Category Archives: Bed Bugs Pennsylvania

  Pennsylvania, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 27th of September 2024 19:45 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Someone released bedbugs in a Walmart changing room in PA and now its infested –

Pennsylvania State Police are investigating after someone reportedly released bed bugs inside a Walmart store in Washington Township in Erie County.

A manager at the Walmart, located at 108 Washington Towne Boulevard, found a closed pill bottle that had live bugs inside tucked in a boys jacket, according to WENY News. The manager called police Thursday to report the incident.

Store officials contacted Ecolab, according to An Ecolab employee on Friday observed bed bugs actively crawling around in the mens fitting rooms, police reported to the media outlet.

A second closed pill bottle containing several dead bugs was found by a store employee on the floor in the mens department near belts, police reported, according to GoErie.

Bed bugs are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of people and animals while they sleep, according to the CDC. They are reddish brown and roughly the size of an apple seed.

Most bedbug bites are painless at first, but later turn into itchy welts, according to WebMd.

Bed bugs do not carry disease and are not considered to be dangerous; however, an allergic reaction to several bites could require medical attention. Getting rid of bed bugs from a home or business can be complicated and expensive.

State Police in Girard are in charge of the investigation. The Walmart store said they were working with a pest control company.

This isnt the first report of bed bugs inside a Walmart store. Last February, a woman in Sand Springs, Oklahoma reported finding a bed bug in a store. There also was a similar report in Phoenix in 2016.

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Someone released bedbugs in a Walmart changing room in PA and now its infested -

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Study Finds Bed Bugs Capable of Transmitting Chagas Disease

FAIRFAX, Va. (December 1, 2014) Bed bugs are one of the most hated and difficult to control pests in the United States, but until recently, it was thought that they were merely a nuisance, incapable of transmitting any diseases to humans. However, according to a new study from the University of Pennsylvania, it might be possible for bed bugs to serve as vectors for Chagas disease, a potentially fatal illness affecting millions in Central and South America, along with 300,000 in the U.S.

Chagas disease is typically spread by the kissing bug, a close cousin of the bed bug. They transmit Chagas disease through a parasite that lives in their fecal matter. Kissing bugs defecate while they feed on humans, allowing the parasite to enter through the bite wound. Chagas disease often shows no symptoms until many years after infection, but can eventually lead to fatal heart disease.

The bed bug researchers conducted experiments in which bed bugs infected with the Chagas disease parasite fed off un-infected mice, and un-infected bed bugs fed off of infected mice. In both cases, transmission of the parasite occurred to the initially un-infected subjects. Bed bugs also defecate while they feed, and researchers found that mice were able to pick up the parasite when small open wounds came in to contact with infected bed bug feces.

This research sounds alarming, but more research is necessary to find out whether bed bugs in the U.S. are already infected with the parasite and how likely infection is to occur between bed bugs and humans outside of the laboratory environment. For now, the best course of action is to take steps to prevent contact with bed bugs, especially while traveling.

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Study Finds Bed Bugs Capable of Transmitting Chagas Disease

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BED BUGS!!! – Review of Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City …

I booked this hotel for three nights. I picked this hotel because of its location. I took the train from Penn Station and it was directly across from the station. I stayed in room 810. On first notice, the room was dirty and old, but I've stayed in older hotels before, so I was okay with it. The doors look quite creepy, to be honest. I kept hearing a noise and I wondered if it was outside. I soon figured out that my room was right next to the elevator shaft, so I heard the elevator running all night. While I out out the next day, my back started itching. Then I began to look at my body and noticed red spots all over. I began to wonder if it was bed bugs, but I never experienced them before, so I wasn't sure. I slept in the bed for one more night as my body became itchier and itchier. On my last night, I woke up and saw two little bugs crawling on the bed. I immediately called the front desk and asked for a different room. I got moved to the 11th floor. The room looked more presentable and wasn't next to the elevator shaft. However, I did find crumbs on the desk. I was paranoid about bed bugs, so I refused to sleep all night. When I got home, I went to an urgent care center and a...I booked this hotel for three nights. I picked this hotel because of its location. I took the train from Penn Station and it was directly across from the station. I stayed in room 810. On first notice, the room was dirty and old, but I've stayed in older hotels before, so I was okay with it. The doors look quite creepy, to be honest. I kept hearing a noise and I wondered if it was outside. I soon figured out that my room was right next to the elevator shaft, so I heard the elevator running all night. While I out out the next day, my back started itching. Then I began to look at my body and noticed red spots all over. I began to wonder if it was bed bugs, but I never experienced them before, so I wasn't sure. I slept in the bed for one more night as my body became itchier and itchier. On my last night, I woke up and saw two little bugs crawling on the bed. I immediately called the front desk and asked for a different room. I got moved to the 11th floor. The room looked more presentable and wasn't next to the elevator shaft. However, I did find crumbs on the desk. I was paranoid about bed bugs, so I refused to sleep all night. When I got home, I went to an urgent care center and a doctor did confirm that it was bed bug bites. I'm not a happy camper considering the price I paid on this room to end up with annoying, itchy bites all over my body. The lobby and outside look great, but the rooms are disgusting. Next time, I go to New York City, I'm going to spend the extra buck to get a way better hotel. Also, I found $100 charged to my credit card. The front desk clerk just told me to swipe my card. He never said anything about adding $100.More

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BED BUGS!!! - Review of Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City ...

