Category Archives: Bed Bugs Washington DC

  Washington Dc, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 30th of September 2024 08:29 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Travel Myth – Hostels Will Have Bed Bugs

Hostels have no more bed bug incidents than do other lodgings. Greg Baumann, vice president of technical services at National Pest Management says, "There are no data to support that hostels have a higher incidence of bed bugs (than hotels)." (Nonetheless, some folks, like your mother, will always fear hostels are bed bug hotbeds.)

In 2005, bed bugs became a hot travel topic when they started turning up in some pretty posh digs. They had virtually disappeared from the US lodging scene until a 1972 DDT insecticide ban; the spray once used on cockroaches and other pests turned out to have been an effective way to kill bed bugs, too. A favorite cockroach catching method became traps rather than DDT, and a subsequent resurgence of bed bugs meant guests were being bitten in fine hotels, where (according to some accounts) the staff routinely denied the critters' presence. In Europe, the bugs never really left, according to Orkin spokesperson Martha Craft -- one reason that hostels, which are most common in Europe, know all about the little blood eaters.

Canada's Pest Control writes of bed bug hotel infestations: "The stigma attached to these parasites is influencing some hotels and other accommodations to ignore infestations or treat them without professional help. Lack of professional treatment comes with great risks, notably the possibility of litigation." Reading between the lines, we can deduce that there's no way in Hades some hotels will agree that those red bumps on your body are bed bug evidence -- and a US desk clerk may not even know what bed bug bites really look like, anyway.

Hostels, on the other hand, have long acknowledged the bugs' presence in the lodging world, especially outside the United States, and many take steps accordingly. Some actively tell you what to look for (read more on spotting bed bugs), and some hostels don't allow sleeping bags or sleep sacks in hostel dorms partly because yours can carry bed bugs (they like traveling as much as you do). Bed bugs also hitchhike on backpacks -- be careful if you bring your bag into your hostel dorm. (See some tips on avoiding bedbugs in hostels.)

And, of course, many folks assume the bugs come with the territory of filthy hostels (another myth -- that all hostels are filthy by nature). Bed bugs don't care about clean, though.

Where some truth may lie in the hostels-always-have-bedbugs myth is that the sheer density of people possible in one hostel dorm room can create a higher possibility of the bugs' appearance than in a hotel room used by a couple of travelers at a time, according to Baumann. If twelve backpackers are sleeping in one room, twelve chances are created for bugs to hop off one backpacker's stuff and into yours, or into the hostel dorm furniture. (Bed bugs do like to sleep around, and they can be found in chairs as easily as in beds.) Again, though, there is no evidence to support the idea that hostels are more prone to infestation than other lodgings; in fact, given the higher likelihood of infestation and bed bug transference in a hostel because of sheer traveler numbers, it's remarkable that that likelihood does not translate into an actual higher infestation incidence in hostels than hotels.

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Travel Myth - Hostels Will Have Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs Removal, Heat Treatment, VA, MD, DC | Triple S …

Bed bugs are hard to detect. They are masters at hiding in mattresses, box springs, carpets, curtains, under rugs, behind peeling wall paper, behind walls and baseboards, within electrical equipment like radios or lamps and around wall floor and wall ceiling junctions. Once they have invaded your space, they are difficult to eliminate. If you suspect that you have bed bugs, call Triple S Services for professional bed bugstreatment and removal in VA, MD andDC. We service both residential and commercial properties.

Bed Bug with Rice and Eggs Photo courtesy of

Adult bed bugs are small, wingless, 1/4 inch long, oval shaped and flattened from top to bottom. They gather into aggregations known as brood centers. Look for reddish brown fecal stains, blood spots, exoskeleton skins from molting and the bed bugs or eggs themselves. Eggs are visible with slight magnification, are yellowish white in color and about 1/32 inch long, and glued by secretions into cracks and crevices. Bed bugs omit a uniquely sweet raspberry-like or musty odor. They are active at night, but can be active in daylight when there is a large infestation or a host present. Of course, waking up with red biteson your body is an unfortunate and uncomfortable sign.

Bed Bug Bites Photo courtesy of

Bed bugs travel with you and spread, so moving to another bedroom can make the problem worse. Human blood is the preferred food source but warm-blooded mammals in general can host bed bugs. They become dormant in your absence and begin biting again once you return to your bed. Trying to treat them yourself with chemicals or foggers can also make them spread, thus harder to eliminate.

