Category Archives: Bed Bugs Oklahoma

  Oklahoma, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 26th of September 2024 03:49 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Can You Get Bed Bug Eggs In Hair And On Your Body? | ABC Blog

Bed bugs. Chances are good that youve heard of them, or even had a friend who has had a run-in with these pests that love to bite humans, feeding on their blood and leaving an itchy, painful rash behind.For most of us, the idea of bed bugs sends a shiver of fear up the spine, yet many people dont actually know much about this insect, its habitat or its habits.

Can you find bed bug eggs in hair, and are these pests able to live on clothing or our body? Do they fly or cause diseases? And how difficult are they to get rid of, once theyve invaded your living space? The more you know about bed bugs, the better you can protect yourself and your home from a bed bug infestation.

Can bed bugs live in your hair? The short answer is no. Thats not to say they cant bite you on your scalp, forehead, cheeks or neck, but bed bugs legs and bodies arent designed for crawling through human hair. Plus, they prefer a cooler environment than that created by human body heat, so even if they do happen to feed on the skin of your head or neck, they arent likely to stick around afterward.

Bed bugs can bite you on the legs, hands and arms, but are more likely to feed on your neck and head. A bed bug will most likely get you on the face, since they prefer bare skin. Symptoms of bed bugs in hair might include red, intensely itchy welts along your hairline or across your forehead, cheeks or neck and small dots of blood on your pillow. Again, though, bed bugs dont typically take up residence in human hair the way lice or fleas might, and they typically bite skin that is exposed, not covered by hair. Thus, if you do have insect bites on your scalp, its less likely to be a bed bug than some other insect.

After two to five minutes of feeding, the bed bug will retreat to the closest hiding spot, where it will begin the digestion process, which can take several weeks. After that point, the bed bug can lay eggs which are about the size of a grain of sugar. Since bed bugs dont live on humans, they also wont lay their eggs on humans, so you wont have to worry about getting bed bug eggs in your hair.

While travelers are known to carry bed bugs with them from one destination to the next, these insects are highly unlikely to hitchhike on your body, in your hair or in the clothes youre wearing. Instead, theyre far more likely to hitch a ride in the clothes you arent wearingthat is, the ones in your luggage or backpack. Thats why its so important to take prompt measures if you suspect youve stayed, slept or stored your belongings in a bed bug-infested room on a trip.

If youre traveling and you suspect youve stayed in a room or traveled on a bus or train that was infested with bed bugs, its important to wash every bit of your clothing as soon as possible, in the hottest water available, and then dry them on the highest setting. Both high temperatures and steam kill bed bugs, so these steps should get rid of the problem. Use a flashlight to inspect your shoes, bag and other items as well, paying extra attention to the small folds and corners. You might need to dispose of your suitcase and get a new one.

Bed bugstend to leave several bites in a row which become itchy, red and irritated. As we already mentioned, these pests prefer to feed on bare skin, so its more likely that you will notice a bite on your arms, legs or neck rather than your scalp. The most obvious exception to that rule is if you are bald.

While many victims of bed bug infestations experience allergic reactions to the bites, some have no symptoms, other than small dots where the creature feeds. Some people notice a clear raised center on the affected area. In the most severe cases, individuals may experience nausea, blisters, fever and difficulty breathing after being bitten.

You can see photographs of bed bug bites on the website of the Environmental Protection Agency, in a clinical review by the Journal of the American Medical Association and in an informational report on integrated pest management to control bed bugs. In these images, you will notice that bed bug bites resemble mosquito and flea bites, which is why bites from all of these insects can often be confused.

After being all but eradicated in the 1940s and 50s, Cimex lectulariusotherwise known as bed bugsbegan making a resurgence all over the world in the early 2000s due to the insects growing resistance to commonly used insecticides. Full-grown bed bugs are small, only about a quarter-inch in diameterabout the size of an apple seed. Reddish-brown in color, bed bugs have banded, oval-shaped abdomens that can turn bright red after feeding, when theyre full of blood. Since they are so small and flat, they can slip into spaces that are as narrow as a credit card. Similarly, theyre often able to go undetected in the folds of mattresses or armchairs, beneath rugs and in other furniture and living spaces. Since these pests live indoors, there is no high or low season for bed bugs.

Bed bugs are mostly nocturnal and seem to be most active in the wee hours of the morning. Still, they have been known to bite during the daytime as well. Unfortunately, bed bugs seem to be impervious to most commonly used insecticides and bug repellent sprays (the kind you would use, for example, to repel mosquitoes and ticks), so spraying your bed or your skin before bedtime wont help you avoid the bite of this pesky little nuisance.

