Category Archives: Bed Bugs Illinois

  Illinois, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 2nd of October 2024 12:05 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

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FOX19 Investigates: Secret bed bug dangers


Despite their best efforts, some people in Cincinnati are bringing home bed bugs in some creepy and unexpected ways, FOX19 News has learned.

Over the past month, we have been talking with bed bug experts, business owners --- and you --- about what you're seeing.

What may get you scratching involuntarily are the stories about the places you'd never expect to catch bed bugs.

FOX19 viewer Kevin, writing on the station's Facebook page, says he got them after renting a moving truck.

"It's the only place that it could have been," he said, "as the place I moved from did not have them and my new home did not have them to start."

We've heard similar stories, too. The problem is some rental companies don't properly inspect or clean their trucks after a family has turned-in the one they rented. So if they had bed bugs they're passed along to the next family that rents the truck.

FOX19 visited a large moving company in our area to see how their employees try to prevent carrying bed bugs from house to house. You'll see that part of the story Wednesday night at 10 o'clock.

We'll also meet a man who got bed bugs after hip replacement surgery. One of the medical devices he rented was infested with them. He has pictures of the bite marks to prove it.

Tune in Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. to FOX19.

FOX19 Investigates: Secret bed bug dangers

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Champaign Man Upset Over Apartment Bed Bugs

A Champaign man got a disgusting surprise as he drifted off to sleep Tuesday night. He found a bed bug crawling on his wall. Robert Ross was watching a movie, when his fiance noticed the bug.

"We were laying down for bed and that's where he was when I squashed him," Robert Ross said.

He wasted no time to get away from the problem. He packed up his fiance and kids and went to a hotel.

Wednesday, he wanted to make sure the bugs were gone. He washed all of the family's clothes and hired a cleaning service. It has cost him thousands of dollars.

"We've got to use all of our savings to get things cleaned," Ross said.

The property manager of Wellington Place Apartments tells us he offered to pay for a preventative treatment. He says Ross moved into the apartment three weeks ago and may have brought the bug in with him. The place has new carpet and was recently inspected for bugs and none were found.

See the article here:
Champaign Man Upset Over Apartment Bed Bugs

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Bed bugs are sucking the fun out of things

QUINCY, IL (WGEM) -- Did the bed bugs bite last night? The pests are becoming a big problem right here in the tri-states.

By the end of this year, bed bug infestation is expected to increase by 300% in the US.

Dave Hirner with Reliable Pest Solutions in Hannibal told me that they've been seeing an increase of bed bugs in hotels in Illinois, Missouri and Iowa.

He says one of the main reasons for the increase is due to international travelers bringing the pests in from other countries. And unfortunately, staying in a 5-star hotel doesn't make a difference.

"You could be in the nicest, most beautiful, most expensive hotel suite, and it could have bed bugs. Bed bugs don't care about the living conditions. They don't care about the clutter. They're just looking for food. They're just looking for blood," says Hirner.

When staying in a hotel, Hirner recommends putting your luggage in the bath tub and to inspect the bed. He says to pull the linens off, check the piping around the mattress, the box spring and even the headboard.

See the original post here:
Bed bugs are sucking the fun out of things

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Bed BUg Central Chicago 2011 – Video

02-10-2011 14:02 bedbugfree bedbugcentral bed bug central Summit university 2011 Chicago rosemont illinois o'hare heat treat ohare cooper pest control bedbug bed bug removal inspection pest control extermination

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Bed BUg Central Chicago 2011 - Video

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Illinois Bed Bug Dog – Highly Trained Expert – Video If you have encountered bed bugs in your home or business, or if you want to know more about our Personalized Emergency Bed Bug Plan, please call us today.

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Illinois Bed Bug Dog - Highly Trained Expert - Video

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