Category Archives: Bed Bugs Illinois

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News Links: Announces Steam Vapor Systems Learning Center

In-Depth Guide Offers Help On What Chemical-Free Green Cleaning Systems Can Be Used For

Lake Forest, Illinois (PRWEB) October 05, 2012

According to, with temperatures up to 260F steam vapor systems are ideal for cleaning and sanitizing tile floors, grout, kitchens and bathrooms, children's toys, workout rooms, auto interiors, scatter rugs, pet areas, and much more.

Use can even use steam vapor to kill dust mites and bed bugs on contact, remove allergens, kill bacteria, and remove mold and mildew, says V. K. Dunlop of And gently remove wrinkles from clothing.

Dunlop believes creating a safer and healthier environment is the key draw for most customers.

Steam vapor systems use only a little tap water to clean and sanitize almost any surfacewithout chemicals.

Systems equipped with Thermo Accelerated Nano Crystal Sanitation, or TANCS, provide users with the ability to disinfect a surface at a level supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. TANCS is proprietary to Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems.

Who of us doesnt know someone with cancer? asks Dunlop. Or a parent with a child diagnosed with autism? There is credible scientific evidence linking these health problems and others like heart disease and diabetes to some of the 82,000 chemicals available for use in the U.S., only 200 of which have been required to be tested for safety.

1-800-GO-VAPOR.coms website already includes a popular Quiz that tests consumers knowledge of cleaning. Now the site has a Vapor Learning Center to help shoppers understand what chemical-free steam vapor systems can be used for.

Located in Lake Forest, Illinois, is moving fast to educate consumers and businesses that finally, there's a feasible, environmentally friendly alternative to chemicals. With customers in every state in the nation and seven foreign countries, the company maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and markets Reliable, Vapamore and Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems worldwide. For more information, call 1-800-468-2767. is a proud member of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, a nationwide effort to protect families from toxic chemicals. To stay safe and avoid toxic chemicals, keep abreast of the latest news with 1-800-GO-VAPOR.coms Twitter account, @1800GOVAPOR.

More: Announces Steam Vapor Systems Learning Center

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Professional Bed Bug Steam Vapor System Now Affordable and Available, Announces

EnviroMate PRO EP1000 Offers Cutting-Edge Italian Technology At A Lower Cost Without Sacrificing Performance Or Quality

Lake Forest, Illinois (PRWEB) October 01, 2012

"Reliable set out to engineer the best professional-grade steam vapor system in the industry, says V.K. Dunlop of "The beautifully designed and incredibly powerful PRO EP1000 combines the cutting-edge features employed by pricier steam vapor systems at a price point everyone can afford. With its optional trolley, the Italian-designed PRO is ultra portable and super convenient for both professional and home use.

While steam vapor systems like the EnviroMate PRO EP1000 are traditionally used to clean and sanitize surfaces without chemicals, professionals and consumers alike are discovering that these marvels of technology instantly eliminate bed bugs from where they hideincluding in mattress seams, sheets, clothing, picture frames, furniture and structural areas like baseboards.

Chemicals that can eliminate bed bug infestations are rare and mostly ineffective, says Dunlop. Steam vapor systems that allow people to kill bed bugs without chemicals are of growing interest across the country. The Pro EP1000 offers an innovative solution to people who want affordable do-it-yourself options. Its ease of use, powerful capabilities and reasonable price combine to make the Pro a compelling alternative to professional exterminators who come with hazardous pest control chemicals and a high price tag.

Besides endangering human health, another problem with chemicals is that they cant reach bed bugs in every nook and cranny where they hide. A highly toxic chemical called propoxur does work better than most, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned propoxur for home use in 2007 because the pesticide can damage the central nervous system of children. Other chemicals can irritate the skin and eyesor even cause cancer.

