Category Archives: Bed Bugs Washington DC

  Washington Dc, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 2nd of October 2024 10:59 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 400 Miles

We cannot vouch for the truthfulness of any report on this site. If you feel a location has been reported in error, or want to dispute a report, please contact us.

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Bed Bug Heat Extermination in Maryland, Virginia and …


Our call center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Don't wait! Give us a call at 866-262-9125 so we can immediately arrange total bed bugs elimination.

We totally exterminate bed bugs from commercial dwelling units including apartments, hotels, dormitories, rental properties, hospitals, offices, restaurants...

To completely remove bed bugs from your residence (and your life) please call us at 866-262-9125 to so we can arrange total bed bugs destruction and annihilation.

If you come to this website the chances are that you either have bed bug problem in your life, or know someone who has it, or you just heard of the bed bug spreading and increasing problem and want to protect your family and yourself from those horrible creeping creatures.

Even if you had enough of them fear no more.

If you need bed bugs eliminated in home, residence, apartment, hotel or any dwelling unit, you have come to the right place. The professionals at USA Pest Control deliver custom extermination services that are effective, fast, reliable, and safe.

Recently, the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States has seen a dramatic spike in bed bug infestations. Predictably, there has also been a spike in ineffective, questionable, and hazardous treatments for the problem.

Many pest control companies heavily rely on pesticides usages to exterminate bed bugs or any other pests or insects. However, pesticides being poisonous chemicals are not that harmless for humans either. Beisdes, bed bugs are extremely adaptable to the pesticides and can even become resistant to certain chemicals. That is probably why they survived thousands years persistently accompanying humans for ages.

But not anymore. They can adapt to the chemical environment or even mutate with it, but as any organic living creature they cannot withstand hot temperatures. Heat is their worst enemy. And that is exactly how we kill the bed bugs and their whole colonies.

With USA Pest Control, bed bugs can be eliminated without putting yourself, your family, or your coworkers at risk. It is because we do not use poisonous pesticides at all. We use physical rather than chemical treatments. Heat - to be precise. Our state-of-the-art heat treatment is environmentally safe and proved to be the most effective method of fighting the bed bugs.

During our many years in the business, we have found that treating bed bugs does not begin and end with merely spraying insecticide, spreading dust, or throwing out old furniture. We tackle the problem with a methodical, thorough, persistent, in-depth approach that you are not likely to find elsewhere.

If you want a one-stop, start-to-finish solution that will get bed bugs out of your life for good, please call the dedicated experts at USA Pest Control today.

Sleep tight. We wont let the bed bugs bite.

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Bed Bug Heat Extermination in Maryland, Virginia and ...

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bed bugs Washington DC – K9 Bed Bug Inspection

Worried you have bed bugs? Lexi and Zip have the answer.

The first step in resolving a bed bug problem is finding them. Bed bugs often hide in the tightest cracks and crevices and usually come out at night. While you are able to see an adult bed bug, nymphs and eggs are particularly tough to find. Thats why a dogs keen sense of smell offers one of the best ways to find bed bugs, even at the earliest stages of an infestation.

In fact, a University of Florida study comparing the accuracy of bed bug dogs against a trained technician shows that dogs were 96% accurate in finding bed bugs compared to 25% accuracy of trained pest professionals.

Dogs have been used to sniff out drugs, bombs, and missing people for years and bed bug dogs are trained using the same techniques. Lexi and Zip have undergone intense training in order to alert on only live bed bugs and bed bug eggs and their training continues each and every day so we are confident in their accuracy.

We train daily and use differing numbers of all life stages of bed bugs, including eggs. We replicate home and office layouts in our training studio and train our dogs to find bed bugs in any location. We inspect fire stations, schools, retirement communities, universities, warehouses and any other type of structure you could imagine. The bugs could be anywhere, so we train our K9/Handler Teams to search everywhere to find them. In addition to the K9 search, our skilled handlers will conduct a visual inspection for bed bugs.

1) Handler visually asses the room. He or she will visually inspect the area to determine the best way to conduct the search.

2) Handler and K9 work through the room. The handler has the K9 on a leash and they work their way through the room making sure the dog sniffs along baseboards, bed and sofa seams, chairs, luggage and just about anywhere a bed bug can hide.

3) K9 willalert if it detects the presence of bed bugs. The alert is the dogs unique way of telling the handler that it smells the bed bug odor. The most common alerts are sitting or pointing to the source of the odor.

4) If there is an alert, handler will attempt to visuallyconfirm the presence of bugs. The handler will make every attempt to visually confirm the presence of bed bugs which includes looking for the actual bug or evidence of bug activity such as a cast skin or fecal spotting.

Not only is a canine search effective, it is one of the fastest ways to search for bed bugs. A home generally take between 30-60 minutes, an apartment takes 10-15 minutes a single hotel room can be searched in 2-3 minutes. A human search can take hours and is limited to what the inspector can see, so low level infestations are easily missed.

The preparation for a K9 search is minimal. We ask that you remove from the floorany food or any other item that might be harmful to the dog (medicine, mouse traps, garbage). If you have a pet, we will ask that you put the pet outdoors or in a cage/kennel or in a bathroom during the search. If the handler feels that a fan or air conditioner is disrupting the air flow, you may be asked to temporarily turn it off during the search. Most importantly,we are able to give you the best search possible where there is minimal clutter. We dont expect homes to be clutter-free, and your handler will advise you when clutter might impact the accuracy of the search.

Click Here for our K9 Inspection Preparation Checklist

Our dog and handler teams are certified by the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association(NESDCA). NESDCA is a certifying organization which assures the highest quality standards of scent detection canines.

