Category Archives: Bed Bugs Georgia

  Georgia, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 2nd of October 2024 09:41 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

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Atlanta | Georgia | Bed Bugs |Pest Control |Dog …

We caneradicateyour bedbug problem with a one trip sollution Not with several treatments like exterminating companies provide. We use the Green Technologytoremediate your bed bug problems. Our Green Technology isnot only the fastest method to returning your life back to normal but its the safest and the only TOTAL proven remediation method that is available.

The bedbug problem in our country is atpandemic levels. Its just not a problem for the hospitality industry anymore. Home owners, travelers (plane and train seats), retail shops and college dorms are now even affected by this blood sucking pest that seeks you out at night. This has been the preverbal BOOGEYMAN for the hospitality industry for years. Modern day pesticides are not strong enough, rouge pest control companies that are not educated in this processare either using outside pesticides indoor or not treating the problem properly.

Atlanta Bedbugs, a Georgia Clean Company has the track proven green technology to rid this problem. The old way was to use pesticides wrap the entire room of contents in plastic and haul it away in an isolated roll of container. Costing the hotels anywhere from $5,000 - $20,000 to treat and remodel a single room (price depending on room contents and value). We at Atlanta Bedbugs can save you 80-90% of that cost by using our Thermal Induction Process.

Bed bugs feed on humans, usually at night when they are asleep. They feed by piercing the skin with their elongated mouthparts, which consist of two stylets that normally fold under their body when at rest but fully extend during blood-meal feeding. One stylet has a groove that carries saliva into the wound, while the other has a groove through which body fluids from the host are taken in.

A single feeding may take up to 10 minutes, and feels like a pin prick, but because feeding usually occurs at night when people are asleep they are not aware they have been bitten until afterwards. However, saliva injected during the feeding can later produce large swellings on the skin that itch and may become irritated and infected when scratched. Swelling may not develop until a day or more after feeding, and some people do not show symptoms. Bed bugs currently are not considered to be disease carriers.

In addition to the direct injury to humans, bed bugs have stink glands that leave odors. They also leave unsightly fecal spots on bed sheets and around their hiding places. These spots are darkish red in color, roughly round, and can be very small.

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Atlanta | Georgia | Bed Bugs |Pest Control |Dog ...

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Bed bugs still an issue at Northwest Georgia Housing …

A bed bug infestation at the Northwest Georgia Housing Authority senior high-rise apartments in Rome is still causing problems for a handful of tenants.

Executive Director Sandra Hudson said Wednesday she has two tenants still housed in local motels and two more who are going to be displaced while their apartments are being treated.

Since the bugs were reported in a dozen units last month, the NWGHA has spent $49,000 to treat for the critters and pay for temporary housing and meals for displaced families.

The board of directors approved a policy revision Wednesday that spells out the responsibility of both tenants and the authority when bed bugs are discovered. It requires tenants to be proactive by avoiding clutter in their apartments and checking baggage and clothing after all trips.

If bed bugs are discovered in an apartment, the inspection will extend to units on either side of it as well as above and below.

Residents wont be charged for treatment unless they were to lose or damage materials supplied to deal with the infestation.

If they are uncooperative or reckless, they could be subject to having their lease terminated, NWGHA Attorney Stewart Duggan said.

In other business, Technical Services Director Doug Braden briefed the board on efforts to deal with the hundreds of false fire alarms at the high-rise apartments that are generally the result of overcooked food.

Each unit has a smoke detector in the kitchen and one in the den. The fire department gets an average of 25 false alarms each month.

Braden said theyre working with its alarm company, Tyco SimplexGrinnell, to re-program the smoke detectors. Tenants would get 45 seconds to a minute to clear the smoke after the first alarm before a second alarm and call to the fire department is triggered.

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Bed bugs still an issue at Northwest Georgia Housing ...

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Infestations Due to Scabies, Bed Bugs, and Head Lice

Infestations of Public Health Importance

Head Lice

Lice are parasites of warm-blooded animals, including man. Head lice are not known to transmit any human pathogens. The chief human health concerns associated with head lice are skin irritation at the feeding site, secondary bacterial infections from scratching, and the psychological "trauma" of the infestations.