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Bed Bugs | Pennsylvania Pest Control | What’s In Your Home?

Bed Bugs, are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. Cimex lectularius, the common bed bug, is the best known, as it prefers to feed on human blood.

The name bed bug derives from the preferred habitat of Cimex lectularius: warm houses and especially nearby or inside of beds and bedding or other sleep areas. Bed bugs are mainly active at night, but are not exclusively nocturnal. They usually feed on theirhosts without being noticed.

A number of adverse health effects may result from bed bug bites, including skin rashes, psychological effects, and allergic symptoms. They are not known to transmit any pathogens as disease vectors. Certain signs and symptoms suggest the presence of bed bugs; finding the insects confirms the diagnosis.

Bed bugs have been known as human parasites for thousands of years. At a point in the early 1940s, they were mostly eradicated in the developed world, but have increased in prevalence since 1995, likely due to pesticide resistance. Because infestation of human habitats has been on the increase, bed bug bites and related conditions have been on the rise as well.

Termites are known as silent destroyers because of their ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. Each year, termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage. In this area there are 12 termite colonies per acre.

Subterranean Termites live in underground colonies or in moist secluded areas aboveground that can contain up to 2 million members. They build distinctive mud tubes to gain access to food sources and to protect themselves from open air. Termite colonies are organized into castes depending on tasks workers, soldiers and reproductive. The characteristics of a subterranean termite are dependent on the termites role in the colony. Cream-colored Worker subterranean termites are 1/8 to 3/8s of an inch in length. Soldier subterranean termites are of a similar body length, but are distinguished by their powerful mandibles. Solider termites have cream-colored bodies and brown heads. Reproductive subterranean termites are approximately one inch long.

Carpenter Bees look like typical bumblebees but often lack yellow stripes. They are solitary bees.

HabitsUnlike bumble bees, carpenter bees are solitary insects. Female carpenter bees will chew a tunnel into a piece of wood to build a nest gallery. The bits of wood she chews and deposits outside the nest are called frass. The male carpenter bee guards the outside of the nest. He does not have a stinger, but his constant buzzing causes concern for some.

HabitatCarpenter bees bore through soft woods to lay eggs and protect their larvae as they develop.

ThreatsCarpenter bees do not pose a public health threat, but they can damage wood through their nest building.

The American Cockroach is the largest of the house-infesting cockroaches.

HabitsAmerican cockroaches are found in food processing areas and food storage areas, as well as other types of buildings. They are active when the temperature is 70 degrees or higher, but they can survive lower temperatures with the right conditions.

HabitatAmerican cockroaches are often found in sewers and basements, particularly around pipes and drains.

ThreatsAmerican roaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. They can pick up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies as they crawl through decaying matter or sewage and then carry these into food or onto food surfaces. Germs that cockroaches eat from decaying matter or sewage are protected while in their bodies and may remain infective for several weeks longer than if they had been exposed to cleaning agents, rinse water, or just sunlight and air. Recent medical studies have shown that cockroach allergens cause lots of allergic reactions in inner city children. American roaches were even shown to cause asthma in children. These allergens build up in deposits of droppings, secretions, cast skins, and dead bodies of roaches.

House Flies get their name from being the most common fly found around homes. Adult house flies can grow to one-quarter of an inch long and usually live between 15 and 25 days.

HabitsThey are only able to feed on liquids but have the ability to turn many solid foods into a liquid for them to eat. House flies taste with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue.

HabitatHouse flies tend to stay within 1-2 miles of where they were born; however, they have been known to migrate up to 20 miles to find food.

ThreatsThese insects have been known to carry over 100 different kinds of disease-causing germs, which makes them very bad house guests.

The House Mouse is the most common rodent pest in most parts of the world-probably because a female house mouse can give birth to a dozen babies every three weeks. Thats approximately 150 baby mice in a year.

HabitsHouse mice can breed throughout the year and can share nests.

HabitatHouse mice live in structures, but they can live outdoors.

ThreatsMicro droplets of mouse urine can cause allergies in children. Even the smallest amount of mouse urine is capable of triggering allergies in humans. This is particularly true of children whose immune systems are still developing. Mice can also bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into your home. One of the least recognized ways in which mice can be pests: they gnaw on wiring creating a fire hazard.

The Common House Spider is usually the spider most often encountered indoors. It is a nuisance pest, probably more because of its webs than the spider itself. This spider is found worldwide and is common throughout the United States and Canada.

HabitsThe house spider randomly selects its web sites and creates a tangled web. If a web does not yield prey it is abandoned, another site is selected, and a new web is built. Survival is low in modern homes with low humidity and few insects, higher in garages, sheds, barns, warehouses, etc. because of more prey and generally higher humidity, and highest outdoors in protected places.

