Category Archives: Bed Bugs Maine

  Maine, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 26th of September 2024 20:04 PM

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Disgruntled man releases 100 live bedbugs in Maine city office –

AUGUSTA, ME (AP) The city manager in Augusta, Maine, says the municipal office building had to be sprayed for bedbugs after a man threw a cup of the pests onto an office counter and about 100 of them scattered off.

City Manager William Bridgeo tells the Kennebec Journal the man apparently complained Friday to the code enforcement office about bedbugs at his former apartment then left, but returned after he showed the cup of bugs to a manager at his new apartment and was told he couldnt live there.

Bridgeo says the man let the bugs loose in the General Assistance Office where he asked for a form to request assistance and apparently was told he didnt qualify.

Police didnt immediately release the mans name or say if any charges would be filed. provides commenting to allow for constructive discussion on the stories we cover. In order to comment here, you acknowledge you have read and agreed to our Terms of Service. Commenters who violate these terms, including use of vulgar language or racial slurs, will be banned. Please be respectful of the opinions of others and keep the conversation on topic and civil. If you see an inappropriate comment, please flag it for our moderators to review.

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Disgruntled man releases 100 live bedbugs in Maine city office -

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Angry man dumps nearly 100 bed bugs at Maine City Office forcing building to close – WILX-TV

AUGUSTA, ME (AP)-- A municipal office building in Maine has reopened after officials say a disgruntled man slammed a cup full of bedbugs on the counter, releasing about 100 of the pests.

Augusta officials told that Kennebec Journal that exterminators are confident all the bedbugs were killed before the City Center building opened Monday.

City development director Matt Nazar said a man came into the citys General Assistance office on Friday seeking help with bedbugs at his apartment. Nazar said the apartment was already being sprayed and the man didnt qualify for assistance finding other housing. The man became angry and returned with more than 100 dead and live bed bugs that he threw on the counter.

Nazar said the man told police he wanted the government workers to experience what he was experiencing. Nazar called it an extraordinary bit of misdirected anger.

Police have not said if the man will be charged.

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Angry man dumps nearly 100 bed bugs at Maine City Office forcing building to close - WILX-TV

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Disgruntled man releases around 100 bedbugs in Maine city office – York Daily Record/Sunday News

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The city manager in Augusta, Maine, says the municipal office building had to be sprayed for bedbugs after a man threw a cup of the pests onto an office counter and about 100 of them scattered off.

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Associated Press Published 1:49 p.m. ET June 5, 2017 | Updated 4:43 p.m. ET June 5, 2017

New research from the University of Sydney shows that bed bugs are harder to kill because they may have developed a thicker skin, resistant to common insecticides. Sean Dowling (@seandowlingtv) has more. Buzz60

Photograph of bedbugs in various stages of development.(Photo: Submitted photo)

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) The city manager in Augusta, Maine, says the municipal office building had to be sprayed for bedbugs after a man threw a cup of the pests onto an office counter and about 100 of them scattered off.

City Manager William Bridgeo tells the Kennebec Journalthe man apparently complained Friday to the code enforcement office about bedbugs at his former apartment then left, but returned after he showed the cup of bugs to a manager at his new apartment and was told he couldn't live there.

Bridgeo says the man let the bugs loose in the General Assistance Office where he asked for a form to request assistance and apparently was told he didn't qualify.

Police didn't immediately release the man's name or say if any charges would be filed.

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Disgruntled man releases around 100 bedbugs in Maine city office - York Daily Record/Sunday News

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A Maine Resident’s Vengeful City Hall Bedbug Attack – Route Fifty

Its no secret that public service is not for the faint of heart. Policy victories are hard won and public frustration routinely boils over in unpredictable ways.

A resident of Augusta, Maine, on Friday afternoon vented frustration at the citys public assistance office by crashing a cup full of live bedbugs onto the office counter, setting loose the pests and forcing the offices to close for the remainder of the day for inspection and eradication.

