Category Archives: Bed Bugs Missouri

  Missouri, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Tuesday 8th of October 2024 05:54 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs In Missouri | Saint Louis Bed Bug Control And Exterminating

Common Name: Bed bug Scientific Name: Cimex lectularius

IntroductionThis insect probably received its common name of bed bug from its close association with human sleeping beds where it often seeks refuge during daylight, only to come out to feed on the beds occupant(s) at night. The bed bug is an ectoparasite of primarily humans but will also attack poultry, caged and invasive birds and various mammals, including rodents. It was introduced into the United States with the early colonists. It is found throughout the United States and the world.

RecognitionAdults measure 3/16 inch long and are broadly oval and flat. Bed bugs are amber to reddish brown in color, depending on how recently they fed. When present in sufficient numbers, it is possible to detect an obnoxiously sweet or foul locker room odor, which is emitted from their glands.

Similar Insects: Bat bugs (Cimex adjunctus) have the upper surface of body covered with longer hairs (setae) and have less-indented shoulders at the front edge of the thorax.

BiologyFemale bed bugs lay 1 to 5 eggs per day with the 1/32 inch long, white eggs being deposited individually in cracks or on rough surfaces and secured with a transparent cement for an average total of 200 eggs; maximum eggs per day is 12, with 541 for a lifetime. There are 5 nymphal instars with a blood meal required for each molt. About 3 to 10 minutes are required for each blood meal, during which saliva containing an anticoagulant is injected. Developmental time (egg to adult) takes 21 days at 86F to 120 days at 65F. The threshold for egg hatching, nymphal development and adult activity is 55 to 59F. Below 61F adults enter semi-hibernation and the heat stress death point is 111 to 113F.

Without a blood meal, once-fed nymphs can survive an average of 51 days (range 28 to 73) at 81F and 70 to 75% RH. Being poorly fed can greatly prolong the life cycle (up to several years in some studies). With normal feeding and reproductive cycles, individuals can live up to 316 days. Not all bed bugs in a residence will feed concurrently. They remain concealed until hungry. Humans are the preferred host of these insects but in their absence bed bugs will feed on poultry, canaries, English sparrows, mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and bats.

Although the bite of bed bugs is painless, most people (80%) develop an allergic reaction to the saliva injected by the bug as it feeds. A swelling usually results from feeding but there is no red spot such as is characteristic with flea bites. Swelling may be severe and extend beyond the immediate bite area in highly sensitive individuals. Although bed bugs have been suspect in the transmission of many diseases or disease organisms in humans, in most cases conclusive evidence is lacking.

HabitsBed bugs harbor in cracks and crevices during the day and come out to feed at night. Typically they can be found around mattress buttons and beading, in box springs or their coverings, and in any crevice of a wooden bed frame, such as where members join. Other places to check are wall hangings such as picture frames, night stands, stuffed furniture, baseboards, floorboard cracks, behind loose wallpaper, light switches, door and window frames, conduits, etc. In heavy infestations, bed bugs may be found in wall voids, attics and other enclosed places. They will crawl considerable distances to obtain a blood meal.

They can be introduced into a structure via used furniture or in the belongings of someone who has been living in a bed bug infested situation. Adults can survive for up to 6-7 months if they are well fed and they can feed on other animals if humans are not present. When the temperature falls below 61F adults enter semi hibernation and can survive for months.

Bed bug infestations have been found in transportation vehicles such as boats (including cruise ships), trains, airplanes and buses as well as in movie theaters where they typically harborage in seats and associated frames.

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Bed Bugs In Missouri | Saint Louis Bed Bug Control And Exterminating

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A new way to sniff out bed bugs

Readmore: Local, Community, Health, Business, Consumer, News, Beg Bug Infestation, Entomologists, Bed Bug Dog, Alphy, Beagle Alphy, Bug Detector Dog, Tri Colored, Bed Bug Detector Dog, Aces Pest Control, Entomologist Kent Marsh, Bug Problems, Bed Bug Infestation, Bug Infestation

JEFFERSON CITY -- Sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite, is a common saying, but now that little phrase has become all too much of a reality across the globe.

Earlier this year we told you about a beg bug infestation in the Dulle and Hamilton Towers in Jefferson City.

Local entomologists say it's a problem that's growing quickly.

But now specialists are getting help sniffing out the problem.

Alphy is a 2-year-old tri-colored beagle is more than a cute four legged pooch.

He's actually a certified bed bug detector dog.

"Hes definitely a hot dog, aces pest control entomologist Kent Marsh said. He loves to work. That's his favorite thing. Everyday he's ready to go out and get some bugs for us."

Alphy has a year's training under his collar and has been in action here in Mid-Missouri for more than a month with aces pest solutions.

"We use the beg bug dog to pinpoint the areas where bed bugs are at," Marsh said.

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A new way to sniff out bed bugs

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Bed Bug Movie – Do I have bed bugs? – Video

31-05-2011 07:42 Bed Bug Movie - Do I have bed bugs? Find out with this original video by - Whether you see a suspicious bug, want to know what a bed bug bite looks like, smell something funky in your room, or spot fecal stains from bed bugs; these accurate bed bug pictures and bed bug descriptions should help you out. Still looking for more tips on how to prevent and kill bed bugs?

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Bed Bug Movie - Do I have bed bugs? - Video

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08-01-2012 14:08 Aardvark Pest Control is THE company providing expert services for controlling pests in North-West England, including rats, mice, birds, moles and insect pests such as ants, wasps, bed bugs cockroaches and fleas. Treatments of vermin infestations are performed by BPCA certified pest controllers which have the expertise to protect households, businesses and farms from pests.

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Mick’s Exterminating – How to Check for Bed Bugs – Video

A simple walk-through of how to check your hotel room for bed bugs. These techniques are also just as effective for checking your own home!

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Mick's Exterminating - How to Check for Bed Bugs - Video

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