Its important to know that bed bug infestations are not due to an unsanitary environment. Even the cleanest homes and hotels can be prone to an infestation since bed bugs do not live in filththey live off the blood of mammals, including humans. So wherever humans (and other mammals) live, bed bugs can live happily, too, even if it is kept immaculately clean.

Travelers know bed bugs can live and hide in many places besides the bed itself. Bed bug infestations can also spread to upholstered couches and chairs, not to mention trains, buses and other areas. Bed bugs can also crawl up walls, hide behind picture frames or headboards or sneak into the cracks and corners of furniture drawers.

The same inspection technique you use when traveling might help you determine whether you have a bed bug infestation in your home, but eradicating the insects from your living space is likely to be much more difficult and costly than just ridding them from your overnight bag after a trip. Signs of a bed bug infestation in your home include, first and foremost, itchy bites that appear in lines on your skin. Other signs you might find in your bed, on walls or on other furniture include blood spots on sheets and mattresses, dead bugs or exoskeletons, pale whitish or yellow nymphs (baby bed bugs) and bits of the insects dark, blood-filled excrement. (Yuck!)

When it comes to bed bugs, its not all bad news. Heres the good part: first, unlike mosquitoes or some other pests,bed bugs are not carriers of infectious diseases. So even if you do have bed bug bites, you wont pick up with any nasty bacteria or illness beyond the effects of the bites themselves. Another bit of good bed bug news is that they dont reproduce very quicklynot as quickly as certain other pests, anyway, such as cockroaches or flies. And speaking of flying insects, since bed bugs cant fly, at least youll only have to deal with them crawling on you, not zipping airborne into your hair.

Okay, maybe calling that last bit good news is a bit of a stretch. And when bed bugs infest your home, any way you look at it, theyre bad news. In fact, pest professionals call bed bugs the most difficult pest to treat. If the professionals have trouble, the average homeowner may find it nearly impossible to eradicate bed bugs without calling in the experts.

If you suspect you might have bed bugs in your home, the best thing you can do is to call ABC immediately. Our experienced, professional team will conduct a thorough inspection to determine whether its bed bugs or some other pest that has invaded your home. Then we will eliminate the problem using methods that are proven to get rid of bed bugs, once and for all.

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Can You Get Bed Bug Eggs In Hair And On Your Body? | ABC Blog

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Heat Treatments Kill Bed Bugs – GreenTech Heat

Begin Killing Bed Bugs in Less Than 15 Minutes

Pesticide-based indoor bed bug control methods raise concern over the safety of occupants. Our affordable heat treatment systems offer you the ability to perform bed bug control work without relying on toxic chemical residues. Heat can be used to kill every type of bed bug and their eggs. Additionally heat can kill bacteria and viruses.

Achieve a proven thermal kill for bed bugs with GreenTech Heat Solution's state-of-the-art technology. Our state-tested technology creates heat convection currents which transfer air throughout the room, forcing heated air molecules to transfer their energy into every surface of the room. Developed and perfected by Michael R. Linford PhD, our equipment is designed to be a complete bed bug heat treatment system without sacrificing quality or capability.

Heat is the only truly organic bed bug control treatment method. Other companies would have you believe that their pesticides are organic or come from natural sources, but every applied pesticide carries with it some level of toxicity. Heat treatments are completely non-toxic and leave no chemical residue, eliminating your exposure over potential client health concerns.

Each ePro heater can treat up to 400 sqft. Electric heat treatment packages with the ePro electric heater require 45 amps to operate a full power and run on 120v power. There's no need for a generator system with GreenTech ePro heaters. Each ePro combines a 3500 cfm fan and 6 heating elements 7 amps each in one powerful unit. You will use 6 power cords per each ePro. The electric system is a "closed" system which means it recycles the heated air inside the structure. A technician does not always need to be present with electric units. You can set up your treatment area, close the door and check on the treatment at a later time.

Each Titan heater can treat up to 3000sqft. Propane heat treatment packages will need to have access to outdoors to stage propane heating unit. The heat from the propane heating unit is "ducted" into the room from outside the building. Propane units are faster to achieve the thermal temperature than electric units and will take less time to perform a treatment. A technician must always be present to monitor the heater and the treatment. The Titan propane is highly efficient and penetrates the structure very well, cutting down treatment times. Propane systems will require a propane tank and hoses. A typical 25 gal/100 lb tank will supply enough propane for the entire treatment.

