Category Archives: Bed Bugs Maryland

  Maryland, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 4th of October 2024 03:01 AM

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Mary Cheh aims to protect people from pesticides

First, D.C. Council member Mary M. Cheh (D-Ward 3) made it a bit easier for small animals to avoid a death sentence when they wander into a District residents homes or back yards.

Now, Cheh is asking council colleagues to make it bit harder to kill pesky bugs, arguing there should be more regulation of potentially harmful pesticides.

What's under your kitchen sink? Hopefully not these guys! At the Maryland Science Center exhibit, "Harry's Big Adventure: My Bug World," pretend to be a terminator and find the bugs, like these cockroaches, living in the house. (Courtesy Maryland Science Center) The council will vote Tuesday on a bill that instructs the D.C. Department of the Environment to identify classes of pesticides that may pose a health risk and are deemed not-essential for protecting public health or property.

Those chemicals would then be banned from use in city schools, District government buildings, child care centers and within 25 feet of any body of water. When certain pesticides are used at a home or business, nearby residents would have to be notified prior to application.

And to try to wean District residents and pest-control specialists off all sorts of pesticides, the bill requires the University of the District of Columbia to hold classes and neighborhood meetings to inform residents how they can control insects without relying solely on chemicals.

The classes will be funded by increasing registration fees for licensed applicators from $130 to $200 per year.

Pesticides are dangerous and they cause illnesses, said Cheh. They affect our health seriously.

But some residents and chemical manufactures warn the bill could make it harder to control roaches, ants, bed bugs and other insects. And like most major cities, the battle against the bug in the District rarely subsides.

The proposed measure would take away U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved pest control products that I rely on to protect my family from pests such as rats, mice, cockroaches and bed bugs, said Kate Shenk, a Van Ness resident who advises the pesticides industry. These pests can carry diseases and cause unsafe living and working conditions.

But Cheh notes that her proposal does not apply to private homes or businesses. She also notes that the bill includes a process under which the Department of the Environment can issue a waiver if a certain pesticide is needed to control insect infestation.

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Mary Cheh aims to protect people from pesticides

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Mother Wins Bed Bug Case, Gets $225,000 for Damages; Offers Other Bed Bug Sufferers Inexpensive …

A Severn mother gets the favor of the jury in a bed bug case against a furniture store and gets $225,000 for the damages. On the other hand, suggested the use of a safe bed bug spray to other bed bug victims for an effective yet inexpensive treatment.

Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) March 21, 2012

Based on the report by the, Calidad Furniture & Linen Inc was named the defendant in the suit. Jackson filed the lawsuit last December 01, 2010 with the case number 02C10157321 at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County Civil System. It said that her problem with bed bugs started in July 2010. It was when her six-year old son Kaden and his twin brother Kyler complained of being bitten and crawled-in by bugs just weeks after the beds were delivered that she knew about the infestation.

When Jackson complained to the company about her bed bug encounter in her sons' bunks, it is said that she was denied a refund. Hence she filed a suit against the company. Originally seeking just $150,000 for damages, her recently concluded case is now one of the largest bed bug liability judgments with her receiving $75,000 more than what she sought.

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A mother in Severn, Maryland recently won her court battle against a furniture store that sold her two bed bug infested bed bunks. According to the report, she and her sons received $225,000 for the ordeal they had to go through due to the bed bug infestation.

Adarien Jackson first encountered bed bugs back in July 2010 when her son Kaden complained of itchy bumps on his ankle. First thought of as allergies, her son was given allergy drugs by a dermatologist. They also tried diet changes and oatmeal baths. However, it was when his other son, Kyler, began complaining of being crawled over by bugs in the middle of the night that she found out that bed bugs were the ones causing the problem.

First denied a refund, Jackson filed a suit in December 2010 against Calidad Furniture & Linen Inc seeking only $150 000 in damages. After a year, the jury of ruled out in her favor awarding her more than what she sought. Her case was deemed one of the largest bed bug liability judgments in the country today.

Read more about Jury Favors Mother for $225,000 in Bed Bug Damages

In July 2010, Adarien Jackson's 6-year-old son, Kaden, began complaining of itchy bumps on his ankles. They soon turned into a rash and spread to his back, behind his ear and on his eyelid.

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Mother Wins Bed Bug Case, Gets $225,000 for Damages; Offers Other Bed Bug Sufferers Inexpensive ...

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Bed Bugs Making Resurgence In Baltimore – Video

Baltimore city health officials said bed bugs have been making a resurgence, and they're affecting homeowners, apartment dwellers and travelers.

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Bed Bugs Making Resurgence In Baltimore - Video

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Introductory Training Bed Bug Detection Puppy – Video

Poodle puppy finding bedbugs FMI visit For bd bug inspection and canine bedbug information in the Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania areas

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Introductory Training Bed Bug Detection Puppy - Video

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BedBug Detection Dog – Video

Introducing Tabitha to Maryland. Tabitha is a Jack Russell Terrier that came from FL Training Academy to work for Regional Detection Services. She is a bedbug detection dog

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BedBug Detection Dog - Video

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