Category Archives: Bed Bugs Ohio

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Recent bed bug incidents spark concern at Circleville High School – Pickaway News Journal

(Photo courtesy of the Ohio Department of Health.)

CIRCLEVILLE - Parents are advised to be alert to signs of bed bugs after several were recently discovered at Circleville High School.

A single bed bug was found at the school on three separate occasions since Jan. 16, according to Jonathan Davis, superintendent of Circleville City Schools.

"The first report was via a student the week of Jan. 16th," Davis said. "Another similar report came the week of the 23rd, then a bug was found on the floor [Wednesday]."

District officials believe the discoveries are isolated incidents of the bugs being carried into the building on clothing or belongings and not a result of any infestation at the school.

Davis said employees of the pest control company hired by the district and the Pickaway County General Health District inspected the building Feb. 1 and again Thursday, and both inspections resulted in clean reports.

"They have not found any live or dead bugs during their inspections and treatment," Davis said.

Kelly Dennis, director of environmental services at the Pickaway County General Health District, could not be reached for comment Thursday.

Davis said a letter was sent home to parents after the third incident Wednesday addressing questions about the district's protocol for dealing with incidents of bed bugs. In it, Davis details the steps taken when the bed bugs were discovered at the high school.

"The administration is notified by staff or students of a sighting, and we take proper care to remove the student from the setting, as well as their belongings, and notify parents," the letter reads. "Parents are required to come and pick up the student, as well as the belongings."

Additionally, he wrote, "the district then treats the area in which the bug was spotted, as well as any other space the student or the student's belongings would have been."

Davis said the entire high school building was treated on Jan. 28, and the district worked with the health department to perform a walk-through on Feb. 1, in addition to a second walk-through completed Thursday.

"In each walk-through, with the pest control company and the health department, there were no signs of bed bugs at CHS," Davis wrote.

Davis said Thursday he and the health department are confident the protocols put in place are proper, and that bed bugs do not reside in the Circleville City School buildings.

Superintendents Tim Williams of Logan Elm Local Schools and Robin Halley of Teays Valley Local Schools both said they were unaware of any incidents with bed bugs in their respective districts.

"If faced with the situation, we would work closely with the health department to ensure a safe environment for our students and their families," Williams said.

Halley said Teays Valley has dealt with situations involving head lice and recently pertussis (whooping cough), and any incidents of bed bugs would be handled through the same protocols.

"Usually when anything happens like that, we do have some policies in place," Halley said. "We sit down with our nurses, and we inform the parents. Usually our nurses run point on that to get the word out to parents with recommendations on what to do. I think the way we operate right now is pretty effective."

Cara Riddel, superintendent of the Westfall Local School District, said she can appreciate the current situation at Circleville City Schools because Westfall has dealt with bed bug issues in the past.

"I can tell you we've had a couple of cases each year at least for the past three years," Riddel said. "Honestly, we have a bigger problem with lice, because you have a lot more people affected by that, and lice gets spread a little more quickly."

Riddel said in response to those incidents, Westfall actually has its bed bug protocol on its website as a resource for parents and staff.

"If you find a bed bug, you put it in a bag so it can be inspected," Riddel said. "You don't touch it or anything, but you use a piece of tape or something to pick it up so we can identify it. It's important not to damage the bug."

Riddel said the district also has a special heating apparatus that can provide a heat treatment for an affected child's clothing that will kill any existing bugs on site.

"We also have a company that helps us with the right types of sprays," she said. "We vacuum and spray the building every night."

Riddel said bed bugs are considered a nuisance by the health department and not an actual health threat, so education and vigilance is the best defense.

"You have things like fleas, lice and bed bugs that are persistent, hard to see and difficult to get rid of," she said. "When people hear about bed bugs, though, they're alarmed, probably more alarmed than if they found out about fleas or lice. They certainly don't want to get bitten by them or have them in their child's stuff, but I think because it's so expensive to treat, people are a little more alarmed by it."

The Ohio Department of Health provides information on identification, prevention and treatment of bed bugs on its website at

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Recent bed bug incidents spark concern at Circleville High School - Pickaway News Journal

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Bed Bugs reported at Circleville High School –

CIRCLEVILLE, OH (WCMH) Circleville City Schools confirms that cleanup is in progress after a bed bug was detected from a student in a classroom at Circleville High School.

Superintendent Jonathan Davis said:

We are following our protocol after a bug was detected from a student in a classroom today at CHS and will treat all areas, as we always do. We have been in communication with the Health Department and recognize an increase in bed bugs across the County and State and know that these bugs are transported to/from school on student clothing, bookbags, and other items. Im confident our pest control protocol, and CCS staff, have done an excellent job doing everything they can to properly treat any, and all, citings and we will continue to look into any means necessary to ensure our students and parents that the buildings are clean and safe. As a parent, with students in the district, I can assure that nobody wants to have lice, or bed bugs, and the district takes seriously any and all reports.

A letter was sent home to parents Wednesday, clarifying the districts bed bug treatment protocol. provides commenting to allow for constructive discussion on the stories we cover. In order to comment here, you acknowledge you have read and agreed to our Terms of Service. Commenters who violate these terms, including use of vulgar language or racial slurs, will be banned. Please be respectful of the opinions of others and keep the conversation on topic and civil. If you see an inappropriate comment, please flag it for our moderators to review.

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Bed Bugs reported at Circleville High School -

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Central Ohio Bed Bug Task Force – COBBTF

Actual bed bug infestations in school classrooms are uncommon. More commonly, a few bed bugs will hitchhike to school from an infested home by hiding in a students clothing or backpack. Bed bugs that hitch a ride into the school in one students backpack could be carried home by another student.