The pristine white PRO EP1000 is a safe, fast, economical remedy that does not involve using toxic chemicals that harm human health. It uses 257F steam vapor instead of chemicals to instantly kill bed bugs and the eggs they leave behind, which are rapidly killed when exposed to temperatures over 113F. And because steam vapor particles are so small, they can reach cracks and crevices chemicals cannot. With a steam vapor system like the PRO EP1000 bed bugs have nowhere to hide and are a thing of the past. And because the PRO EP1000 kills bed bugs right away, it can be more economical than chemical alternatives that take several treatments.

Located in Lake Forest, Illinois, is moving fast to educate consumers and businesses that finally, there's a feasible, environmentally friendly alternative to chemicals. With customers in every state in the nation and seven foreign countries, the company markets Reliable, Vapamore and Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems worldwide. For more information, call 1-800-468-2767. is a proud member of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, a nationwide effort to protect families from toxic chemicals. To stay safe and avoid toxic chemicals, keep abreast of the latest news with 1-800-GO-VAPOR.coms Twitter account, @1800GOVAPOR.

V. K. Dunlop 1-800-468-2767 Email Information

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Professional Bed Bug Steam Vapor System Now Affordable and Available, Announces

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Set is valued at $30 and is included with every Ladybug Steam Vapor Sanitization System.

Lake Forest, Illinois (PRWEB) September 27, 2012

In 1998, believing that people should have a better, faster and healthier way to clean their homes,, then called Vapor Systems, set out to revolutionize the cleaning industry. Enter the Vapor 2000. Using only ordinary tap water to clean, sanitize and deodorize almost any surface, this aqua-green steam vapor system was powerful, lightweight, innovative, and an instant hit when it arrived from Italy.

Since then, satisfied customers in every state in the nation and seven foreign countries have helped maintain an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and the company has improved upon the quality and performance of the steam vapor systems it markets, adding Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems in 2008, which are the companys top-selling products today.

More and more people are seeing the value in cleaning without toxic chemicals, says V.K. Dunlop of Our intention has always been to offer the best steam vapor systems available. Thats why we turned to Ladybug. And due to the success we experienced in recent months, weve extended our promotion of throwing in a free accessory set valued at $30 with every Ladybug order through October.

Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems are the most innovative, intricately designed and technologically advanced non-chemical based cleaning systems on the market today. The best-selling Ladybug Tekno 2350 steam vapor system comes standard with Ladybugs proprietary patented TANCS (Thermo Accelerated Nano Crystal Sanitation) technology.

TANCS is so powerful at killing bacteria that the Tekno qualifies as a disinfection device for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, says Dunlop.

Used in residential homes and apartments, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, restaurants, supermarkets, casinos, auto detailing shops, dental offices, animal shelters and other places where the highest level of cleanliness is required, Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems kill dust mites and bed bugs on contact, remove allergens, kill superbugs, and remove mold and mildew. Theyre ideal for cleaning and sanitizing tile floors, grout, kitchens and bathrooms, children's toys, workout rooms, auto interiors, scatter rugs, pet areas, and much more.

Located in Lake Forest, Illinois, is moving fast to educate consumers and businesses that finally, there's a feasible, environmentally friendly alternative to chemicals. The company markets Reliable, Vapamore and Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems worldwide. For more information, call 1-800-468-2767. is a proud member of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, a nationwide effort to protect families from toxic chemicals. To stay safe and avoid toxic chemicals, keep abreast of the latest news with 1-800-GO-VAPOR.coms Twitter account, @1800GOVAPOR.

V. K. Dunlop 1-800-468-2767 Email Information

Read more: Extends Free Accessory Set Offer Through October

Posted in Bed Bugs Illinois | Comments Off on Extends Free Accessory Set Offer Through October Announces Multifunctional Steam Vapor System that Makes Green Homekeeping Easy

Switching Back and Forth from Vacuum to Steam Cleaner or Both is as Simple as Pushing a Button

Lake Forest, Illinois (PRWEB) September 28, 2012

Why not explore the difference the Reliable EnviroMate TANDEM EV1 steam vapor system can make in your home? asks V.K. Dunlop of This multifunctional device from Italy uses 245F heated steam vapor instead of cancer-causing chemicals to instantly kill dust mites, mold and other allergensand then it vacuums the waste away. It does a superb job eliminating bed bugs and the eggs they leave behind.