The full details of heat treatments are provided in our Heat Treatment Field Guide. This is a basic approach to performing a heat treatment.

The same process for treating bed bugs will also kill, and in some cases, completely eradicate other organisms.

Heat systems affecting heat treatment run times and methodology.

Equipment used: ePro electric 400 package

Equipment used: Titan propane 3000 package

All efforts should be taken to preheat a structure prior or during set-up of heat treatment equipment. Starting with a pre-heated room achieves faster arrival times for lethal temperature resulting in less treatment time, and higher productivity.

Please refer to our full listing Compendium of Thermal Death Points in our References tab under Technical support / support docs PDF. The death point data listed was taken from laboratory tests, not from field applications.

Bed bugs are widespread and have been found in houses, apartments, hotels, schools, hospitals, dormitories and movie theaters. They use their straw-like mouth parts to suck blood from warm-blooded animals such as humans, bats, and birds. Adults are oval-shaped, flattened front to back, and wingless. At maturity, they are 4-5 mm long and 1.5-3 mm wide. They are light brown when hungry but after a feeding on blood, their abdomen looks bright red, red-brown, or blackish. Bed bugs may be mistaken for small cockroaches but unlike cockroaches, which scavenge human food, bed bugs feed only on blood. They remain hidden during the day and actively feed at night. Their bites are painless but the bite wounds can be extremely itchy for days later. If disturbed, alarmed, or crushed, they leave dark stains (fecal spots), often on sheets and bedding.

Bed bugs have three stages in their life cycle: egg, nymph, adult. Adult females lay eggs on rough dry surfaces near their hiding places, either singly or in small clusters. One to four weeks later, the nymphs hatch from the eggs and seek a host animal from which to feed. As nymphs eat and mature, they outgrow their skin, grow a new skin layer (exoskeleton) beneath it, and shed the old one, a process called molting. Following each molt, the nymph is a little larger. After the fifth growth-molt cycle, usually 4-6 weeks later, the bed bug reaches full size and is an adult. The process of changing body forms while maturing is called metamorphosis.

At night, bed bugs travel from their hiding places to feed on sleeping host animals. They insert their long needle-like mouthparts into the skin, inject saliva which digests blood cells, and drink up the digested blood. As the abdomen fills with blood, it turns bright red, dark red-brown, or blackish. After feeding, they retreat to their hiding places. They typically feed every 5 10 days but can live up to 8 months without feeding.

Unlike many insects that feed on human blood, bed bugs are not known to transmit (vector) any disease-causing bacteria or viruses (pathogens). Reactions to bed bug bites very among individuals. Many victims show no signs of bites. Others dont realize theyve been bitten until rash, redness, or swelling appears around the bite, sometimes with intense itching.

Bed bugs are active at night and are adept at hiding in dark places during the day. They most often hide in crevices and in spaces between mattresses and box springs, on bed frames and headboards, and between couch and chair cushions. They are less commonly found in dressers and nightstands, in and on luggage, in electrical outlets, and among clutter. Once they infest a room, they often travel to adjacent rooms.

Proper sanitation practices and diligence can help prevent bed bug infestation.

During an open system treatment with propane heaters, vent the building out the door the Titan directly ducts into. This will begin to preheat the air around the heater, improving heat buildup and reducing treatment times.

Your equipment packages and training program have made the biggest difference in our upward growth and customer satisfaction that we enjoy today.

Marcelo GalloSouthland Pest Control

"Heat does not have many limitations with respect to the number of items treated and the area to be treated. There are no chemical residues to consider and, compared to gas fumigation of areas, margins for safety are considerably greater." - Michael R. Linford PhD

We've taken all of the guesswork out of eliminating bed bugs by creating packages specially designed to meet the needs common in your industry.

Hotels & Motels

Housing Authority

Pest Control

Property Management

Unlike other heat treatment product manufacturers, we provide full heat treatment training and technical support from our experienced team of pest control professionals and trained staff. Learn to get a kill in one treatment while doing so safely and without damaging the structure or its' contents. Our knowledgeable staff developed this technology is prepared to handle even the most in-depth questions. Our experienced staff will offer you the best and most honest recommendations for your bed bug pest control needs.

GreenTech Heat provides equipment sales only. However, we have a great list of certified partners available to you.