Lexi isa three-year-old lab/terrier mix, who loves to find bed bugs. She was surrendered to a shelter in Kansas because she was too much for her original owners. What Lexi needed was a job. She was saved from the shelter and trained as a bed bug detection dog. She has been working for two years andit is easy to see how much she enjoys her job. She works with company owner, Dave Pine and lives with the Pine family.

Zip is a terrier mix who was rescued from a shelter in Virginia and trained to find bed bugs when he was just two-months-old. Weighing just 7 pounds, Zip is a big personality in a little package. His size gives him a real edge in this bed bug business, as he is able to get intotight spaces where bed bugs like to hide. Since he is so small, he travels easily and hasdetected bed bugsacross the country. We are committed to the physical and emotional well-being of our dogs. Our dogs lead balanced and full lives. We love our dogs and believe you will, too.

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bed bugs Washington DC - K9 Bed Bug Inspection

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Bed Bug Removal DC VA MD – DC Pest Control

If you think you might have bed bugs in Maryland, Virginia or Washington D.C., youre not alone.

Bed bugs are found in many environments including homes, apartments, condominiums, dormitories, motels and even cruise ships. They are flat, oval in shape and brown in color. As they feed, the bed bugs flat body expands and turns reddish in color. The adult is approximately the size of an apple seed and can live for more than a year without feeding.

During the day, typical bed bugs in VA or other states hide behind baseboards and pictures, in bed frames, furniture, wallpaper, mattresses, blankets, pillows and sheets. Bed bugs tend to settle in close proximity to their food source humans! They come out at night, attracted by the breath and body heat of their food source. Bed bugs in Washington DC or Maryland can spread from room to room, using clothing and other personal belongings to make their way. Bed bugs often leave itchy, bloody welts on the skin.

Bed bug infestations are on the rise across country and in particular the Washington, DC area. Factors like the proximity to other metropolitan cities like New York, occupational travel and our growing transient population have more than doubled reported cases in our area in the last year. Experts are predicting the number of occurrences will continue to increase in the coming years.

If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation we recommend immediately taking action by laundering all bedding, vacuuming the suspected area and scheduling a professional inspection. Our inspectors can confirm an infestation, provide a treatment proposal and arrange to kill bed bugs in MD all in one visit. Bed bug elimination should always be left to a licensed pest control professional. Affordable Pest has the specialized knowledge and equipment to detect and eliminate any bed bug infestation. Call or click to schedule an inspection to kill bed bugs in Virginia or Washington DC today.

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Bed Bug Removal DC VA MD - DC Pest Control

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***Live Bed Bugs in my hotel room*** – Review of Homewood …

I stayed at the Homewood Suites from 11/17-11/20 and after the first night I woke up and found a live bed bug under my pillow. I removed all the sheets and pilllowcases and didn't find any additional bed bugs. However, later that day the hotel hired a company to search the room and they found 6 additional live bed bugs!

The hotel moved me to another room and I requested they check my second room, which they did and didn't find live bugs (not sure about dead ones). I asked them to clean/fumigate my second room with my contents in it so for the third night I had to move to a third room and could only bring the clothes I was wearing. A total inconvenience since it was in the 20's outside so I didn't leave the hotel room all afternoon/evening.

On the last morning in my third room I was surprised to wake up with a full priced bill under the door! When I asked to speak to the GM, Marianne Alberti, she was unavailable so I spoke to the assistant GM. He said that I shouldn't have any recompense because they accommodated me by staying in three rooms in three days (one with bed bugs).

My impression was that this happens often because I'm a Hilton Honors Diamond VIP and I didn't even get as much as an apology from the GM - I still have never spoken to or heard from her! I thought 200,000 Hilton Honors points would be appropriate, which is equal to three free nights stay in a Hilton property. They laughed and said that was not possible and they would not do that. Without approval from me they ended up putting 70,000 points in my account - enough for one night's stay in a Hilton Hotel.

Obviously I would never stay here again. I don't think they should treat anyone the way I was treated, much less a Diamond VIP member who almost exclusively stays at Hilton properties. I have lost any allegiance I had to Hilton.

This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC

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***Live Bed Bugs in my hotel room*** - Review of Homewood ...

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Bed Bug Report for Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC …

Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC Downtown 815 14th St Nw Washington, DC 20005-3301

Joanie on 05/04/2013

At Hilton garden in Washington I was bitten in multiple places may 3 2013 in room 404

Eric on 05/27/2012

I spent two nights in this hotel, 5/23-25/12, in room 201. I noticed 3 red bites in a line, typical of bed bugs, later in the day that we left.

Belly button bedbug bite on 09/02/2011

We checked into the Hilton Garden Inn, 815 14th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. on Saturday, Aug. 27,2011. My wife awoke on Monday, Aug. 29th with slightly raised, elevated red bumps on her abdomen, just above the umbilicus. They itched intensely, and the lesions remained throughout our stay, through Thursday, Septe. 1, 2011, and are still present as I write this on Sept.2. We reported this to the manager, Brian Reymann, after first looking up the bed bug registry on Google and finding that this ho

tel had been reported on 7 prior occasions. We notified the manager who we later spoke with, and we were required to move rooms at a great inconvenience. The manager had an "independent" inspector go over the room the next day, and the manager gave me a copy of a report stating that the room was not affected by bed bugs. I personally think this was a white wash, and do not believe the report, since my wife went to bed without the lesions and woke up with the lesions. I have compared these with photographes of the lesions on other web sites and they are identical. The manager compensated us for one night's room, when I feel that he should have compensated us for two nights. He also gave us a nice bottle of wine on the eve of our final night. We intend to see a doctor, but the Labor Day week-end makes a visit difficult until next week.

Brian Reymann on 07/06/2011

Dear Anonymous 4/2/2011,

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