Category Archives: Bed Bugs Virginia

  Virginia, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 4th of October 2024 06:14 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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VA Bed Bug Control & Removal – Bed Bugs in Virginia

Adult bed bugs are wingless, have six legs, about the size of an apple seed and are reddish-brown in color. The bed bug has three distinct life stages eggs, nymphs, and adults. Nymph and adult bed bugs feed on blood and will take a blood meal about once per week. Female bed bugs must consume blood and mate with a male in order to produce fertile eggs. These eggs are very small and resemble a grain of salt. An adult female generally will live for about a year under favorable conditions and during her lifetime will lay hundreds of eggs.

Bed bugs get into homes and businesses by hitchhiking on items brought from other locations. The more common manner of introduction is with infested luggage, clothing, backpacks, used or discarded furniture, and a host of other infested items. The best advice to avoid a bed bug problem is to thoroughly inspect all of your personal items after traveling or anytime something new is brought into the household. Always be suspicious.

What is the first indication that bed bugs are in your home? They are small, reclusive in their behavior, and generally only show themselves at night when occupants are asleep. So the answer may be the presence of unexplained bites or skin irritation. But not everyone reacts to bed bug bites in the same way. In fact, some people do not react for several days after being bitten and some people to not react at all. As a result, homeowners must be aware of other signs and indications of bed bugs.

Obviously, actually seeing bed bugs when doing your own inspection is a great indicator. Since bed bugs are active while you are asleep, begin your inspection in the bedroom where you sleep. Bed bugs like to commune together, so look for them in their obscure, protective hiding places such as along mattress seams, behind head boards and foot boards, in cracks and gaps at the floor/wall junction, along baseboards, around door and window facings, in night stands or any area within several feed of your bed.

What you look for during the inspection are the bed bugs black-colored fecal droppings, their cast skins left behind after they molt from one stage to another and blood spots on the bed clothing. This very time-consuming inspection can be done by the homeowner; however, the best option is to have your pest professional do the work.

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VA Bed Bug Control & Removal - Bed Bugs in Virginia

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Angry man releases live bedbugs in city office – WDTN

Angry man releases live bedbugs in city office
City Manager William Bridgeo tells the Kennebec Journal the man apparently complained Friday to the code enforcement office about bedbugs at his former apartment then left, but returned after he showed the cup of bugs to a manager at his new apartment ...
Augusta City Center closes after angry man unleashes 100 live bedbugsKennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

all 18 news articles »

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Angry man releases live bedbugs in city office - WDTN

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Animal Sex: How Bed Bugs Do It – Live Science

Common bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) have some painful mating behaviors, including traumatic insemination.

For some people, the mere idea of a bed bug infestationcan be shudder-inducing. But if bed begs' penchant for feeding on your blood while you sleep isn't enough to get your skin crawling, know that the sexual behaviors of these tiny, parasitic insects are even more cringe-worthy.

Though bed bugs have been making headlinessince the early 2000s, they've been pestering people for thousands of years. "They were originally pests of bats in caves and when humans moved in, we kicked the bats out," said entomologist Dini Miller, a professor of urban pest management at Virginia Tech. Bed bugs started to feed on people, who transported the parasites out into other environments.

Today, bed bugs jump from home to home the same way they've done in the distant past: by hitching a ride on people's things, such as clothes and bags. Just one breeding pair or even a single female that's already mated can create a whole new infestation. [Bed Bugs: The Life of a Mini-Monster (Infographic)]

Bed bugs breed year-round, but there seems to be some seasonal variation. "We do know that populations seem to double and triple in summer months," Miller told Live Science, adding that high moisture levels due to humidity may be involved in these population spikes. "Or maybe they just feel sexier."

While in a house or apartment, the insects tend to hide together in shelters called harborages, such as in the cracks and crevices of furniture, wallpaper and box springs. They'll become active at night if they sense people or animals breathing. "When [carbon dioxide] increases in the atmosphere, that lets bed bugs know that food has arrived," Miller said. "It's like smelling bacon at a distance." The bugs will wander around in search of a blood meal, and if they come within 3 feet of such a meal, they can zero in on body heat.

Bed bugs will gorge on blood for up to 10 minutes, filling themselves up with enough blood to last for 3 to 7 days. Feeding puts the insects especially mature males in the mood to mate. Once back at the harborage, males will try to mate with mature females, other males, and even immature bed bugs (nymphs), Miller said.

Mating among bed bugs is an unromantic if not horrific affair.

