Category Archives: Bed Bugs Washington DC

  Washington Dc, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 28th of September 2024 22:36 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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We cannot vouch for the truthfulness of any report on this site. If you feel a location has been reported in error, or want to dispute a report, please contact us.

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Bed Bug Report for Embassy Suites Hotel Washington, DC …

Anonymous on 04/04/2013

We stayed on the 3rd floor and this morning my wife had some itchy red bumps on her arms. We looked around on the mattress and noticed some blood smears on the sheet near the head of the bed. We had to leave quickly to make our flight but plan on filing a complaint with the hotel when we get home.

family of five on 08/19/2012

I and my family stayed at Embassy Suites, Downtown DC. on June 5,6 and 7, 2012. One son and I noticed bites on our legs the last morning as we were leaving. We joked about bedbugs and dismissed it thinking they may be mosquito bites. We did not know all the precautions we were supposed to take to prevent them from entering our home. About three weeks later I saw two bugs next to my son's bed, but, since they were under an open window, I thought they came in from outside. A couple of weeks later,

two sons had bites and we looked it up on line and investigated further in our bedrooms. The exterminators came and did their work, and found them to be in all bedrooms as well as the living room. They said we could have had up to 100 hatchings since mid-June. What a mess! I called the hotel after the house was treated. The manager on duty took a report and said she would forward it to the General Manager and the Chief Engineer. I am waiting to hear back by Aug. 24. She told me they had not had any other reports in a couple months. (that is when we were there) I wish I knew about bedbugs BEFORE our stay. We will be more careful next time. We are hoping for some compensation since they clearly know about the problem.

Amy on 01/31/2012

Checked in on Monday, January 23, 2011 and immediately discovered bed bugs in my room covering the bed. I called the front desk and first was told that I must be wrong since the hotel does not have any problems with bed bugs. After I killed the second bug and saw blood again from the insect. I called the front desk and insisted that I get a room change. They wanted to move me a couple of rooms down the way but I again insisted that I get another floor and they agreed. They wouldn't admit to

anything until the next day when their pest control did find bed bugs. They washed or dry cleaned my clothes. They did try to assist and accomodate me once they identified the problem. They did say the bed bugs probably came from the room next to mine which was occupied.

Ankle bites galore on 09/14/2011

Just got back from an overnight stay Sept 12,2011. Ankles now covered with bites. Was never without socks except when in the room and in bed. Have stayed here before but not again.

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Bed Bugs News – Bed

The EPAs Second National Bed Bug Summit in Washington, DC

The Environmental Protection Agency hosted the second National Bed Bug Summit (the first of which took place in April of 2009) on February 1-2, 2011 in an attempt to organize a concerted national response to an issue that has caused suffering and financial loss for thousands of American citizens and business owners. Among the summit participants were pest control professionals, scientists and statisticians from various research laboratories, city officials, private bed bug eradication firms, and members of multiple government organizations (including representatives from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

National Bed Bug Summit Agenda

The agenda of the summit was to assess and share all available knowledge pertaining to the bed bug epidemic, introduce new ideas for controlling bed bug infestations in communities, and devise a national strategy for effective bed bug eradication. Leaders in the field discussed the current methods being used to fight infestations at the state, federal, and local levels, as well as possible improvements in bed bug control, prevention, and eradication techniques.

In particular, focus was geared toward methods of controlling bed bug infestations in shared environments such as hotels, school campuses, and public housing units. The group also discussed the importance of educating consumers, business owners, and employees in relevant industries, particularly those related to hospitality. Researchers in the field revealed important bed bug knowledge and discussed future funding requirements for additional research projects. The following information reveals some of the conclusions reached at this years National Bed Bug Summit in Washington, DC.

EPA Proposes bed bug Eradication Funding

One of the main issues associated with eradicating and effectively controlling bed bug infestations is the exuberant cost of bed bug eradication services, which can cost business owners and homeowners tens of thousands of dollars per year. However, without the necessary funding to pay for such services, even more money could be lost in unnecessary bed bug lawsuits. Thus, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a bed bug eradication fund, which would allocate grants of up to up to $550,000 to eligible communities (primarily school campuses and public housing units) to cover the cost of bed bug eradication and control.

HUD Announces Community Awareness Plans

On day two of the summit, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) revealed plans to promote a bed bug community outreach service that will focus on increasing awareness and educating members of the community. Particularly, the outreach services will be targeted towards property owners, hotel managers, school officials, and public housing unit administrators, and will cover a variety of related criteria including bed bug prevention, recognition, control, and eradication. The outreach program will also inform communities of their possible eligibility for the aforementioned EPA bed bug eradication grants.

