by nobugsonme on April 12, 2011 3 comments
in Baltimore, bed bug treatment, Detroit, education, EPA, grants, immigrants, low-income, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, not bed bugs, resources, shelters, St. Louis, Texas
by nobugsonme on September 16, 2010 1 comment
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by nobugsonme on November 23, 2008 4 comments
in bed bug prep, bed bug treatment, bed bugs, bedbugs, columbia, Columbia Housing Authority, disabled housing, mental challenges, Missouri, money, multi-unit buildings, new york, news, Phil Steinhaus, physical challenges, public housing
by nobugsonme on October 16, 2008
in bed bug k9, bed bugs, bed bugs in hotels, bedbugs, detection, Kansas City, Missouri, new york, news, prevention, Value Place Hotel
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