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UNO Deals With Isolated Bedbug Incident

POSTED: 8:38 am CST February 2, 2012
UPDATED: 8:50 am CST February 2, 2012

OMAHA, Neb. -- The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is dealing with a bedbug problem in its student dormitories, but it's not the only campus with the problem. The University of Nebraska-Omaha also dealt with the issue early in the fall semester.UNO Health Services officials said they had one bedbug incident at the beginning of the school year, but they were able to take care of the situation before it got out of control."It's kind of insidious," said Health Services Director Marsha Adler. "The problem is that it happens before you know it."Bedbugs were found in a dorm at University Village in the fall. Adler said a student brought the bugs in with her bed sheets."She did the right thing," said Adler. "She captured the bug and brought it to us in a jar. She had welts, so we could immediately retrace the steps."Adler said exterminators were brought in and the student's mattress was thrown out.UNO officials said the bugs were isolated to a single dorm room. Even though it was handled quickly, the incident has changed the lifestyles of several students."I'm just more cautious, don't leave my stuff sitting wherever and I'm more worried about my hygiene," said student Brandon Bayer."Every time that I go home, I just wash my sheets," said student Rebecca Ferguson.The students said when it comes to bedbugs, everyone is at risk."This is something every one of us needs to thing about," said Adler. "It's not just kids in college; it's moving into a new apartment or moving into a new house."

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UNO Deals With Isolated Bedbug Incident

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Emails about bedbug situation

From:     Amanda Wekesser <>

To:     Corrine Gernhart <>

Date:     01/23/2012 01:38 AM

Subject:     Potential Problem

Hey Corrine,


I may have a potential problem in my room. I've been getting bitten up pretty bad by something in my room since the winter break. I've found some small mites crawling around my room the last couple of days. Tonight, I encountered two bugs crawling around. I killed one of them, but got to thinking and managed to capture the other one in a styrofoam cup. The bug looks nothing like the photos of bed bugs that I've seen and it is way too small to be a bed bug, but I'm wondering if there might be some sort of mite problem in there. Would it be possible to have someone check it out? If I need to, I can show you the bug if it doesn't escape overnight.






From: Corrine E Fricke <>

Subject: Re: Potential Problem

To: "Amanda Wekesser" <>

Cc: "James R Manthey" <>

Date: 01/23/12, 10:03 AM


Please contact facilities today(2-1083) and let them know about the bugs in your room. With so many concerns with bugs lately, I'm guessing they will want to come look around your room and maybe spray the perimeter again since doing so in December. I will also cc Jim on this email so he is aware.


Corrine Gernhart

Residence Hall Director, Selleck Quadrangle

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Phone: (402) 472-1077



From:     Amanda Wekesser <>


Date:     01/24/2012 12:26 PM

Subject:     Re: Weekly Update

Hey Corrine,

I could use a bit of advice on a matter. It is becoming pretty apparent to residents that there's something wrong with my room and the major repairs note isn't working. I'm thinking about sending out a note to residents, letting them know that there may be a problem in my room and that facilities is being cautious and treating the situation as a worst case scenario just to be safe. Any ideas on how I can approach this? I don't want to make my residents panic or anything, but they said that they're going to be doing the heating method on my room, and it'll be hard to hide the problem when the entire hallway and surrounding rooms feel as if they're in a sauna.

I'm also unable to take stuff out of my room for fear of spreading stuff. Is there any way that I could get a copy of whatever we'll be using from our staff binders tonight?




From: Corrine E Fricke <>

Subject: Re: Weekly Update

To: "Amanda Wekesser" <>

Date: 01/24/12, 1:54 PM


I wouldn't recommend sending out a letter but if your residents are asking and you feel ok sharing, you can let them know that facilities is treating the room just to be cautious. If they would like to have their rooms checked just to be safe they are welcomed to call facitilies (2-1083) to schedule something.

Binder stuff: you can share with another RA tonight-we'll mostly be doing an activity and reading portion isn't so important.


Corrine Gernhart

Residence Hall Director, Selleck Quadrangle

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Phone: (402) 472-1077



Editor's Note: On Jan. 25, Amanda Wekesser, Selleck 8200 RA, posted the following message on her floor's private Facebook group titled, "Selleck 8200 Chicas 2011-2012."

For those who saw my board, I told y'all because it was the right thing to do and the information on the web is incorrect. It may not have been the best idea, but at least I was honest with y'all once I grew fully aware of the situation. I am not dirty or nasty. They are spread in a number of ways including via classrooms and unfortunately, I hit the lottery this time. Facilities is doing their part and every precaution is being taken in the matter. For those worried about catching them by being around me, you have nothing to worry about. I have been working with facilities and have been learning about it. Any time I have come in contact with anything in my room I have taken a shower and done everything I can to prevent the spread (I took SIX showers yesterday, just to keep y'all safe). All I have in my possession is my shower stuff and a few changes of thoroughly cleaned clothes. No books, no coat, no music or dvds...nothing...all I have for shoes is a pair of flip flops. It has been a very cold day or two and looking like we'll have snow in the forecast soon.

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Emails about bedbug situation

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Bed Bug Sniffing Dog Training Session | Bed Bug Detection Dog Training – Video Pictures of Bed Bugs | Images of Bed Bugs | Bedbug Looking to Feed 3424 Stanford Drive NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 293-7378 Captain Dale training the bed bug dog.

Visit link:
Bed Bug Sniffing Dog Training Session | Bed Bug Detection Dog Training - Video

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Bed Bug Images | Fully Fed Bed Bug Nice and Fat | Bed Bug Pictures – Video Pictures of Bed Bugs | Images of Bed Bugs | Bedbug Looking to Feed 3424 Stanford Drive NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 293-7378 Here is a picture of a fully feed bed bug.

Bed Bug Images | Fully Fed Bed Bug Nice and Fat | Bed Bug Pictures - Video

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Feeding a Bed Bug | Images Of Bed Bugs | Bed Bug on a Human – Video Pictures of Bed Bugs | Images of Bed Bugs | Bedbug Looking to Feed 3424 Stanford Drive NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 293-7378 Here you will see a live bed bug trying to feed. You can see how flat they are before feeding and the other videos show some nice fat ones after they have been fed. Nice bedbug pictures and images.

Follow this link:
Feeding a Bed Bug | Images Of Bed Bugs | Bed Bug on a Human - Video

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