Category Archives: Bed Bugs Florida

  Florida, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 14th of September 2024 15:52 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

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Bedbugs Miami, FL | Bedbug Control Services

First Solution Pest Control offers bed bug extermination in Miami, FL. If you suspect bed bugs in your home because of itchy bites or droppings on your furniture, we'll quickly respond. Our qualified technicians will thoroughly inspect every corner and crevice in your home and customize a strategic plan for extermination.

Preparations for ExterminationWe'll inspect your mattress, headboard, bed frame, baseboards, drywall, furniture and cluttered areas for bed bugs. If we find one or more colonies, we'll ask you to complete steps to prepare for the most effective bed bug treatments. Before extermination, you'll need to wash bedding on high heat and remove infested items in sealed garbage bags. Our specialists can identify any belongings or clutter that needs to be discarded. Because bed bugs can quickly multiply, we'll work efficiently to prepare and rid your home of these blood-feeding pests.

Eliminating an InfestationWe'll devise a pest elimination strategy that includes state-of-the-art equipment and products. Our technicians make sure to maintain a safe space while exterminating the bed bug infestation. You can be assured that our techniques will not only get rid of bed bugs, but prevent their return. Our goal is to provide unparalleled customer satisfaction and implement our first-rate pest-control processes until the problem is resolved.

Call First Solution Pest Control for a professional inspection in Miami. We eliminate bed bugs in the surrounding areas of Miami Beach, Kendall, Homestead, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Hialeah, Aventura, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale and Davie, Florida.

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Bedbugs Miami, FL | Bedbug Control Services

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Florida Bed Bugs | How Do You Get Rid of Bedbugs in FL?

Are you worried about bringing home bed bugs from your vacation? Bed bugs in Florida lodgings are a widespread problem. If you travel you are sure to come across them sooner or later. You need to know how to protect yourself against bed bugs and how to prevent them from hitching a ride home in your luggage.

The best defense against Florida bed bugs is a good offense. Make sure that you check your hotel room for these bugs before you bring any of your luggage inside. If possible, leave your bags in the hallway while you check your room for bed bugs. If it is not possible to leave your luggage outside in the hall, put your luggage on a hard surface as you inspect your hotel room, such as the bathroom sink or desk.

Begin with taking the sheets and mattress pad off of your bed. Be aware that you may not see any live bed bugs, but you will see evidence if they are in your room. You may see brown specks on the mattresses or walls, which is actually specks of blood from another person who was bitten. South Florida bed bugs tend to cluster in dark areas during the day, so check behind the headboards of the bed and behind the nightstand. It is best to bring a small flashlight for your bed bug inspection. You may see the tiny bugs in the creases around the mattress or underneath the box spring. Bed bugs in Florida hotels may also be found in dresser drawers, behind picture frames or inside other furniture in the room.

If you do find bed bugs in your room, notify the hotel manager immediately. Ask to be moved to another room in the hotel and check that one over thoroughly before you move in. If you have been in the hotel overnight, ask about having your items professionally cleaned so that you do not bring these pests home with you.

Bed bugs are rampant in the hotels. If you have recently traveled and discovered that you may have brought bed bugs home with you, call a professional Florida bed bug extermination company immediately. There is no household spray available on the market that will rid your home of bed bugs. You need a professional to kill the eggs and the bugs themselves. A professional exterminator will thoroughly inspect and treat your home to get rid of bed bugs.

Our exterminators can help you with:

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Florida Bed Bugs | How Do You Get Rid of Bedbugs in FL?

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Bed Bugs Florida – Bed

Bed Bugs in Florida

Bed bugs are sweeping across the country. For the better part of a century, Americans have lived in the comfort of knowing that the pests were almost completely eradicated. Following major spraying operations in the years following World War II, the United States freed itself of most pests, with just a few hardy species remaining. But bed bugs appear to be enjoying a massive, nationwide return.

Most reports of bed bug infestation have occurred in major cities, particularly those in the countrys densely populated East Coast. New York City and Philadelphia are considered epicenters of the bed bug crisis, with hundreds of private apartment complexes hosting the parasites and a series of major hotel chains and commercial buildings falling victim to the ultra-hardy annoyances.