The Central Ohio Bed Bug Task Force is working to educate our communities about bed bugs and methods to handle this problem.

If bed bugs have been reportedin your childs classroom, consider daily inspection of backpacks, lunchboxes, coats and other items that travel back and forth to school.

Store students itemsin sealed in plastic containers to prevent potential bed bugs from getting into the home.

Clothes/coatssuspected of being in contact with bed bugs may be dried at the highest dryer setting for AN ADDITIONAL 30 minutes AFTER THE ITEM IS DRY to kill bed bugs.

REMEMBER: Bed Bugs are NOT a sign of bad housekeeping or uncleanliness.

At this time, public health scientific evidence does not show that bed bugs spread disease. Students should not be excluded from school due to bed

Along with bringing home a months worth of laundry, parents may also be weary of students bringing home bed bugs

Recently, Michigan and other states have seen an increased number of bed bug infestations plaguing residents. As bed bugs infest more and more

Schools typically have bed bug problems when students or staff introduce bed bugs from

Dear Parent or Guardian:

We recently found a bed bug in your childs classroom. Bed bugs are a nuisance, but their bites are not known to spread disease. Bed bugs are usually active at night and feed on human blood. The bite does not hurt at first, but it may become swollen and itch, much like a...

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Central Ohio Bed Bug Task Force - COBBTF

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What is a Beg Bug? | Bed Bug Pest Identification, Facts …

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What is a Beg Bug? | Bed Bug Pest Identification, Facts ...

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Ohio Department of Health Bed Bugs Website –

Have you ever seen a bed bug?

Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown, wingless insects about the size of an apple seed (1/4 to 3/8 inches long). When viewed from the side, they are flat, which allows them to fit into narrow spaces. Newly hatched bugs are white or yellowish and resemble the adults, but are smaller. Bed bug eggs are white, about the size of a pinhead (1/10 inches long) and are found in crevices in clusters of 10-50 eggs.

What are bed bugs?

Why have bed bugs returned?

Although the bugs were nearly wiped out in the United States in the 1950s, other parts of the world did not see a similar decline. Changing pesticide use in combination with international travel and commerce left an opening for bed bugs to again take hold in the United States. Pesticide resistance contributes to the challenge of controlling this pest.

Where are bed bugs found?

Bed bugs are often found near sleeping areas in the seams of mattresses, box springs and cracks and crevices in bed frames. They usually spread to gaps behind baseboards, pictures, wallpaper and electrical outlets. They may hitchhike into a home on used furniture, clothing or other items brought from infested areas.

Can bed bugs cause disease?

Bed bugs are not known to transmit disease. Their bites are painless and typically happen at night while you sleep. Bed bugs feed for about three to 10 minutes before crawling off to a sheltered crevice. They will bite anywhere on the body, but especially on exposed areas such as the face, neck, arms and hands. Some people are hardly aware they have been bitten, but others suffer an allergic reaction and may develop painful swellings similar to those associated with mosquito or flea bites. The bites may itch for up to two weeks before healing, so resist the urge to scratch to prevent a secondary bacterial infection. Wash the bites with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection.

How can I prevent a bed bug infestation in my home?

Insect repellents do not work against bed bugs. Preventing infestations requires extra caution so you do not bring infested items into your home. It is important to inspect new and used furniture before bringing it inside by examining tight spaces along seams, around buttons and under cushions. Avoid picking up curbside items. When traveling, look for evidence of bed bugs, such as fecal spots on mattresses, before unpacking. Keep luggage and other personal items on luggage racks away from upholstered surfaces and walls. If you suspect an infestation, be sure to report it to hotel management. Hotel infestations can also be reported to the State Fire Marshal by calling (888) 276-0303. Place clothing in disposable plastic bags before unpacking and immediately launder it upon returning home. Luggage may be treated or discarded if exposed to an infestation.

I think my home has bed bugs, but how can I be sure?

Unless an infestation is severe, you may not see bed bugs crawling out in the open. They prefer to hide in sheltered areas until they come out to feed, but you can find evidence of bed bugs. Check pillowcases, sheets, box springs and mattresses for their feces which look like dark spots as if someone touched a dark magic marker to the fabric. Examine the room thoroughly, especially the wall, baseboard, headboard and furniture near the bed. Use a flashlight to look behind and underneath furniture and woodwork.

There are other bugs that look like bed bugs, some of which bite and can cause similar bite reactions. Before treating an infestation, it is important to correctly identify the bug. A professional pest control company can help properly identify bugs. TheOhio State Universitys Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic can also identify bugs submitted by the public for a fee.

How do I get rid of bed bugs?

There is no magic bullet to use against bed bugs. Once you have identified a bed bug infestation, you will probably require the help of a professional pest control specialist. But a professional cant do it alone. To get rid of bed bugs, you must remove clutter such as pictures, books and clothing from the infested area so there are fewer places for the bugs to hide. Vacuuming will remove some of the bed bugs, but the eggs are glued in place and cant be removed by vacuuming. When vacuuming, concentrate on mattress seams and around any tufts or buttons. Vacuum wherever your inspection revealed the presence of bed bugs furniture, box springs, bed frames, floors and baseboards. Remove the vacuum bag immediately; place it in a sealed plastic bag and dispose of it outdoors.

Infested items such as clothing, shoes, bedding and blankets can be placed in a clothes dryer on high heat for 20 minutes to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Mattresses and box springs may be enclosed in a bed bug-proof zippered cover to kill the bugs inside. The cover should remain in place for more than one year because bed bugs can survive a long time without feeding.

Bed bug resources:


Fact sheets:

Last updated: 03/05/2015

Zoonotic Disease Program

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Ohio Department of Health Bed Bugs Website -

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