Category Archives: Bed Bugs Hawaii

  Hawaii, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 28th of September 2024 22:39 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

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Bed Bug Exterminators For Oahu And Big Island | HI Bed Bug Control

Worried About Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, flat, oval insects that were thought to be a pest problem of the past. Unfortunately, we are now experiencing a widespread recurrence of bed bugs in Hawaii, all across the United States and abroad. The most significant factors that explains their return is the increase in international travel and the decrease in the availability of effective pesticides, such as DDT. Often unknowingly introduced into a property on luggage after a trip, on clothing, in used furniture and even directly on people, bed bugs are posing a real challenge for property owners and managers in Honolulu and for all Oahuand Big Island.

At Sandwich Isle Pest Solutions, we understand that a bed bug infestation and the resulting bed bug bites can cause unhappy guests, bad publicity, lost room revenue, loss of property, costly pesticide treatments and client lawsuits. We also realize that bed bug infestations in homes often lead to the disposal of the contents in the affected rooms, emotional trauma and stress associated with dealing with these elusive pests. That is why we offer effective bed bug services that include:

Sandwich Isle will monitor your bed bug infestation, even before you get one! With the newest tools, Sandwich Isle can show you how to monitor for the introduction of an infestation! We can also keep tabs on the progress of conventional or ongoing services, or even confirm the elimination of a bed bug infestation with our bed bug detecting K9s and other monitoring tools!

Let Scout and Ally and the rest of Sandwich Isles bed bug professionals resolve your toughest bed bug infestation. We are proud to provide K9 Scent Detection and EnviroPureHeat treatments to Waikoloa, Aiea, Kapoleiand elsewhere in our service area. For more information please contact us.

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Get Rid of Bed Bugs | Kill Bed Bugs and Mites in the Wash

The Cedar Bug-Free Solution

Cedar Bug-Free Laundry Additive is designed to kill bed bugs in your bed sheets, clothing, etc. Eliminating bed bugs from your bedding and clothing is a critical step in ending their infestation. Bed bugs infest your bedding and clothing and continue biting while you are asleep or awake, even away from your home. They are commonly carried on clothing from place to place thus spreading their infestations to other rooms, furniture, cars, houses, even to your workplace.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the hot water/clothes dryer temperature which will kill bed bugs, but it is a fact that bed bugs attach themselves to bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets, clothing and any other fabric material. The professionals that specialize in laundering clothing that has been exposed to bed bugs tell us that bed bugs can be killed by exposure to heat, but they must be exposed to a temperature of at least 130 F for a minimum of 35 minutes. This means that the water in the washing machine must be well above 130 F because the water cools down immediately as it hits the clothes and the tub inside the washer. The same concept applies to the dryer; the wet clothes take a very long time to heat up. The problem is compounded by the fact that residential hot water rarely exceeds 130 F, and then you have all those delicate items that must be washed in cold or warm water. To this end, you need to wash ALL your bedding and clothing often using Cedar Bug-Free Laundry Additive, which will kill the bed bugs in cold or hot water but not harm or stink-up your clothes.

Tip: Many of our customers have found that adding one ounce of Cedar Bug-Free Laundry Additive per gallon of mop water kills bed bugs and mites on their floor. Clean your floors and kill the bugs, all in one easy step! Read the article Other Uses for Cedar Bug-Free Laundry Additive to learn about other uses for this product.

Cedar Bug-Free Laundry Additive is formulated from all natural food grade ingredients that are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) - 85% pure Eastern Red Cedar Oil and 15% Ethyl Lactate. There are no artificial fragrances, colorants or preservatives and no animal by-products or harmful animal testing.

Eastern Red Cedar Oil is extracted from a species of juniper found in North America east of the Great Plains called Juniperus virginiana. The oil is distilled from the trunk and branches, and is considered safe by the US FDA as a food additive.

Ethyl Lactate is an emulsifier made from biological sources and is found naturally in small quantities in a wide variety of foods including wine, chicken, and various fruits.

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Get Rid of Bed Bugs | Kill Bed Bugs and Mites in the Wash

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Do Bed Bugs Travel on People? | USA Today

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Ginger Yapp, Demand Media

Believe it or not, bed bugs can travel via human hosts. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images )

They're creepy, they're crawly and they're often quite difficult to spot. Bed bugs -- blood-sucking, tiny parasites that dine on human and animal hosts -- have become a concern worldwide due to their stealthy ways of getting around. Unfortunately, the little critters are more mobile than we would like to think.

