Category Archives: Bed Bugs Tennessee

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  Sunday 29th of September 2024 01:28 AM

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Bed bugs discovery closes Rogersville senior center, library

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March 12th, 2015 12:33 pm by Jeff Bobo

ROGERSVILLE - The Rogersville Senior Center and H.B. Stamps Public Library, which share a building in downtown Rogersville, were evacuated Thursday around noon afterbedbugswere detected during a routine pest inspection.

Hawkins County Mayor Melville Bailey said a pest control contractor reported that the bed bugs were discovered in the hallway that connects the senior center and the library.

That hallway is carpeted, has cloth furniture, and contains restrooms used by both the library and senior center.

(The exterminator) thinks the bedbugs are confined to the foyer, Bailey said. We called the state health department and they recommended we close the senior citizens center and the library since they are adjoining.

Bailey said the pest control inspection Thursday was routine and there were no previous complaints of infestation prior to the exterminator's report late Thursday morning.

About 25 people were in the senior center when the evacuation was ordered. To his knowledge, no one from the library or senior center has complained of bites, Bailey added.

As seniors left the Senior Center they were informed of Health Department recommendations on how to prevent spreading an infestation.

Seniors were told to go home, remove their clothing, place it in a bag, and take a thorough shower. Then they should wash the clothing in hot water and then dry it in a dryer on the hottest setting.

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Bed bugs discovery closes Rogersville senior center, library

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Bed Bug Bites

Skin Reactions to Bed Bugs Symptoms, Treatment, Healing, Marks, Duration & more

Bed bug bites are well documented visually on many websites and in the media. The only confirmation that a skin reaction is a bed bug bite is if there is confirmation that there are viable insects accessible to humans. It is impossible to look at a welt or rash and positively identify it as a bed bug bite. Even trained physicians cannot diagnose skin reactions as bed bug bites just by examining the bites.

Bed bug bites are not visible on all people. People react differently and some have no visible reaction at all. Others react with hive-like symptoms. There are documented cases where two people spend the night in the same bed and one is bitten and covered with welts and the other has no reaction. Generally, if there is a skin reaction, it can lead to itching with the degree of itching varying from person to person.

Bed bugs harbor nearly thirty human pathogens; however, there is no indication that bed bugs spread disease. There are recorded instances of bed bug bites becoming infected due these are due to extreme itching and lesions caused by scratching.

One worthwhile note about bed bug bites is that the bites can take days to manifest into welts or reactions when the human is not regularly bitten. After the antigen is generated from repeated bites, then bed bug bites manifest into welts or irritation from just about immediate to a few days. This is worth noting since welts might appear days after being bitten with the blame placed on the previous night's location when the bites occurred at a totally different location days prior.

What Bed Bug Bites Look Like:

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Bed Bug Bites

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How to Tell If You Have Bed Bugs – Easy Tips | eHow

As a child, I heard the old saying "good night, sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite". Bed bugs were a rare occurrence when I was a child, but they have grown in numbers.

They are more than a mere annoyance. They can cause itchy skin which leads to a secondary infection. They are often treated with antihistamines and steroids to reduce the itchiness and inflammation.

At least there is some good news; bed bugs are NOT known to transmit any infectious diseases.

Step one - remove your sheets from you bed. Look for dark spots on the mattress. These may be:

Step two - examine your skin. Do you have small red bites? And the bites are really itchy!

Step three - lift your mattress off of your bed. Do you see any small dark spots? You probably will not see the bugs themselves. They scurry away.

Step four - lay out some double sided tape on your bare mattress and leave it there for a few days. If you have a bed bug infestation, you should find a couple stuck to the tape.

Step five - remove the cushions from your couch. Look for small dark spots or the bed bug's waste products.

Step six - take a flashlight to bed with you. Set your alarm for just before dawn. You may be able to catch them in the act by awakening then and then examining your skin and sheets.

Step seven - go to your spice cabinet. Pick up and open the coriander. Smell it. This is what a really large infestation smells like.

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How to Tell If You Have Bed Bugs - Easy Tips | eHow

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UT scholarship hopes to tackle bed bugs

PIGEON FORGE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- East Tennessee pest experts have made a huge donation to help future students learn the best way to tackle the problems.

The University of Tennessee Institute of Agricultures Department of Entomology was given two $25,000 donations assist in its Urban Entomology graduate program.

The graduate-level entomology program, which focuses on dealing with bugs and infestations that affect people and their property, will be supported through a $25,000 support fund as well as an endowed $25,000 scholarship.

"Everyone's effected by pests in and around their home and it's nice for the industry to really help us to help them," said Karen Vail, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. "So they're going to be providing us a student, but we're going to be addressing the issues, the difficulties they're having controlling pests we're going to try to find some solutions for them."

The support fund has been named in honor of Vail. Her research was recently acknowledged by the Entomological Society of America-Southeastern Branch through its Distinguished Award in Urban Entomology.

One of the biggest problems for experts is bed bugs. The students will do a lot of research to help come up with ways to rid homes of the problems.

"They're great hitch hikers, so they can hitch hike as you travel and in our area we've had a lot more travel from people all over the world," said Ray Johnson, Johnson Pest Control. "Bed Bugs, We are controlling them every day they are a national problem."

For more information on how to support the programs, please contact:

The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Office of Institutional Advancement (865) 974-5779 and

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UT scholarship hopes to tackle bed bugs

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Woman claims bed bugs bit her while at Hollywood movie theater


There are new complaints about bed bugs at the Regal Cinemas Oakwood 18 movie theater. In October, a more than a dozen moviegoers contacted Local 10 to claiming they were bitten by bed bugs while watching a movie at the theater.

At the time, spokesman for Regal Cinemas told Local 10 they were aware of the complaints, and that a pest control company had been hired and periodic inspections would be conducted to ensure they safety of guests.

The latest complaint comes from a woman who wanted to be anonymous but included a picture of what appear to be bed-bug bites on her back.

She said it happened last Saturday in theater No. 17. That's one of the same theaters in which several other moviegoers told Local 10 they too were eaten alive.

"Not only was it the back of my legs, it was the side of legs. It was both legs, and then it started coming all the way down to my arms," Sheylana Santanilla told Local 10's Roger Lohse in October.

Related: Moviegoers claim bedbugs bit them at movie theater

Lohse attempted to speak with an on-site theater manager about the new complaints, but was told to contact the corporate office in Tennessee and then he was kindly asked to leave the property.

Lohse reported that he did see a pest control worker leaving the theater when he arrived there Wednesday morning. And despite the reports he did in October, he said he recently took his family to the theater to see a movie, and that none of them were bitten.

Local 10's calls to Regal Cinemas corporate office were not returned.

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Woman claims bed bugs bit her while at Hollywood movie theater

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