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Heat Treatments Kill Bed Bugs - GreenTech Heat

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CimeXa Insecticide Dust – Bed Bug & Flea Control | Do My Own

CimeXa Insecticide Dust is the newest product available in the battle against bed bugs, fleas, ticks and other insects. CimeXa Dust is 100% Silica dust, is very safe, odorless, and will not stain. CimeXa Dust will last up to 10 years when applied to undisturbed areas like wall voids. It is very effective on bed bugs, fleas, and especially pyrethroid resistant bed bugs. It will work on ants, roaches, firebrats, silverfish, spiders, mites, lice, stored product/pantry/fabric/clothes beetles, moths and drywood termites.When pests come into contact with CimeXa, the product clings to their exoskeleton and absorbs the waxy coating, causing death from dehydration.

How to Use Dusts and Dusters

CimeXa Insecticide Dust contains 100% natural silica gel which kills insects by contact. When insects pick up the dust on the exoskeleton, it clings to and absorbs the waxy coating, causing dehydration and eventual death. CimeXa is best applied with a duster to avoid over-application. Because of its mode of action, CimeXa Dust takes longer to kill target pests. However, the natural ingredient has no properties that cause it to change or break down, so the dust is effective for at least 10 years when applied in undisturbed areas.

Ants, Crazy Ants, Cockroaches, Firebrats, Silverfish, Spiders, Mites, Bed Bugs, Lice, Fleas, Ticks, and Drywood Termites.


Ants, Cockroaches, Firebrats, Silverfish, Spiders, Mites, Bed Bugs, Lice, Fleas, Ticks, Drywood Termites. Kills Bed Bug Adults and Nymphs Kills Bed Bug Nymphs Hatched from Dusted Eggs kills Pyrethroid-Resistant Bed Bugs.

CimeXa Insecticide Dust can be used in place of other similar insecticide dusts and used in voids, cracks and crevices for most common crawling insect pests. Because of its stability, CimeXa Dust is ideal for tedious or time-consuming dusting treatments, such as treatments of wall voids or attic spaces. CimeXa Dust is also an excellent dust for bed bug treatments because there is no known resistance to it. CimeXa Dust is completely natural, making it preferable for use in sensitive accounts or locations.

Apply at a rate of 2 ounces per 100 square feet. Use a handheld bellows, bulb, or puffer bottle type duster to apply a light, visible film. A power duster may also be used. Power duster use is limited to cracks, crevices, voids, attics and crawlspaces to insure containment of dust particles. Focus on areas where insects or their signs are seen.

CimeXa Dust may also be used as a spray, paint-on application, or foam. Combine 1 lb of product per gal. of water. Apply approximately 1 qt. of solution per 250 square feet of area to be treated. For injection treatment, add the appropriate amount of foaming agent to the product/water slurry and inject directly into galleries and voids.

A 4 oz. bottle covers approximately 200 square feet. A 5 lb. pail covers approximately 4,000-5,000 square feet.

In and around residential, multi-family, commercial, industrial, institutional, municipal, agricultural, research, daycare, health care, educational, recreational, and office buildings, hotels, motels, garages, transport vehicles, warehouses, theaters, food handling and food processing establishments, Federally inspected meat and poultry plants.


In attics, be sure to get dust near the eaves and vent pipes where insects often first enter, as well as around any pipes or potential access points between the attic and the main structure.

The bottom drawers in kitchen and bathroom cabinets can be removed and dust applied into drawer wells. No dust should be left exposed when drawers are replaced.

Cimexa Bed Bug Treatment:Remove bedding and take the bed apart. Treat the interior framework, joints and cracks in the bed frame. Treat the mattress and box spring, paying particular attention to tufts, folds and edges, and the interior framework of the box spring. Remove wall-mounted headboards and treat the back side. Treat picture frames, moldings, hollow furniture legs, cracks and crevices, along baseboards, and any areas with visible signs of infestation, including rugs and carpet. Treat upholstered furniture by removing or lifting (if possible) the cushions and treating the undersurface. Treat the interior framework, cracks and joints of the furniture, and the folds, tufts and edges of cushions and other upholstered areas. Do not treat toys and stuffed animals with product. Treat wall voids by removing electrical switch plate covers to allow access, but dont apply dust directly in electrical boxes. Apply about oz of dust to each accessible void.

Cimexa for Flea Control: Apply at a rate of 2 ounces per 100 square feet. Treat kennels, pet bedding/rest areas, floor and floor coverings (such as carpets), cracks behind molding and baseboards and other areas where pests may harbor. Apply as a light film or light coating over the target surfaces.


CimeXa Dust is not intended for outdoor use.