For a rising number of allergy sufferers, an eco-friendly steam vapor system can make a real difference in the number of dust mites in a home. This is especially important for children who have asthma. Dust mites can cause children to become sick and require additional respiratory medicine.

The TANDEM will eliminate dust mites, bed bugs and other nightmares wherever they hide, insuring you and your child a good nights sleepno matter how many nooks and crannies in your home, says Dunlop.

Located in Lake Forest, Illinois, is moving fast to educate consumers and businesses that finally, there's a feasible, environmentally friendly alternative to chemicals. The company markets Reliable, Vapamore and Ladybug steam vapor sanitization systems. 1-800-GO-VAPORs top-seller, the Ladybug Tekno 2350 steam vapor system with Ladybugs proprietary patented TANCS technology, qualifies as a disinfection device for the EPA and is scientifically proven to wipe out superbugs like MRSA and VRE in five seconds. For more information, call 1-800-468-2767. is a proud member of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, a nationwide effort to protect families from toxic chemicals. To stay safe and avoid toxic chemicals, keep abreast of the latest news with 1-800-GO-VAPOR.coms Twitter account, @1800GOVAPOR.

V. K. Dunlop 1-800-468-2767 Email Information

See the rest here: Announces Multifunctional Steam Vapor System that Makes Green Homekeeping Easy

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Community Digest

Updated: June 16, 2012 2:18AM


Blood Drive: The Grayslake Fire Department will participate in LifeSource Blood Centers Firefighter Blood Donor Challenge. Participating departments compete against each other in an attempt to draw the greatest number of units of blood. LifeSource personnel will be at Grayslake Fire Station No. 1 on June 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 160 Hawley St. Walk-ins are welcome but donors are encouraged to make an appointment by calling Ingrid Skidmore at (847) 223-8960.

Buffalo Grove

Workshop: A community workshop to discuss planning for housing will be held June 20 at 7 p.m. at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) will provide an overview of the villages population trends and projected demand for future housing. Participants at the workshop will have group discussions concerning housing issues and opportunities. The ideas developed by the groups will be summarized at the end of the meeting. CMAP will use the information to draft a study for the village with recommendations to guide decisions regarding future housing proposals. For more information, or to register for the workshop, (847) 459-2525.

Green Fair: The Buffalo Grove Environmental Action Team is working with the village to coordinate the first Green Fair June 24 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Rylko Park, 1000 N. Buffalo Grove Road. Learn about the steps you can take at home, work and in the community to improve the environment. Watch demonstrations, participate in a craft and more. Various booths will be collecting items to be donated such as athletic shoes, eye glasses, keys and more. For more information, visit


Bug control: Wil-Kil Pest Control will host a free Bed Bug Boot Camp for businesses in Gurnee and the surrounding areas June 19 from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at KeyLime Cove Indoor Waterpark Resort, 1700 Nations Drive, to address the ongoing concerns and prevention methods of bed bugs. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the history and biology of bed bugs, the importance of inspections, legal issues associated with bed bugs and prevention techniques. Wil-Kils bed bug canine scent detection dogs, Max and Daisy, will also show participants how they do their job to effectively detect live bed bugs, allowing for a more accurate inspection versus traditional detection methods. For more information, visit

Shredding: The Des Plaines River Valley Chapter of ARMA, Opportunity Secure Data Destruction, with the support of Gurnee Park District will hold a free confidential shredding of personal documents (limit of three grocery bags per person papers and CDs/DVDs diskettes must be separated) June 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hunt Club Park Community Center, 920 N. Hunt Club Road. Donations of non-perishable food for the Northern Illinois Food Bank will be accepted. For more information, call (224) 636-3750.

Lake Villa

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Community Digest

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