HabitatInside structures, house spiders are most likely to be found in upper corners, under furniture, in closets, angles of window frames, basements, garages, and crawl spaces. Outside they are often around windows and under eaves especially near light sources which attract prey.

ThreatsHouse spiders are nuisance pests but pose no threats to humans.

Most common during the summer, especially when homes are reoccupied after vacation. Most common hosts are cats, dogs, man and wide variety of animals. Identifying Characteristics, Fleas are extremely small, averaging 2 to 4 mm in length. The body is flattened vertically and is covered with spines which protect backward. They are wingless but have long powerful legs for jumping great distances. These are among the largest of ants and are vicious biters. Workers very greatly in size from to 3/8 in length. Usually they are black, but may have some brown coloration. Theyre long-legged and move swiftly.

Fleas depend on a blood meal from a host to survive, so most fleas are introduced into the home via pets or other mammal hosts. On some occasions, fleas may become an inside problem when the host they previously fed on is no longer around. Then fleas focus their feeding activity on other hosts that reside inside the home. An example of such a situation is when a mouse inside the home is trapped and removed, the fleas that previously fed on the mouse are then forced to feed on pets or people.

Among the most common insects in the home. They eat paper, fabrics and get into cereals. Identifying characteristics, bodies are long, slender and flattened, broad at the front and tapering to the rear. Antennae are long and slender. Three long, slender appendages protrude from the rear. Theyre wingless and the body is about 12 long.

BehaviorDiet & Habits, capable of thriving in most climates, silverfish prefer to dwell in dark, damp areas such as basements, attics, kitchens and bathrooms. They are especially attracted to paper and damp clothing. Commonly found in stored boxes in garages and sheds.

Silverfish feed on carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches. Cellulose, shampoos, glue in books, linen, silk and dead insects may be food sources. Have been found in unopened food packages.

ReproductionSilverfish undergo love dances prior to mating. Males lay spermatophores, which are taken into the ovipositor of female specimens. Females egg numbers and habits vary, depending on species. One species lays a few eggs a day where as another species lays clusters of 2 to 20 eggs.

The names wood wasp and horntail describe several kinds of wood-boring insects. Of greatest concern are the large, nonstinging wasps that normally are attracted to the complete their life cycles in newly dead or dying conifer trees. Timber salvaged from these trees can be processed into infested lumber. This can lead to adult wasps emerging in recently completed buildings or structures. Although these insects are extremely annoying , they arent harmful to humans or structures. They attack only trees and wont bore into wood in buildings or furniture. Identifying characteristics, they are large insects, generally 1 inch or longer, and wasplike in appearance but have an elongated, cylindrical body without a noticeable constriction or waist. They often are black or metallic dark blue or combinations of black, red, and yellow. They make a noisy buzz when flying.

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Bed Bugs | Pennsylvania Pest Control | What's In Your Home?

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Bed Bugs In The USA | Battling Bed Bugs USA

Bed bugs USA. New research out of the United States suggests less than half of bed bug infestations are completely eliminated effectively.

A new study reported that less than half of bed bug treatment methods used by US residents eliminated bed bugs.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine conducted a door-to-door survey of 596 residents across residential row homes in Philadelphia. They reported that the rate of recent bed bug infestation was 11.1%. Of these infested households, only 48.1% reported that bed bug treatments were successful in removing bed bugs completely.

The high reported rate of recent infestations and the low perceived success of treatment methods emphasise the difficulty of managing bed bugs in urban and other complex environments, the researchers wrote in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. In low-income communities especially, the cost of bed bug treatment can be an important barrier to control.

The researchers argued that the bed bug epidemic was difficult to curtail and even more difficult to eliminate, even from small geographical areas.

Households that only hired professional exterminators reported spending on average US$611.10 (range US$100-$1,200), and households that self-treated as well as hiring professionals reported spending on average US$550 (range US$100$1,000).

The residents reported using a wide variety of professional and self-treatment services, including over-the-counter insecticides, household cleaning products, and mattress protectors. While the researchers were unable to report on the efficacy of an individual treatment, they were able to ascertain that of the 36 residents who only attempted treatment on their own, 16 (44.4%) reported being successful, and 9 (56.3%) of the 16 who paid for extermination services reported success in their treatment.

Worldwide, bed bugs are now an urban pest problem affecting a wide range of communities, according to the study authors, who have deemed them a significant public health problem.

A key reason for this is due to the fact that bed bugs are becoming resistant to many popular treatments and household chemicals designed to eradicate them.

Bed Bug Killer is the only registered product in Australia that kills bed bugs without resistance at a fraction of the cost of a professional exterminator and without the dangerous chemical usage.

Because it lasts for years, Bed Bug Killer powder will kill bed bugs long-term, with an east to use solution against future infestations. Bed Bug Barriers can be used to create instant protection from bed bugs in the room.

Its also completely natural, easy to apply, odourless, has zero room downtime and is scientifically tested and APMVA registered. So dont fall victim to the epidemic: fight the bed bug battle at home with Bed Bug Killer powder.

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Bed Bugs In The USA | Battling Bed Bugs USA

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