Most Helpful Q&A's

09/28/2012 Rob from San Diego, Ca

QI have bedbugs and I live in an aparment that has carpet. Do bedbug live in or under carpet? Does carpet need treatment? What spay should be used on carpet?

ABedbugs will hide wherever there are places for them to hide. In most situations you will not be required to spray all of the carpet for bedbugs because bedbugs will not sit out in the middle of the carpet. Usually you will concentrate your treatments up under the lip of the carpet. A dust insecticide such as Cimexa Dust would be a great choice because it stays active for a every long time.

06/23/2012 Anna from Waynesfield, Oh

QAre there advantages to using CimeXa Insecticide Dust versus the Alpine dust?

AThere are two main advantages. Cimexa is 100% Cilica, which is basically ground up sand. It is 100% natural and green. The other advantage is that in undisturbed areas CimeXa can last up to 10 years, whereas other dusts including Alpine will typically only last 1 or 2 years at the most.

08/05/2013 Karen from Massachusetts

QCan CimeXa be used together with Diatomaceous Earth?

AYes, these two dust are completely compatible and can be used mixed together to provide extra control.

06/01/2015 Ann

QI have read to not have children around when applying Cimexa. I have not seen it addressed that children will ultimately be on the carpet or touching items/toys that have cimexa on it, breathing it, transferring to face etc. can you address residual for children?

AChildren should not be allowed back in the area until theCimeXa Insecticide Dust has settled. You are normally applying it to cracks and crevices and wall voids.CimeXa Insecticide Dust should not be applied to kids toys or carpet where they may be putting the item in there mouths.

11/13/2014 Donny from Nashville

QCan breathing in Cimexa hurt you

AAlthough, Cimexa contains 100% natural silica gel, we still do not advice breathing it in. It could be harmful to you. You may want to consider wearing a Respirator mask when making your application.

Most Recent Customer Questions

01/13/2018 Cayla from Lagrange, Ga

QIs CimeXa Insecticide Dust like a puff of smoke enough?


A littleCimeXa Insecticide Dustgoes a long way if used as directed, applied with a dust applicator such as a B&G Bulb duster. We would suggest a couple of puffs aroundeach electrical outlet/light switch plate and other cracks and crevices. You want barely to see the dust (no need for heavy applications). Please take a few moments to review ourarticle on dusting for additional information.

01/08/2018 Irene from Philadelphia, Pa

QWhat is the best way to apply CimeXa Dust to my bed sheets? I am trying to apply CimeXa on the lower edges of my bedsheets so when the bed bugs come to feed on me, they'll have to crawl through the CimeXa. How thin of a layer should I apply?


CimeXa Insecticide Dustis not labeled for application to bedding at all and should not be applied directly to bed sheets. Per the product label, for bed bug treatment: "Remove bedding and take the bed apart. Treat the interior framework, joints and cracks in the bed frame. Treat the mattress and box spring, paying particular attention to tufts, folds and edges, and the interior framework of the box spring. Remove wall-mounted head boards and treat the back side. Treatpicture frames, moldings, hollow furniture legs, cracks and crevices, along baseboards, and any areas with visible signs of infestation, including rugs and carpet. Treat upholstered furniture by removing or lifting (if possible) the cushions and treating the undersurface. Treat the interior framework, cracks and joints of the furniture, and the folds, tufts and edges of cushions and other upholstered areas. Treat wall voids by removing electrical switch plate covers to allow access, but dont apply dust directly in electrical boxes. Apply about oz of dust to each accessible void.Please take a few moments to review ourHow to Get Rid of Bedbugs treatment articlefor more helpful tips on treating your home for this pest.

01/06/2018 Liam from Las Vegas

QHow do I remove excess CimeXa dust? Hi, I went pretty overboard with Cimexa due to the fact I was extremely stressed out by a bed bug infestation. It feels like it's impossible to get rid of Cimexa. Do you know the best way to remove it from fabrics?


To removeCimexa Dust,you can simply vaccum the area and then rinse with soap and water. You should launder any fabrics that you think may have gotten the dust on them. Be sure to wear gloves while cleaning. Please call us at 866-581-7378 with any questions. Keep in mind that dusts like CimeXa should be use only accorrding to the product label as a crack and crevice or void treatment. You can use a damp paper towel to pick up excess dust during or after application.

11/16/2017 Deidra from New York

QI have baseboard radiators and have bedbugs. Can I dust the radiators with CimeXa Dust?


You can use CimeXa Dust in the cracks and crevices around or under the radiators, but we would not recommend applying it direclty onto any heating or electrical components.