Our Thermal Remediation service includes:

The heat treatment penetrates areas where pesticides may not be able to be applied.

Bed bugs, nymphs and their eggs are killed by dehydration.

Additional ServicesSupplemental inspections, protection such as climb-ups, encasements and residual pesticide applications may be added to the thermal remediation package.

Call Triple S Services today for Effective Bed BugTreatments at 800-457-3785or fill out ouronline service request form.

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Bed Bugs Removal, Heat Treatment, VA, MD, DC | Triple S ...

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Bed Bugs | Angies List

A bed bug is a parasitic insect from the Cimicidae family known to wreak havoc in bedrooms around the world. The common bed bug, known as Cimex lectularius in the scientific community, feasts on human blood and takes its name from its preferred living space YOUR BED.

The tiny bugs are red or brown in color and have a flat, oval-shaped body. Adults can grow up to 5 millimeters in length.

Bed bugs thrive in climates similar to human beings. Although bed bugs cannot fly, they are fast movers around floors and walls.

Bed bugs use their stylet fascicle to pierce the skin of their hosts to extract blood, often without being detected. As a result, many people experience skin rashes, allergies and other infections from bed bug exposure.

More: How to Identify Bed Bugs and Bed Bug Bites

Aggressive efforts after World War II nearly wiped out the common bed bug 60 years ago.The invasive pest re-emerged around the world, but nobody's quite sure why. Experts suspect increased travel, lack of public awareness and resistance to modern pesticides all play a role.

The good news about bed bugs is they are not a serious health threat. Their bites can cause large red marks and swelling in some people, but they are not known to transmit diseases.

Fortunately, exterminators are trained to eliminate bed bugs through various techniques, from chemicals to steam to freezing.

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Bed Bugs | Angies List

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Natural Remedies for Killing Bed Bugs | eHow

There are few natural ways to kill bed bugs that will work well on small infestations. However, these remedies are not the most efficient and should be used in conjunction with pesticides and other methods.

In order to kill bed bugs, you must first find them. It may be laborious, but you could locate and squish all the bugs to get rid of them. You can use sticky paper to find where the bugs are nesting.

Bed bugs at all stages will die if they are exposed to heat at least 120 degrees F. Wash and dry all bed sheets, rugs, blankets, clothes and any other materials on the hottest settings.

Use white sheets to detect if you still have the bugs. If there are still bed bugs in your mattress, you will see bug excrement, eggs, skin cases and small splotches of blood from exploded bugs.

Natural Remedies for Killing Bed Bugs. There are few natural ways to kill bed bugs that will work well on small infestations....

Natural Remedies for Killing Bed Bugs. There are few natural ways to kill bed bugs that will work well on small infestations....

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that easily hide within fabrics and in small spaces. The insects often feed on a human...

Bed bugs are tiny, nocturnal insects that adapt to the same living conditions as humans. Bed bugs prefer a warm climate and...

What Are Home Remedies for Bed Bugs? While natural remedies are not the most effective method for removing bed bug infestations, ...

Bedbugs are small, flat, blood-sucking insects that are active at night. During the day, they hide in cracks found in walls, floors...

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Natural Remedies for Killing Bed Bugs | eHow

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Bed Bug Reports and Reviews for Apartments and Hotels

Search for reports in 17 cities in North America Select a city Vancouver, BC Winnipeg, MB Toronto, ON Surrey, BC Burnaby, BC San Francisco, CA Philadelphia, PA Seattle, WA Los Angeles, CA Richmond, BC Columbus, OH Portland, OR Detroit, MI Washington, DC Chicago, IL Cincinnati, OH New York, NY How it Works Find a pest-free place to stay, or report a sighting Find a Location

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Learn how to prevent and exterminate bed bugs, cheaply and effectively.

Bed bugs (also knows as bed-bugs, and begbugs) are parasitic insects. As their name states, they are generally a pest found in warm houses in areas such as the inside of beds, sofas, couches, carpet, and any other fabric with creases and folds that they can easily hide in. Exterminating bed bugs can be extremely hard, stressful and time-consuming. Our bed bug registry helps you find safe places to stay so that you don't bring these hard-to-kill bugs in to your own home, or the home of your loved ones.

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Bed Bug Reports and Reviews for Apartments and Hotels

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