Theyre your problem now, the man reportedly said, as the bugs scurried over the counter.

Bam, off they flew, maybe 100 of them, City Manager William Bridgeo told the Kennebec Journal.

Photos from the scene show Augusta Assistant City Manager Ralph St. Pierre mopping up bugs from the counter with Windex and paper towels.

Police on Friday were still weighing what charges to level against the man. The suspect reportedly traveled to the city hallAugusta City Center, as its knownearlier in the day to complain about conditions in an apartment building he had recently vacated. He had reportedly showed his cup of bugs to another local landlord earlier in the day.

The City Center employees had good cause to be alarmed. Augusta, like many U.S. cities, has struggled to combat bedbug building infestations. The bugs, drawn by human blood and carbon dioxide, reportedly carry no disease, but their bites cause itching and they are famously difficult to eradicate.

In recent years, public buildings around the country have suffered infestations, often forcing temporary partial closings. Whole floors have been sealed off; furniture bagged and carted away; employees warned against unwittingly bringing bugs home with them in the folds of their clothes.

In New Jersey last fall, bedbug inspector teams monitored buildings containing offices of the department of health, the department of labor, and the justice complex.

Employees at Philadelphias historic city hall were sent home in September 2015 after first-floor sightings led authorities to order the building fumigated.

Over the last year in Lansing, Michigan, rounds of inspections have featured teams of bedbug-sniffing dogs. The dogs trail through buildings looking for bedbugs and bedbug eggs.

Indeed, the Lansing State Journal reported in January that the repeat inspections have made state employees as jumpy as the bugs. An alleged sighting in January brought inspection teams out only to find the alleged bug at the center of the search was just a drop of lifeless dried blood a scab, wrote the Journal reporter.

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A Maine Resident's Vengeful City Hall Bedbug Attack - Route Fifty

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Frustrated Maine man tosses bed bugs on city employee – USA TODAY

@teddyhomernews tweeted this photo of a man tossing bed bugs on an Augusta, Maine, city counter.(Photo: USA TODAY screenshot)

A Maine man frustrated because he didn't qualify for government assistancethrew a cup of live bed bugs at a city employee.

The incident caused an Augusta, Maine, office building to abruptly close over the weekend so pest control professionals could rid the building of a possible infection.

Augusta, Maine, Code Enforcement Officer Rob Overton said the incident occurred after theman, who was never identified by the city, became angry after he was booted from his rental building and didn't qualify for public assistance.

The man first contacted thecityon May 28, when hecomplained about hisrentalroom's bed buginfestation. Overton said the city told himthe bedbugs were his landlord's responsibility.

On Friday, the mancameintothe city office holding a cup of bed bugs.

By that time, he had movedout of theinfestedrentalroom and was livingsomewhere else. He arrived at the officeto make sure the city did something to eradicatethe bugs from his oldroom, whichOvertoncalled, "commendable."

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Is your city crawling with bed bugs?

Bedbugs kill woman, caretaker faces charges

The man's former landlordtold thecity they wereremoving the bugs. However, Overton said the city contacted the man's new building manager to make sureshe wasawarethe man may be introducing bed bugs to that building.

The man left the building, only to returnhourslater saying hewas being kicked out ofhis apartment and feared he would be homeless. The citytried tofindhimassistance throughitsHealth and WelfareDepartment, but the man didn't qualify.

That's when he tossedthe bugs on the counterand onto the employee. Thelive bugs startedcrawlingaway. Overton said he escorted the man outside and called the police.

The building wastreatedandopened back uptoemployees onMonday. Anotherinspection is scheduledfor nextweek. Overton said he was not aware of any issues with the employee.

The man has not been charged with a crime, Overton said. The Augusta Police Department did not immediately respond to an inquiry about the incident.

"I've certainlyseen bed bugsbefore," Overton said, "butI've never seen them used in this manner."

Follow Sean Rossman on Twitter: @SeanRossman

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Frustrated Maine man tosses bed bugs on city employee - USA TODAY

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