EPA for providing a grant to the Virginia Department of Agriculture, Office of Pesticide Services, for undertaking an outreach and education project to provide information regarding Bed Bugs.

David Pyne, Administrator Send E-Mail Phone (302) 698-4570 Fax: (302) 697-4483

For Questions Regarding this website: Send E-Mail Website managed by: Shere Nichols

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Pesticides Bed Bugs State of Delaware Delaware

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Bed Bugs Bite of Delaware – About Us can help you with your bedbug problem!

WEprovide what no other Bug Dog Inspector in your area can, an independent unbiased inspection with up to 97% accuracy on the scent of live bedbugs and viable bedbug eggs.

Our only interest is helping and assisting you to solve your bedbug problem.

We provide quality service and make sure your home or business is bed bug free.

Universityresearch has shown that a certified Bed Bug Dog Team can accurately detect the scent of live bedbugs and live bedbug eggs with up to 97% accuracy. A human technician detects bedbugs between 17%-30% at best. By pinpointing where the problem exists,we can help eliminate your problem faster by us finding exactly where the bed bugs are.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

By quickly identifying the infected rooms,we can discuss the findings with you and then discuss the next step to eliminating your current bedbug problem. We can provide you with many methods of remedial services to fit your budget. We assess the situation, locate the bugs and find the service you need.

Don't let those bedbugs bite.. Call us now! 1-800-975-0395

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Bed Bugs Bite of Delaware - About Us

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Pesticides Bed Bugs State of Delaware Delaware

Vigilant Monitoring including a check of secondhand furniture, beds, and couches for any signs of bed bug infestations. Prevention & Control by removing clutter where Bed Bugs hide, sealing cracks to eliminate habitat, encasing mattresses/box springs, and checking luggage when returning from trip. Non-Chemical treatment e.g., vacuuming, heat treatment of clothing, bedding and furniture. Pesticide treatment with products explicitly labeled for use to control of bed bugs and carefully follow labeled directions.

Fact Sheets, available in both English and Spanish, provide the most current information regarding Bed Bugs including inspection and identification, current treatment methods and suggested best management practices and are available below.

If you have any additional questions not answered in this outreach information contact the Delaware Department of Agriculture Pesticide section at (302)-698-4500. Additional Bed Bug information can be viewed on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website using the following link:

We want to recognize EPA for providing a grant to the Virginia Department of Agriculture, Office of Pesticide Services, for undertaking an outreach and education project to provide information regarding Bed Bugs.

David Pyne, Administrator Send E-Mail Phone (302) 698-4570 Fax: (302) 697-4483

For Questions Regarding this website: Send E-Mail Website managed by: Shere Nichols

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Pesticides Bed Bugs State of Delaware Delaware

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