For the most part, Florida has been able to escape the bed bug plague. Due to its relative geographic isolation and the states large pest population, regular spraying and elimination efforts have removed most major insects from Floridas homes. But in between the common roach infestations, nasty bed bugs are popping up left and right, and spreading between buildings at an alarmingly rapid pace.

Major cities in the state have reported sporadic outbreaks, with hotels in Fort Lauderdale and Miami forced to temporarily close due to the parasitic pests. Outbreaks in private residences have been rare and lacking in any specific infestation patterns, indicating that the major pests are likely arriving on city streets due to international travel and short-term visitors.

Either way, the bugs are a major annoyance for Floridas permanent population, an irritating pest for its annual traveler load, and a giant threat to the states lucrative tourism industry. While authorities have yet to implement official measures similar to those seen in New York City and other areas that are affected by the bugs, it remains a possibility in many major commercial and residential centers.

Weve outlined the origin and spread of bed bugs in Florida below, along with a detailed list of the bugs most probable targets. If youre concerned about a possible infestation or merely planning to take preventative measures, please use our detailed guide to diagnose and treat any potential issues.

When did bed bugs become such a visible pest in Florida?

Floridas bed bug entry date is difficult to pinpoint. The state, along with many other regions in the country, has seen a significant increase in the amount of international tourists visiting its shores over the last decade. Travel industry analysts have pointed to the increased wealth of many Asian nations as a potential reason for the increase in international arrivals news thats very good economically.

But the increase in international arrivals also allows for the arrival of bed bugs, many of which are believed to have originated overseas. The United States had all but completely eradicated the pests during the latter half of the 20th century, but they appear to be back with a vengeance. Scientists are skeptical to blame any one group for their return, although international travelers do fit the bill.

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Bed Bugs Florida - Bed

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EENY140/IN297: Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius Linneaus (Insecta …


Sometimes referred to as "red coats," "chinches," or "mahogany flats" (USDA 1976), bed bugs, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, are blood feeding parasites of humans, chickens, bats and occasionally domesticated animals (Usinger 1966). Bed bugs are suspected carriers of leprosy, oriental sore, Q-fever, and brucellosis (Krueger 2000) but have never been implicated in the spread of disease to humans (Dolling 1991). After the development and use of modern insecticides, such as DDT, bed bug infestations have virtually disappeared. However, since 1995, pest management professionals have noticed an increase in bed bug related complaints (Krueger 2000).

Adult bed bug, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, feeding. Photography by: Joseph Smith, University of Florida

Human dwellings, birds nests, and bat caves make the most suitable habitats for bed bugs since they offer warmth, areas to hide, and most importantly hosts on which to feed (Dolling 1991). Bed bugs are not evenly distributed throughout the environment but are instead concentrated in harborages (Usinger 1966). Within human dwellings, harborages include cracks and crevices in walls, furniture, behind wallpaper and wood paneling, or under carpeting (Krueger 2000). Bed bugs are usually only active during night but will feed during the day when hungry (Usinger 1966). Bed bugs can be transported on clothing, in traveler's luggage, or in bedding and furniture (USDA 1976) but lack appendages to enable them to cling to hair, fur, or feathers, so are rarely found on hosts (Dolling 1991).

The adult bed bug is a broadly flattened, ovoid, insect with greatly reduced wings (Schuh and Slater 1995). The reduced fore wings, or hemelytra, are broader than they are long, with a somewhat rectangular appearance. The sides of the pronotum are covered with short, stiff hairs (Furman and Catts 1970). Before feeding, bed bugs are usually brown in color and range from 6 to 9.5 mm in length. After feeding, the body is often swollen and red in color (USDA 1976).

Dorsalview of an adult bed bug, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus. Photograph by: David Almquist, University of Florida

Lateral view of an adult bed bug, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus. Photograph by: Joseph Smith, University of Florida

Nymph of the bed bug, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus. Photograph by, Joseph Smith, University of Florida

The two bed bugs most important to man are the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, and the tropical bed bug, Cimex hemipterus. These two species of bed bugs can easily be distinguished by looking at the prothorax, the first segment of the thorax. The prothorax of the common bed bug is more expanded laterally and the extreme margins are more flattened than that of the tropical bed bug (Ghauri 1973).