Head Lice Fact SheetHead Lice FAQsHead Lice Talking Points English version Head Lice Talking Points Spanish version Head Lice Manual Head Lice Manual (Spanish)


Bed bugs, small wingless insects that feed solely on blood, are increasingly becoming a problem within residences of all kinds, including homes, apartments, hotels, cruise ships, dormitories and shelters. While bed bugs do not carry disease, their bite can cause allergic skin reactions in susceptible individuals.


Scabies is caused by an infestation of the microscopic miteSarcoptes scabei. Infestation is common, found worldwide, and affects people of all races and social classes. This mite burrows into the skin, causing intense itching and irritation. Skin between the fingers, the bend of the elbow or knee, and the shoulder blades are areas most often affected. The intense itching is accompanied by a rash.

See the article here:
Infestations Due to Scabies, Bed Bugs, and Head Lice

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Bed bug Control & Treatments in Atlanta GA | Repellent Sprays

Bed bugs are very much visible to the eye. They are large enough to see without any magnification; they can grow up to 1/4 inch long. Young hatch looking much like adults just much smaller. Most species will appear to be a transparent tan or beige color but will quickly turn dark brown, almost black, once they have fed. Bed bugs have almost a round body though it appears to be more oval upon closer observation. Bed bugs have six legs and are very good walkers.

It is important to understand that bed bugs are very much visible to the ey. The author has dealt with many people who believe they have an active infestation of bed bugs when no trace of anything can be found. Their infestation is the conclusion based on all the wrong premises; only when specimens which have been properly identified can one be sure bed bugs are the active insect.


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Here are some of the more misleading situations which cause people to erroneously conclude they have bed bugs.

These misperceptions along with some others which have been handed down over time has caused the bed bug to be the likely culprit when in fact the real problem is some other insect or not an insect at all. Lets review some of the bed bugs basic biology so a better understanding of how it develops, where it comes from and how to control local infestations can be achieved.

Bed bugs are in the family of cimicidae which are insects that have short forewings, oval to round body shapes and a flat profile. They are parasites of mammals and birds and though generally animal specific, bed bugs will feed on any animal that can provide a blood meal when faced with limited selections. There are over 100 species around the world with over 15 existing in the continent of North America. It is easy to identify a bed bug but very hard to determine just which species it may be.

Of all the pests mankind has had to endure over time, bed bugs might very well be the most hated and disgusting. Unlike the flea or mosquito which feed for a very short amount of time, the bed bug tends to suck blood for 3-5 minutes and in some cases over 15 minutes during its meals. This in of itself makes people queasy when thinking about bed bugs possibly feeding on them but when combined with the fact that bed bugs are nocturnal and only take advantage of us when we are most vulnerable asleep bed bugs evoke a feeling of gross hatred.

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Bed bug Control & Treatments in Atlanta GA | Repellent Sprays

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Pest Control Alerts | Which one of these is the bed bug?

The bed bug is the one in the middle!

Bed bug Gary Alpert, Harvard University,

Bed bugs are an ever growing problem in the US. As bed bugs problems began increasing in Georgia, the Georgia Department of Public Health put together a bed bug handbook, providing information about the habits and habitats of the bed bug with an emphasis on information required by environmental health specialists dealing with infestations in hotels.

Recently, as bed bug problems continue to spread to homes, apartments, shelters, schools, dorms, and other places where people live, work, and study; it was decided to update and expand the bed bug handbook to include information on dealing with bed bugs in a wider variety of circumstances.

The revised handbook is posted on the GDPH website .

One reason to update the handbook was to make it useful for people outside of public health who are dealing with bed bug issues. Any comments or suggestions would be gratefully accepted. Please send comments to Dr. Rosmarie Kelly

Selected Information Found in the Bed Bug Handbook

Bed Bug Biology Life cycle, habits and medical importance

Inspecting for Bed Bugs Protecting yourself and specific methods for various structures and situations

Treatment and Control Physical removal, temperature, Chemical control, Do it Yourself treatments, Follow-up and monitoring, and Controls for various structures and situations

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Pest Control Alerts | Which one of these is the bed bug?

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