Bed bugs have no courtship rituals. What they have, instead, is a type of mating behavior called traumatic insemination. That is, a male will simply climb onto a female, stab her in the side of her body with his hypodermic penis, and release his sperm into her body cavity. Over the next several hours, the sperm will migrate to the female's ovaries.

Interestingly, females have evolved a counter-adaptation to better handle traumatic insemination: a kind of secondary genital structured called a spermalege, which contains elastic proteins and is located in an area of the abdomen that males most often penetrate. These proteins, called resilins, make it so that the spermalege is easier for males to puncture, resulting in less body damage and fluid loss for the female. Males don't have a spermalege; rather, they release an alarm pheromone(acting as a mating stop sign) when another male tries to mate with them.

Still, traumatic insemination wounds the female, leaving scars. Because of this painful and dangerous mating behavior, a female will leave the harborage and seek shelter elsewhere after being stabbed by several males, Miller said.

Mating with more than one male is not beneficial to the female anyway, as a single male can provide her with enough sperm to lay several fertilized eggs daily for up to 10 days. What's more, females that mate only once and are not subjected to repeated stabbings produce up to 25 percent more eggs than those that mate repeatedly, Miller said.

After laying all of her eggs, the female will need to feed and mate before being able to reproduce again. Depending on who's around, the female may even mate with her own offspring. Though, in contrast with most other animals, inbreedinginbed bugs does not appear to be genetically detrimental.

Original article on Live Science.

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Animal Sex: How Bed Bugs Do It - Live Science

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Know the Law in Light of Bed Bug Issues – Clay County Free (subscription)

Following an increase in consumer complaints regarding bed bugs in rental housing units, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey urges tenants to know state law when faced with a pest control problem

A letter from the attorney generals office to county health department officials outlined tenants specific complaints, including infestations of bed bugs and being charged extermination fees whether or not the bed bugs originated in their unit.

Dealing with bed bugs is never a pleasant experience, Morrisey said. However, its important to understand what is lawfully permitted in the landlord-tenant relationship so that everyone is treated fairly and justly.

The landlord is responsible for maintaining habitable housing and cannot pass that responsibility onto the tenant under West Virginia law. Also, requiring tenants to pay extermination fees without proof the tenant caused the infestation violates the states Consumer Credit and Protection Act.

Those with questions can contact the attorney generals Consumer Protection Division at 800-368-8808 or visit the office online at

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Know the Law in Light of Bed Bug Issues - Clay County Free (subscription)

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3 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs – wikiHow

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Three Methods:Using HeatUsing InsecticidesUnconventional TreatmentsCommunity Q&A

Launder infested garments and bedding on high heat. Wrap furniture in plastic and place it in front of direct sunlight or, if during the winter, in a shaded area on a cold day. Vacuum up visible pests or apply the appropriate pesticide inside your home. Call a pest management professional to treat the affected rooms.













I've tried everything including calling an exterminator. I've gotten rid of all my old beds and couches. But they still keep coming back. I've even moved. what should I do?

wikiHow Contributor

One of your friends or a family member keeps bringing them into your home. Bedbugs attach themselves to clothing. Wherever you see the most infestation, i.e: a brother's room, he may spend the night at his girlfriend's place from time to time and bring them back, that is your culprit.

Can bedbugs be in the wall?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes, they can move through the spaces in your walls. This is often where they are when people thought they got rid of them and they come back.

How do I kill them if they got in my car?

wikiHow Contributor

On a hot sunny day, close up your car and park it in the sun for several hours. The temperature will climb to over 120 degrees and it should kill the bugs. Just make sure there's enough time for the temperature to get to over 120 degrees for at least 4 hours.

How long does it take bed bugs to die if they are not feeding?

wikiHow Contributor

I have heard of instances where they hibernate up to 18 months. I advise you to get Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and put it along the sides of your walls/trim area and in your vents.

Will bed bugs die if I turn the covers down and leave them all day?

No. Bed bugs are very resilient and do not die easily. Follow the methods in the article.

When you dry your clothes in the dryer, can the bedbugs survive in the lint trap?

My son is the only one in the whole apartment who has them. Where are they coming from?

wikiHow Contributor

It's possible that your son is just the only one showing a reaction to them - or the bedbugs are in his room somewhere. Thoroughly examine the bedding, mattress, under the bed, and the room in general. Usually it's best to call an exterminator to completely get rid of bed bugs. As for where they came from in the first place, there's usually numerous ways for bugs to get into a house or apartment - cracks, open doors/windows, unknowingly bringing into the home something with bedbugs, etc.

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