Because of their confined living spaces, copulation among male and female bed bugs is difficult. The female possesses a secondary copulatory aperture, Ribaga's organ or paragenital sinus, on the fourth abdominal sternum where spermatozoa from the male are injected. The spermatozoa then migrate to the ovaries by passing through the haemocoel, or body cavity (Dolling 1991). The female bed bug lays approximately 200 eggs during her life span at a rate of one to 12 eggs per day (Krueger 2000). The eggs are laid on rough surfaces and coated with a transparent cement to adhere them to the substrate (Usinger 1966). Within six to 17 days bed bug nymphs, almost devoid of color, emerge from the eggs. After five molts, which takes approximately ten weeks, the nymphs reach maturity (USDA 1976).

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EENY140/IN297: Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius Linneaus (Insecta ...

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Bed Bugs in Florida | Everything you need to know about bed bugs …

The warm humid climate of Florida offers a suitable condition for Bed bugs that then feeds on human and animal blood. However, Florida wasnt always a thriving environment for Bedbugs during the time when DDT was used to control the infestation of Bed bugs back then. When DDT was then later banned as it was found to be unsafe for people, animals and the environment, Bed bugs then resurfaced. Todays surge of Bed bugs is because of domestic and international travel where Bed bugs can hitch a ride in luggage.

The Bed bugs in Florida have become rampant in many homes, buildings, hospitals, delivery trucks, dormitories and hotels much to the dismay of residents. Even if Bed bugs do not transmit dangerous diseases they can cause severe skin irritation and soreness and unbearable mental and emotional stress. The Cimex hemipterus Bed bugs species can be found in the tropical regions such as Florida and have the preference of wood and paper rather than stone, plaster and textiles. They originally used to feed on bats, but when man began living in caves, these species began to feed on humans till today.

These bed bugs are of light to dark reddish brown in color with flat oval bodies measuring inches long. However, once these Bed bugs feed, their body doubles in size having an elongated and blood filled swollen body. These Bed bugs do not attach themselves to their host, but simply feeds on them while asleep and pierces the skin using an elongated beak consisting of 2 tubes where 1 is used for injecting anesthetic and anti-coagulant saliva that prevents blood clotting and numbs the skin. The other tube is then used to suck the blood out.

Reproduction of Bed Bugs

The female adult Bed bugs lay eggs in 3 to 8 batches that hatch in 6 to 14 days. The female can lay over 200 to 500 eggs depending on the availability of blood as their food source, because they require blood in order to reproduce. Their mating method is called traumatic insemination where the males insert their penis positioned at the base or the paramere, into a paragenital sinus of the female Bed bugs abdominal and ejects the sperm. The male Bed bugs need to feed prior to mating and the female Bed bugs need to feed before they lay their eggs. It has been studied that as males mate with the female Bed bugs, they also possess a certain homosexual behavior.

They can also store a male Bed bugs sperm for up to 6 weeks. A newly hatched Bed bug will have reddish to purple shade of color. While the nymph will be translucent and would have to molt 5 times within 35 to 48 days, till it becomes a full adult. And thus the cycle repeats itself.

Detection of Bed Bugs

Detecting Bed bugs is a task that requires patience as it takes time and a lot of effort as they only feed when their host is asleep. When you are able to detect the infestation of Bed bugs early, then your problems may not be as complicated as it may seem. In cases of low infestation, Bed bug canines can detect Bed bugs even if they are just a few, or you can opt for sticky traps and other devices that are cheaper than having to use other forms of treatment for large infestations.

Controlling Bed Bugs

Your first option is to always clean up any Bed bugs that are visible. All carpets and furniture and every corner must be vacuumed. After vacuuming, the bag must be sealed in a plastic bag or container and placed in a freezer for a week prior to disposing. Then have all the clothes and bed sheets in hot water and dried at a high setting as well or under the sun.

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