Bed bugs are hard to detect. They are masters at hiding in mattresses, box springs, carpets, curtains, under rugs, behind peeling wall paper, behind walls and baseboards, within electrical equipment like radios or lamps and around wall floor and wall ceiling junctions. Once they have invaded your space, they are difficult to eliminate. If you suspect that you have bed bugs, call Triple S Services for professional bed bugstreatment and removal in VA, MD andDC. We service both residential and commercial properties.
Bed Bug with Rice and Eggs Photo courtesy of
Adult bed bugs are small, wingless, 1/4 inch long, oval shaped and flattened from top to bottom. They gather into aggregations known as brood centers. Look for reddish brown fecal stains, blood spots, exoskeleton skins from molting and the bed bugs or eggs themselves. Eggs are visible with slight magnification, are yellowish white in color and about 1/32 inch long, and glued by secretions into cracks and crevices. Bed bugs omit a uniquely sweet raspberry-like or musty odor. They are active at night, but can be active in daylight when there is a large infestation or a host present. Of course, waking up with red biteson your body is an unfortunate and uncomfortable sign.
Bed Bug Bites Photo courtesy of
Bed bugs travel with you and spread, so moving to another bedroom can make the problem worse. Human blood is the preferred food source but warm-blooded mammals in general can host bed bugs. They become dormant in your absence and begin biting again once you return to your bed. Trying to treat them yourself with chemicals or foggers can also make them spread, thus harder to eliminate.
Our Thermal Remediation service includes:
The heat treatment penetrates areas where pesticides may not be able to be applied.
Bed bugs, nymphs and their eggs are killed by dehydration.
Additional ServicesSupplemental inspections, protection such as climb-ups, encasements and residual pesticide applications may be added to the thermal remediation package.
Call Triple S Services today for Effective Bed BugTreatments at 800-457-3785or fill out ouronline service request form.
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Bed Bugs Removal, Heat Treatment, VA, MD, DC | Triple S ...