Category Archives: Bed Bugs North Carolina

  North Carolina, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 26th of September 2024 19:34 PM

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New Hanover Courthouse Denies Bed Bug Infestation, Still Suggests the Purchase of Green Bed Bug …

Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) March 11, 2012

Bed bugs hit New Hanover County Courthouse, report says. On Thursday, March 08, 2012, the courthouse was closed down to treat the supposed infestation. However, a judge said that the closure was not because of a bed bug outbreak.

According to the report, a court personnel noticed some bugs in the work area and immediately alarmed the property management. Contrary to reports though, it is said that the infestation is of carpet beetle and not of bed bugs.

Nonetheless, extermination was still implemented in the area. And as said by Judge J.H. Corpening, the process is much easier, that the courthouse was opened the next day. But while the court was closed down, the Superior Court was transferred to Historic Courthouse for the meantime. On the other hand, civil filings were processed at the Office of Juvenile Justice and the warrant service and magistrate at the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office.

Given that hundreds to thousands of people come and go in the courthouse though, it's not impossible that bed bugs will indeed infest the courthouse in the future. And because of that big possibility, suggests that property management give out pics of bed bugs for the right identification of the pests. Also, it advises them to get a bed bug spray ready.

With a solution within reach, the site believes that anybody can control bed bugs more effectively. Among the many bed bug sprays though, only recommends the use of a pesticide exempt solution. For the fast-spreading bed bugs in Florida, the product was a big help to the residents.

And for bed bug sufferers from across the United States to see for themselves how effective the product is, the site is giving out free samples of it.

Visit and get your own sample today.

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New Hanover Courthouse Denies Bed Bug Infestation, Still Suggests the Purchase of Green Bed Bug ...

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JUDGE: No bed bugs inside NHC Courthouse, carpet beetle instead

NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC (WECT) A New Hanover County judge said there is not a bed bug outbreak at the courthouse as first thought. Instead,a carpet beetle infestation appears tobe the issue.

JudgeJ.H. Corpening says those should be easier to kill and the courthouse will be back open Friday.

For Corpening, the accidental identification of bed bugs infesting the NHC Courthouse is an embarassment.

"No, I'm not aware that this [kind of]thing has ever happened in North Carolina," he said.

The courthouse closed Thursday for an extermination process.

While exterminators cleared out the bugs inside, officers did damage control outside, turning away people showing up for their court dates that have been continued to later dates.

Many were redirected to a different location and time, pleasantly surprised by the way things were handled.

Some staff members, however, remained at the courthouse filing.

According to the county, Superior Courtwas relocated to the Historic Courthouse, 24 N. Third Street.

Civil filings, to include emergency protective orders,wereprocessed at the Officeof Juvenile Justice, located at 138 N. Fourth Street.

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JUDGE: No bed bugs inside NHC Courthouse, carpet beetle instead

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Spring fever hits gardener

Ive got the itch.

No, its not fleas or bed-bugs or anything like that its the itch for spring. After just returning from South Carolina and seeing all the freshly planted spring flowers blooming in beds and borders and pots it creates an anxiety that every gardener gets this time of year. I go for golf but cant help but admire all the flowers and the signs of spring about this time of year in the South.

Of course, pansies are the predominant sightings because they are the hardiest and can withstand the colder 30s and 40s temperatures at night. Daytime temps reached into the 70s and even lower 80s one day.

Pansies, however, arent the only blooms seen while on my trip. Petunias were spotted on numerous occasions along with alyssum and the usual spring blooms daffodils, tulips and crocus. The most unusual observation though was apple trees in blossom a first for me in South Carolina this time of year.

What this all boils down to is spring fever for us northerners. We all get the itch about this time of year with only a month or two to go until we too can get out in our gardens and feel the soil sift through our fingers.

Our winter thus far has been unusual to say the least with only a smattering of snow and no sub-zero weather. Of course, the snow season isnt over yet and the cold can be a dagger in the heart sometimes. Weve had occasions when its snowed all through April and have had heavy frosts, believe it or not, in late May.

I remember well in the late 90s, while visiting my son in Fort Wayne for a special occasion in late May, returning to the garden center only to find major damage from an unusual late frost. I was heart-broken and couldnt believe this could happen this late in May but it did.

We never know what mother-nature has in store we only focus on the normal things that should occur each spring, hence the heartbreak when a freak thing happens.

The first of March is the proper time to start planning your spring garden by putting on paper your wants. This includes research of different and new varieties of vegetables and flowers.

Each year every developer of new strains of plants will entice the public with their new hybrids and up-ticks of their already popular varieties that have been proven winners to the gardening public; each purported to be a little more outstanding than last years whether it be bigger blooms, larger fruits, more colorful, or quicker to mature.

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Spring fever hits gardener

Posted in Bed Bugs North Carolina | Comments Off on Spring fever hits gardener – How to Spray Cedar Oil Blend Formula on yourself – Video

01-03-2012 16:01 - How to spray Cedar Oil Blend Formula on yourself. This is a how to video showing you how to spray our All Natural, Completely Organic, Non-Toxic Cedar Oil Blend Product. This is a no staining product. It can be sprayed anywhere on yourself or on your clothes. This is the best BedBug repeller and ultimate kootie killer on the planet.

The rest is here: - How to Spray Cedar Oil Blend Formula on yourself - Video

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Bed Bug Pesticides Worse than the Pest! – Video

10-10-2011 06:26 Bed Bug Pesticides Worse than the Pest! Sleeping with Bed Bugs People are now taking the problem into their own hands. Compare the actual effects bed bugs have on humans, to the risk we take to get rid of them. You might want to reconsider the war! Bed Bug Pesticides Worse than the Pest! Sleeping with Bed Bugs

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Bed Bug Pesticides Worse than the Pest! - Video

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