11/09/2017 Joe from Los Alamitos, Ca

QWhat is the longest lasting dust I can put in walls before closing it up with drywall? Mainly for roaches Mainly for roaches


Cimexa Dust would be the longest lasting at 10 years when applied to undisturbed areas such as wall voids.

10/09/2017 Dave from Kingwood, Tx

QIs it ok for Cimexa to be in contact with wood prior to insulating?


CimeXa Insecticide Dustcan be applied to voided areas and cracks and crevices. We recommend that you insulate first and then treat with a dust applicator so the dust does not get disturbed during the insulation installment process.

10/02/2017 William from Mesquite, Nv

QIs CimeXa Insecticide Dust safe to apply to dog bedding?


Yes, CimeXa Insecticide Dust can be applied to pet bedding and rest areas. Apply as a light film over target surfaces.

09/23/2017 Gail from Nv

QIs CimeXa Insecticide Dust safe to use in my home with pets?


Yes,CimeXa Insecticide Dustis safe for use in your home if used as directed. Be sure to keep pets out of the area while you are applying the dust. Once the dust has settled, pets can return to the area. This is generally within 1-2 hours.

09/21/2017 Pinocchio from Tahlequah

QCan I put CimeXa Insecticide Dust in my shoes?


It is not recommended to applyCimeXa Insecticide Dustin your shoes. Shoes can be placed in a suitable plastic bag that isat least 2 mm thick whenusing a Nuvan ProStripor heat treated in the dryer (using a dryer rack).

08/25/2017 Manny from Austin

QHow well does CimeXa Insecticide Dust work on German roaches? How well will it be if used in kitchens?


CimeXa Insecticide Dustis a great addition to a roach control regimine. It is applied in the wall voids and under baseboards and in cracks and crevices. It will last for up to 10 year in a wall void that is undisturbed. If you are treating for roaches, this is not the only product we would recommend. Please take a look at our Roach Control Kits that have insecticide, bait gel and an IGR.

Please take a look at our Roach Guide for tips on how to treat and prevent roaches in the future.

See all 95 questions

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CimeXa Insecticide Dust - Bed Bug & Flea Control | Do My Own

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Oklahoma, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug …

Did You Know Research done at Kansas State University showed that Vikane used at a 1.9x dosage rate can eliminate all life stages of bedbugs, including eggs. As bedbug populations have developed resistance to insecticides used by professionals, they have increasingly become a public scourge Continue reading

TAHLEQUAH Adding to the litany of conquests in their nationwide comeback, bed bugs have found their way into the local office of a state agency. Continue reading

Last week, we complimented the Legislature for walking back an effort to thumb their noses at Oklahoma voters, and gave props to State Sen. Ralph Shortey for shelving Senate Bill 512. Continue reading

Submit the press release While some homeowners choose to dispose of their property, the wise ones would hire professionals to prevent pests and spider from getting into home. Edmond, OK, March 6, 2017 ( When it comes to home or business, pesky bugs can make things unpleasant. Being lethargic in taking right kind of action may just give way to more pests to multiple. Continue reading

(MENAFN Editorial) OKC Pest Control is a pest control services provider that offers its pest control services to the Oklahoma City residents and its environs. Continue reading

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Oklahoma, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug ...

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Bed Bugs – Vikane Gas Fumigant

Did You Know

Research done at Kansas State University showed that Vikane used at a 1.9x dosage rate can eliminate all life stages of bedbugs, including eggs.

As bedbug populations have developed resistance to insecticides used by professionals, they have increasingly become a public scourge. Additionally, their ability to hide during the day, prevalence worldwide and need to control all life stages egg, nymph and adult make this pest a true test to effectively control.

A treatment of Vikane gas fumigant penetrates all voids of a home, including deep behind walls and in bedding and upholstered furniture. In contrast, an insecticide treatment may not reach deep into those areas where bedbugs live or in items that cannot be treated, such as televisions and computers. Additionally, if the bedbug population is resistant to the insecticide used, the treatment will be ineffective. Even if adults and nymph-stage bedbugs are killed, surviving eggs make it only a matter of time until the population rebounds.

Research done at Kansas State University showed that Vikane used at a 1.9x dosage rate can eliminates all life stages of bedbugs, including eggs. This means a whole-structure fumigation with Vikane according to label directions can completely eliminate a bedbug population. A moving truck or special fumigation chamber can be used for a fumigation if only infested furniture, mattresses and other household belongings need to be treated.

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Bed Bugs - Vikane Gas Fumigant

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