Bed bugs -- named for one of their favorite hangouts -- tend to be found in linens, between cracks in mattresses and even in cracks and crevices in the floor. They leech off their human or animal hosts, leaving a scabby trail of rashes and bite marks across the skin. Because they are mostly active at night, it can take awhile for a person to notice that his home or hotel room has bed bugs.

Not everyone is aware that bed bugs can be spread via humans: if a person goes to a hotel room that has bed bugs, and the bed bugs hide out on the person or on the person's luggage, the bed bugs can be spread to a new location. Because of this, no house is safe from a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs can live in the cleanest of houses; bed bugs are not a sign that a person's home is dirty or unkempt.

If you suspect that your home has been hit by bed bugs, look for the following telltale signs: small scabs or rashes in a line-like pattern on your skin, small fecal droppings or small blood smears on your sheets. The bed-bug bites will most likely be across your face, arms, or legs -- the areas that are not covered by your pajamas as you sleep. Remember, though, that not all people will develop a rash if being bitten. You'll also want to check for bugs in your mattress and in your luggage by closely inspecting them.

Though a variety of sprays and ointments are out there marketed as beg-bug killers, the truth is that many of these products do not work. You can attempt to rid yourself of these pests by vacuuming every inch of your apartment and by putting your linens in a dryer set on the highest setting. A severe infestation will require the attention of a licensed exterminator; it can often take more than one visit from the exterminator to ensure that the bed bugs are really gone.

Ginger Yapp has been writing professionally since 2006, specializing in travel and film topics. Her work has appeared in such publications as "USA Today" and online at Yapp also has experience writing and editing for a small California newspaper. She earned her B.A. in film and media studies and has worked as an ESL teacher at an international school.

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Do Bed Bugs Travel on People? | USA Today

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Bed bugs in the United States | United States Bed Bug Statistics

Top 10 states searching for "bed bugs"

Did you know that bedding encasements to kill bed bugs are used by over 50% of United States Pest Control Industries? Thats a heck of a lot of mattress covers when you consider that bed bug infestations have increased across the United States by a whopping 500% in the past few years. While New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Hawaii seem to be leading the pack, no state is too far behind in their search for bed bugs and how to prevent and kill those tiny blood sucking fiends. Luckily bed bug task forces have been set up in many states, but we are still a long way from being a bed bug free nation.

So no matter where in the United States you live, bed bugs are in your state! Not only that, interest in bed bugs and bed bug reports are expected to keep climbing unless drastic bed bug prevention measures are taken both at home and abroad. While a bed bug mattress cover is a great first line in matterss protection against bed bugs, that is not all that you will need to fend off those pesky bed bugs. is proud to provide comprehensive tips and solutions that you can use to prevent bed bugs at home and on the road.

Bed bugs are the 21st centurys most despised souvenir, often returning home in your suitcase and biting your family. The United States is known for its variety in travel opportunities; both for work and pleasure. Unfortunately for us, bed bugs are also known for their proclivity to travel.

Thats right; even 5 star hotels need to cover their mattresses to prevent bed bugs. In fact, more than one third of bed bug infestations occur in hotels and motels, due primarily to the high turnover rate.

Throughout the United States, pest control professionals are spraying, dusting, searching, clearing and protecting against bed bugs. In recent years, over 90% of pest control firms have reported dealing with bedbugs, as opposed to only 37% a few years prior.

Here at, our goal is to prevent bed bugs and keep you updated on bed bug infestations, wherever your travels may take you.

Updated April 1st, 2010

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Bed bugs in the United States | United States Bed Bug Statistics

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Bed Bug Exterminator | Pest Exterminator Honolulu, HI

Although they're called bedbugs, they don't just live in beds. Clutter, baseboards, carpeting, sofas and other furniture are all posh resorts to bedbugs, and at night they come out to dine on your blood, an all-you-can-eat buffet to them.

If you ever wake up with itchy or bruised skin, you may have a bedbug problem without even knowing it.

Within the past few years, the resurgence of Bed Bugs has made a major impact on the pest management industry and the quality of life for the people who have experienced this problem. A Bed Bug infestation will start by being brought into your home or business. Bed Bugs have been found in hotels , hospitals, theaters, buses, taxies, and offices. Educating the customer, conducting a thorough inspection, understanding Bed Bug biology, the proper application of the control products, and installing mattress and box spring encasements are vital components in the control of Bed Bugs.

We are committed to providing a quick, affordable, and most importantly, effective solution to your pest problem, and we take every measure to protect your and your family's safety throughout the process.

So whether you suspect you have a bedbug problem or just want to make sure you never get one, we have the expertise and training to get rid of your unwanted house guests, for good.

For more information or to receive a free estimate, please contact us today.

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Bed Bug Exterminator | Pest Exterminator Honolulu, HI

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