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Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Maryland, Washington DC, And Virginia

Home > Bed Bug Services > Bed Bug Heat Treatments Heat Treatments Available In DC, Maryland And Virginia At American Pest we understand your brand reputation is of utmost importance. We also realize that a single sighting of a bed bug can negatively impact your company's reputation and growth. That is why we are pleased to offer bed bug heat treatments for hotels and other commercial facilities in Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia. Designed to assist property owners in the region affected by the rising resurgence of bed bugs, heat treatments are: Effective - Killing all stages of bed bug life, including the eggs. Safe - A safe and environmentally responsible solution. Efficient - Takes only one day and only one treatment is required.

American Pest may use heat treatments in combination with residual insecticide applications or other bed bug control methods to ensure the highest efficacy in eliminating bed bugs.

Download the American Pest Heat Treatment Information sheet.

American Pest has been a leader in commercial pest control in Washington D.C. since 1925 and is proud to offer customized pest control solutions for businesses and commercial facilities in the Washington D.C. area as well as in Maryland and Northern Virginia. Select your industry below for more information on how we can help you keep your company pest free.


Food & Beverage Processing




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Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Maryland, Washington DC, And Virginia

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Affordable Pest Control: Bed Bug Removal & Extermination DC …

If you think you might have bed bugs in Maryland, Virginia or Washington D.C., youre not alone.

Bed bugs are found in many environments including homes, apartments, condominiums, dormitories, motels and even cruise ships. They are flat, oval in shape and brown in color. As they feed, the bed bugs flat body expands and turns reddish in color. The adult is approximately the size of an apple seed and can live for more than a year without feeding. During the day, typical bed bugs in VA or other states hide behind baseboards and pictures, in bed frames, furniture, wallpaper, mattresses, blankets, pillows and sheets. Bed bugs tend to settle in close proximity to their food source humans! They come out at night, attracted by the breath and body heat of their food source. Bed bugs in Washington DC or Maryland can spread from room to room, using clothing and other personal belongings to make their way. Bed bugs often leave itchy, bloody welts on the skin.

Bed bug infestations are on the rise across country and in particular the Washington, DC area. Factors like the proximity to other metropolitan cities like New York, occupational travel and our growing transient population have more than doubled reported cases in our area in the last year. Experts are predicting the number of occurrences will continue to increase in the coming years. If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation we recommend immediately taking action by laundering all bedding, vacuuming the suspected area and scheduling a professional inspection. Our inspectors can confirm an infestation, provide a treatment proposal and arrange to kill bed bugs in MD all in one visit. Bed bug elimination should always be left to a licensed pest control professional. Affordable Pest has the specialized knowledge and equipment to detect and eliminate any bed bug infestation. Call or click to schedule an inspection to kill bed bugs in Virginia or Washington DC today.

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Bed Bug Report for Holiday Inn Washington Capitol, Washington, DC

This is unfortunate, as I had to hear directly from the General Manager (Sheri A. Swain) the very next morning after this incident how the Holiday Inn Capitol cannot and does not pre-treat for bed bugs. The general manager went into elaborate detail as to how and why exterminating/treating for bed bugs in advance can be irritating to guest and how they simple just cant do it. Now according to the Assistant Manager Bed bugs are not a regular occurrence at our hotel because of our aggress

ive pest control program.

I also had to painfully sit and hear from the General Manager, Sheri A. Swain how common bed bugs are now-a-days in our everyday life. The Assistant Manager states we use them (their regular professional pest control company) for any incidents that involve any kind of report of bugs continuing on to say we immediately call the outside extermination company for treatment and we do not sell the room until it is pest free. At one point, accumulating up to 200,000 Priority Club Points, I travel five days out of the week from Maryland to Miami and have my routine of sanitizing and bed-checks every time I check into a room. This is the first time I have found any infestation of Bed Bugs as I did at the Holiday Inn Washington Capital. So evidently Ms. Swain and Ms. Holder, guest reports and Bed Bug infestations ARE common at the Holiday Inn Washington Capital.

I would imagine as any reputable Hotel you would have mattress covers, mattresses, pillows and linens on your Guest Room Cleaning Checklist and this would have been caught before a guest as myself checked into the room. If these line items are on your Guest Room Cleaning Checklist, then it comes down to a lack of associate training and management.

The management team at Holiday Inn Washington Capital can attempt to minimize the situation but the bottom line is they lost a customer and potentially others over this common incident.

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Bed Bug Report for Holiday Inn Washington Capitol, Washington, DC

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